Selected Articles: WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now

WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now

By Peter Koenig, May 27, 2024

Last night (24 May 2024), in a high-level pre-World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting (17 May-1 June 2024), in Geneva, WHO management and key member country delegates decided to drop the Pandemic Treaty – for now. It would not stand a chance to pass a WHA vote in the coming week. Instead, they decided to discuss at the WHA what to do next.

Washington Attacks Key Element of Russia’s Nuclear Umbrella Threatening Entire Global Nuclear Security Architecture

By Mike Whitney, May 27, 2024

The Biden administration, using its proxy forces in Ukraine, launched an unprecedented attack on “a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella” on Thursday effectively blinding the Russian military from detecting incoming nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

Australia’s Anti-ICC Lobby

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 27, 2024

Throwing caution to the wind, grasping the nettle, and every little smidgen of opportunity, Australia’s opposition leader, Peter Dutton, was thrilled to make a point in the gurgling tumult of the Israel-Hamas war. Israel’s leaders, he surmised, had been hard done by the International Criminal Court’s meddlesome ways.  Best for Australia, he suggested, to cut ties to the body to show its solidarity for Israel.

ICJ Rules Against Israel Saying Rafah Siege Must End Immediately

By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 27, 2024

The initial ruling in January stated that the claims of genocide were plausible and that the Zionist state must take action to end the siege upon Gaza. Since January, thousands more have been killed by the IDF in its ground offensive and aerial strikes against the people of Gaza. Israel is using food and water as a weapon of war where more than 35,000 have been slaughtered over the last seven months.

Assange: Extradition Suspended, Persecution Continues

By Manlio Dinucci, May 27, 2024

The British High Court granted Julian Assange the opportunity to appeal the extradition decision to the United States on May 20. Although it is a victory in the specific judicial process underway, it is necessary to remember that we are faced with a farce trial that has been going on for 5 years, based on the violation of every rule of due process.

Japan’s Most Senior Cancer Doctor: COVID Shots Are ‘Essentially Murder’

By Emily Mangiaracina, May 27, 2024

In an interview published April 19, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there, listed a slew of problems with the COVID mRNA jabs, evidencing what he called an evil “abuse of science.”

Israel Massacres Children, Which the Western Press Says Is Fine

By Caitlin Johnstone, May 27, 2024

Israel has not only completely disregarded the orders of the International Court of Justice to cease its assault on Rafah as we expected it to do, but has actually ramped up its ruthlessness as though trying to make a point. There were reportedly more than 60 Israeli airstrikes on the southernmost city in the Gaza strip in the 48 hours after the ICJ ruling, including a horrifying massacre on a displacement camp full of civilians in tents.

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