Selected Articles: The War on Gaza: The Case for the Only Durable Solution
By , October 07, 2024
If the two-state solution proposed by the Oslo Accords has failed and seems more remote than ever, if not definitely dead 30 years on, isn’t it about time to consider alternatives to the prevailing untenable status quo, or even worse, to endless war?
New German Study: All COVID mRNA Vaccinated Children Are at Increased Risk of Cancer
By , October 07, 2024
I told the 18,000 strong live audience that all children who had COVID-19 mRNA vaccines would have an increased risk of cancer for the rest of their lives. This is the first study that provides scientific evidence to back up that statement.
The Importance of Hezbollah to Lebanon and Beyond
By , October 07, 2024
Opinions on Nasrallah were often divided. He enjoyed wide support among many Lebanese, especially Shia and those in south Lebanon. Much of this relates to how Hezbollah has become a major regional military force, driving Israel out of south Lebanon. Supporters say Lebanon’s south has been able to enjoy two decades of unprecedented peace.
By , October 07, 2024
The proponents of a transhuman AI future are a clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult. With this at the forefront of your mind, ask yourself: do I still want to do business with them? If the answer is ‘No’, then take immediate steps to adopt a lifestyle as diametrically opposite as possible from the one that makes one dependent on both the tools and mindset of their trade.
By , October 05, 2024
Today, more than 2,000 satellites are in orbit, some of which help coordinate military activities on the planet. There are also sophisticated missile defense systems, space communications, command and control war fighting functions, and other technological novelties that aid in the cause of ensuring “victory at all costs!”
By , October 05, 2024
The original October Surprise took place in 1980, when Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager William Caseyconspired with several senior CIA officers in Europe to convince the Iranian government to delay the release of the American Embassy hostages until after the November election against Jimmy Carter.
By , October 05, 2024
The question to whether the Biden regime will keep the US military out of the conflict between Israel and Iran has been answered. High-ranking officials in Washington in collaboration with Tel Aviv have been setting the stage to prepare for an all-out war against Iran and its allies despite the impact it will have on a global scale.