Selected Articles: Usury: The Crime of the Ages. “Bankers’ Greed”
Usury: The Crime of the Ages. “Bankers’ Greed”
By , May 22, 2024
When usury became widespread after 1500, citizens gradually lost all their rights and their human sanctity when they became debtors to the money lenders and were legally mere chattel whose entire well-being, and even their lives (debtors prisons), were sacrificed to the bankers’ greed.
WEF’s Klaus Schwab Steps Back. What Does It Mean? Peter Koenig
By , May 23, 2024
As Schwab boasted on several occasions, “We are proud having been able to infiltrate Governments around the world with our Young Global Leaders (YGL)”. To mention just a few, Gates (Schwab protégé and international vaxx czar), Merckel (Germany), Trudeau (Canada), Macron (France), Rutte (Dutch), Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand – and many more.
Fire in the Soul: Nick Lyons: “Fire in the Straw, Notes on Inventing a Life”. Edward Curtin
By , May 23, 2024
So let me tell you about my old friend Nick Lyons whom I’ve never met or talked to. Sometimes a friendship is forged unbeknownst to the friends. Lives that have intersected without meeting. I heard about his writing on fly fishing when I was reading something my forgettery has gratefully forgotten. Forgetting is a lost art.
UN General Assembly Ignores a Real Genocide in Jasenovac to Highlight a Phony One in Srebrenica
By , May 23, 2024
A serious attempt is being made at the level of the United Nations to blank out the genocide that occurred in Croatia from 1941 to 1945, during World War II. That genocide is the subject matter of this conference. The suppression of that event from public awareness is being done perfidiously.
Did the Dulles Brothers Seal Our Fate?
By , May 22, 2024
The “Soviet Threat” which became Washington’s foreign policy mindset was a self-serving creation of Allen and John Foster Dulles. The consequences of their creation and its recreation by the US neoconservatives await us unaddressed.
The Pashinyan Regime Now Uses Armenians as Guinea Pigs for Pentagon’s Bioweapons
By , May 22, 2024
Armenian media outlets report that the epidemiological situation in the country has deteriorated drastically due to American involvement. At least 786 people have been infected as a result of the measles outbreak. The Pashinyan regime refuses to disclose any information about this controversy.
From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech
By , May 22, 2024
The police state does not want citizens who know their rights. Nor does the police state want citizens prepared to exercise those rights. This year’s graduates are a prime example of this master class in compliance.