Selected Articles: Will Trump Forego the Summit with Kim?

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North Korea: Is Trump Trying to Back Out of the Singapore Summit in Mid-June 2018?

By Peter Koenig and Press TV, May 23, 2018

US President Donald Trump has blamed Chinese President Xi Jinping for a change in North Korea’s tone following Washington’s landmark overtures with Pyongyang.

The Corbyn Effect

By William Bowles, May 23, 2018

Corbyn’s Phoenix-like rise signifies the last gasp of the old social democratic contract between capital and labour, when the organised working class took a little more of the wealth they created, back via the social contract, not necessarily as money but principally via the social wage; the NHS; public housing, social benefits, greater state regulation of capital, nationalisations, some progressive taxation and so on.

The Gaza Massacre and Israel’s Thriving “Blood Diamond” Economy

By Sean Clinton, May 23, 2018

Last week’s massacre in Gaza would not have happened if organisations which the public rely upon to uphold international human rights standards had done what they are supposed to do and spoken out at an OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains in Paris in April, just days after Israel had, at that stage, gunned down and killed over 30 innocent civilians in Gaza.

Land Rights in South Africa: The Absence of A Sweeping Land Redistribution Program

By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 23, 2018

A recently-held African National Congress (ANC) Land Summit (May 19-20) convened in the Republic of South Africa just several months after the passage of a parliamentary resolution which would theoretically redistribute white-owned farms to the African majority. 

Why Did the US Sabotage President Putin’s Peace Plan for Syria?

By Andrew Korybko, May 23, 2018

Secretary of State Pompeo’s direct and fiery demand earlier this week that Iran withdraw from Syria overshadowed President Putin’s indirect and polite request during last week’s Sochi Summit for the same, thereby putting Syria on the spot in having to publicly deny that any such talks were ongoing in order to “save face”, though the American strategy of sabotaging Russia’s peace plan isn’t as clear-cut as it may seem.

The “Libya Model” Is a Distraction. John Bolton’s Template for Threatening North Korea

By Kim Petersen, May 22, 2018

History tells a tale. After Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi gave up Libya’s nuclear weapons program, he was eventually deposed by NATO bombing in support of rebels who brutally murdered Gaddafi in cold blood. Hillary Clinton gleefully cackled about it afterwards on CBS News.

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