Selected Articles: Uncovering the Corona Narrative: Was Everything Carefully Planned?
Uncovering the Corona Narrative: Was Everything Carefully Planned? Analysis by Ernst Wolff
, January 06, 2022The current situation we find ourselves in is unique in the history of mankind. Never before has the whole world been thrown under the rule of this type of coercive regime as we are experiencing now. And never have so many measures been taken which at first glance appears so unintelligible, partly so nonsensical, and in many cases, so contradictory.
Narrative and Reality of the Libyan Crisis
, January 06, 2022NATO expresses concern over the crisis in Libya, which “has direct implications for regional stability and the security of all Allies.” It therefore assures that it “remains committed to providing Libya with defense and security advice”.
, January 06, 2022While the Chinese authorities announced TWO YEARS AGO on January 7, 2020 that they had isolated and identified “a new type of virus” no details were provided. Then on the 28th of January 2020, the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the novela corona virus had been isolated.
Living in Epoch-Defining Times: Food, Agriculture and the New World Order
, January 06, 2022Farmerless farms manned by driverless machines, monitored by drones and doused with chemicals to produce commodity crops from patented genetically engineered seeds for industrial ‘biomatter’ to be processed and constituted into something resembling food.
The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide Turning? “A Rapid General Awakening”?
, January 06, 2022Early indications are that the tide may be turning, that “peak-covid tyranny” may have been reached. Going into 2022 under these new apparent signs could mean a rapid general awakening, to the point of reaching a critical mass of people who start doubting the going billion-dollar propagated narrative. That would be good. It’s never too late.
, January 06, 2022On November 23, 2021, the WHO did a Facebook post claiming the vaccines side-effects are mild. You’d never guess that from the 45,000 comments they received–all negative.
, January 06, 2022A group of 57 leading scientists, doctors and policy experts has released a report calling in to question the safety and efficacy of the current COVID-19 vaccines and are now calling for an immediate end to all vaccine programs. We urge you to read and share this damning report.
Radioactive Contamination: Japan Plans to Dump Water from Fukushima Plant into the Pacific Ocean
, January 06, 2022People in coastal communities in Japan, joined by voices from around the world, denounced a new governmental plan to dump contaminated water from the site of the Fukushima nuclear disaster into the Pacific Ocean.
“Fabricated War on Terrorism”: Pentagon Drone Attacks Killed Many Innocent People with Impunity
, January 06, 2022A frontpage New York Times Magazine report on Sunday January 2 revealed in chilling details the systematic targeting of peoples in territories where the United States government had declared a frontline battlefield against its fabricated “war on terrorism.”
, January 06, 2022If the public had been informed and reassured that Covid is (according to the WHO definition) “Similar to Seasonal Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat. The lockdown and closure of the national economy would have been rejected outright.