Selected Articles: The Ukraine Sacrifice – Kursk Invasion Hastens Ukraine Defeat

The Ukraine Sacrifice – Kursk Invasion Hastens Ukraine Defeat, Boris Johnson’s Disastrous Legacy, War Crimes in Kursk

By Rodney Atkinson, September 09, 2024

Up to a million Ukrainians are now killed or wounded in the futile war. The 20 year long attack on Ukraine by the West, overturning elected governments, using the country as a battering ram to bring about “regime change in Moscow” and “break up Russia” has been a catastrophe for the people of Ukraine.

The Hidden Face of War. NATO-Sponsored War Professionals in Russian Region of Kursk. Manlio Dinucci

By Manlio Dinucci, September 10, 2024

The Ukrainian armed forces are not only armed and trained by the US and NATO, but that US-NATO military companies and special forces operate directly in the theatre of war in command and management roles of sophisticated weaponry, such as long-range missiles and drones, for the use of which military satellite networks are needed, which Ukraine does not have.

The U.S. Has Been at War in Yemen for 20 Years, But Houthis Can Still Choke the Red Sea

By Nick Turse, September 10, 2024

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi Rebels attacked two oil tankers in the Red Sea on Monday with ballistic missiles and a one-way attack drone, according to U.S. Central Command, which characterized the strikes as “reckless acts of terrorism.” 

Magnesium 101 — A Comprehensive Guide to Its Health Benefits

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 10, 2024

There’s growing interest in magnesium, and the discourse about it has skyrocketed in recent years. An article published in Vogue says that social media is partly responsible for the renewed interest in this nutrient, with various videos promoting it as a “miracle mineral” with a wide array of health benefits.

World War III Is On But the Empire Has Already Lost

By Richard C. Cook, September 09, 2024

We have seen many dire warnings that the crises in Ukraine and the Middle East risk escalation into World War III, a war between the U.S. and its “allies” vs. Russia, Iran, and China (RIC), three nations labeled officially by U.S. military propaganda as “threats” or “adversaries.” Not far behind on the hit list are North Korea, Venezuela, and a host of fence-sitting nations from the “Global South.”

CNN Shared a Glimpse of Just How Bad Everything Has Become for Ukraine

By Andrew Korybko, September 09, 2024

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are in the midst of converging crises caused by the failed counteroffensive, the forcible conscription policy, and Zelensky’s Kursk blunder, which are leading to more desertions, defeats, and ultimately more desperation.

Africa Continues Being Colonized by the West

By Peter Koenig, September 09, 2024

More than 60 years ago, Africa gained supposedly her independence from the different Western colonial powers. However, Africa is to this day not free. Africa continues to be colonized by the same Western colonizers, plus all the different so-called development institutions they have created after WWII – just before the so-called liberation movement.

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