Selected Articles: Transcending COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis Deceptions

Transcending COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis Deceptions

By Mark Keenan, April 13, 2022

Manmade climate change is nothing more than UN, WEF and EU promoted non-evidence-based propaganda. I am a signatory of the Climate Intelligence Group European Climate Declaration, a declaration that has been signed by 1,000 scientists in climate and related fields, that asserts “the proclaimed climate crisis exists in computer models only”.

The “China Threat” and the Solomon Islands

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 14, 2022

In a quick visit to Honiara to have discussions with Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, Seselja stated that Australia remained dedicated to supporting the security needs of the Solomon Islands, and would do so “swiftly, transparently and with full respect for its sovereignty”.  The Pacific country remained a friend, part of the “Pacific family”.

Video: Canada PM Justin Trudeau Seeking to Forcibly Silence News Outlet

By Tucker Carlson and Ezra Levant, April 14, 2022

Rebel News founder Ezra Levant speaks out to Tucker after government denies newly-created journalism ‘license’.

Mainstream Media

How the U.S. Regime Lies About Its Lying

By Eric Zuesse, April 13, 2022

The U.S. regime (including its ‘news’-media) don’t lie only about what is happening, but also about their lies about what their lying; and, in this, they might exceed even what Hitler’s propaganda-chief Joseph Goebbels managed to achieve during the 1930s and 40s.

Bang, Bang, Bang—Terrifying Here; Heroic Over There. More Weapons for Ukraine vs. Mass Shootings in NYC

By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 13, 2022

New Yorkers and many Americans across the country are staggered by today’s subway shootings. It’s like a film, or a news item from the new European ‘theater of war’. Am I alone in seeing the connection between the urging of Americans for more weapons for fighters in Ukraine, an unprecedented budget for the Pentagon and gun violence in U.S. neighborhoods?

Ukraine: Bucha “False Flag” Falling Apart: “International Community” Calling ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan … No Response

By Stephen Karganovic, April 13, 2022

The Bucha false flag scenario is inexorably falling apart just days after it was noisily launched. Not tarrying far behind the “international community” political clowns, whose boiler plate “assessments” of what supposedly happened hit the airwaves within an hour of the alleged occurrence, the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague also made it known that it was interested in the case.

The Collapse of America: Distant Early Warning Signs of Uncle Sam’s Demise. Andrei Martyanov.

By Michael Welch, April 13, 2022

In the previous instalment of this two part series, we painted a portrait of an American Empire that was constantly failing in its military engagements in, really, all of its pursuits, from Afghanistan and Iraq, to Libya and Syria, to Venezuela, Bolivia and even the crucial flash-point now in Ukraine. In a nutshell, the U.S. has lost ground in every military venture it pursued since the turn of the century.

Video: New Documentary: Watch the Water

By Stew Peters, Nicholas Stumphauzer, and Lauren Witzke, April 13, 2022

How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

The Pimps of War: Chris Hedges

By Chris Hedges, April 13, 2022

The unaccountable coterie of neocons and liberal interventionists who orchestrated two decades of military fiascos in the Middle East are now stoking a suicidal war with Russia. The same cabal of warmongering pundits, foreign policy specialists and government officials, year after year, debacle after debacle, smugly dodge responsibility for the military fiascos they orchestrate.

Epidemic: German and Austrian Mayors Under 60 Are ‘Suddenly and Unexpectedly’ Dropping Dead

By Amy Mek, April 13, 2022

Since December 2020, many sudden and unexpected deaths of mayors under 60 years old have occurred in Germany and Austria. Questions are swirling about whether these elected officials were overwhelmed by job stress, or could there be another reason for so many “fit and healthy” politicians dying?

NATO Admits It Wants ‘Ukrainians to Keep Dying’ to Bleed Russia, Not Peace

By Ben Norton, April 13, 2022

In a shockingly blunt admission, The Washington Post acknowledged that some NATO member states want “Ukrainians to keep fighting, and dying” in order to prevent Russia from making political gains. In an April 5 report on peace talks between Ukraine and Russia, the major US newspaper disclosed that NATO is afraid that Kiev may give in to some of Moscow’s demands.

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