Selected Articles: Wildfires in Syria Used as a Weapon of War

Wildfires in Syria Used as a Weapon of War

By Steven Sahiounie, July 31, 2023

Wildfires broke out on July 25 in Latakia province in northwest Syria and are still burning amid new fires being started. The fires spread quickly by a sudden unusual wind which whipped up. The whole country, and the adjacent Mediterranean region, is in a heat-wave which sets the stage for such a devastating fire burning crops, forests and homes. However, this was not a chance wildfire, but was an act of terrorism.

Seven Reasons Why Russia Dominates in Ukraine

By Drago Bosnic, July 31, 2023

There have been little to no at least somewhat objective assessments of Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine, primarily due to the fact that our newsfeeds are being flooded with an ocean of ludicrous propaganda that only aims to portray Moscow’s forces as supposedly “weak and ineffective”.

“Russia Starves the World.” Italy’s Meloni “Confirms It”. The Causes of Hunger Are Manipulation of Food Prices and Corporate “Land Grabbing”

By Manlio Dinucci, July 31, 2023

The accusation that Russia is starving Africa because it is blocking Ukrainian grain shipments falls in the face of the fact that almost all of the grain sent by Ukraine went to European Union countries, not to poorer nations, to which only two ships out of 87 were sent.  

Putin Issues Stark Warning to Poland and NATO

By Larry Johnson, July 31, 2023

Putin held a video conference on Thursday with members of Russia’s Security Council. I hope folks in the West pay attention to what he said, which is why I’m presenting the entirety of his remarks following a presentation by the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service.

Young Teachers (COVID-19 Vaccinated) Who Died Suddenly During Jan-Feb 2023

By Dr. William Makis, July 31, 2023

In late 2021 and early 2022, teachers were mandated to take COVID-19 vaccines, or they faced losing their jobs and their entire teaching careers. These 15 sudden deaths are just examples of what happened to some of those teachers.

The Ever Widening War. Paul Craig Roberts

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 31, 2023

This report from Larry Johnson demonstrates that my often expressed concern about the ever widening conflict in Ukraine has been correct. Putin is now confronted with a US/Polish plan for Poland to seize Western Ukraine. This would bring Ukraine into NATO and defeat Putin’s goal of demilitarizing Ukraine and maintaining Ukraine as an independent but neutral country.

“Multipolarity and Equality”, Russia-Africa Collaboration and the St Petersburg Summit: Time to Act on Multidimensional Economic Initiatives

By Prof. Maurice Okoli, July 31, 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin invited African leaders and ‘non-Western friends’ to his hometown, St. Petersburg which hosted the second Russia-Africa summit from July 27-28. In the past three years, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has visited several African countries. Lavrov has used the shuttle diplomacy in African capitals to build support and strengthen further political contacts in preparation for the Russia-Africa summit.

Carl Sagan Warned Us About Fauci and “Authoritarian Science”

By Ben Bartee, July 31, 2023

Consider Carl Sagan’s warning here – resurfaced by Jimmy Dore — taken from an interview with Charlie Rose, way before COVID-19 or any of the other permanent technocracy-mediated emergencies emerged.

Bishop Alvarez and the U.S. April 2018 Insurrection Against Nicaragua: An Open Letter to President Lula of Brazil

By Reverend Fred Morris, July 31, 2023

I’m writing to you now about the case of Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, because there is much misinformation about his case being circulated. He is being presented by the North American media as a political prisoner of the Sandinista government. As a Nicaraguan citizen and resident, I can tell you the reality is quite different.

AUSMIN and Assange: The Great Vassal Smackdown

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 31, 2023

It was there for all to see. Embarrassing, cloying, and bound make you cough up the remnants of your summit lunch, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III stopped by one of the vassal states to make sure that the meal and military service was orderly, the troops well behaved, and the weapons working as they should.

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