Selected Articles: US Intervention in Venezuela?

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Video: Idlib Demilitarization Zone Agreement Reaches Its First Deadline

By South Front, October 16, 2018

On October 15, a first deadline in the roadmap for implementation of the Idlib demilitarization agreement passed. According to this agreement, militant groups had to withdraw all their heavy weaponry and equipment from the declared 15-20km deep zone and halt any actions against Syrian government forces.

Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank Have Indelible Links to Greek Financial Crisis

By JD Mangan, October 16, 2018

These are the degrees to which Goldman Sachs is responsible for Greece’s current woes and the highly indebted status of Deutsche Bank.

The Tyranny of Fashion: Shredding Banksy

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 16, 2018

When Banksy’s Girl with Balloon was shredded at Sotheby’s (a sort of art styled seppuku), it was subsequently, and all too quickly, transformed into Love is in the Bin.  Technicians in the room did not seem too fussed by the occurrence, and diligently went about their business of retouching the new piece for the market amidst nervous laughter and much tittering.

American Media Seeks to Poison US-Russian Cooperation in Space

By Ulson Gunnar, October 16, 2018

After a string of suspicious incidents involving Russia’s venerable Soyuz rocket system, several prominent American newspapers have attempted to poison the last remaining area of significant cooperation between Russia and the United States.


Why Is the CBC Lying About Venezuela? Trudeau Government Favors US Intervention

By Alison Bodine, October 15, 2018

Disaster. Crisis. Once oil-rich nation. This is the go-to rhetoric of the government of Canada, and now also, of the CBC  which is nothing but a mouthpiece of the government when it comes to their so-called reporting about the country of Venezuela.

The United States Did It Again: Its Warplanes Use White Phosphorous Munitions in Syria

By Peter Korzun, October 15, 2018

The US-led coalition used white phosphorus (WP) munitions while delivering air strikes against the Syrian province of Deir Ez-Zor on Oct. 13. The attack resulted in civilian casualties. Last month, WP munitions were also used by two US Air Force (USAF) F-15s in an attack on the town of Hajin in Deir-ez-Zor.


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