Selected Articles: Towards Another Devastating Worldwide Crisis? The WEF’s “Cyber Attack With Covid-like Characteristics”.
The Medical Profession Implodes
, December 14, 2021In “normal” times, the practice of medicine has many challenges, some from within and some from outside the profession. If you let it, much of your daily practice follows specialty guidelines, insurance company criteria, hospital formularies, and other annoyances. None of those entities have any liability when it comes to our patients.
, December 14, 2021The World Economic Forum (WEF) which co-sponsored Event 201, the table top simulation of the corona pandemic together with John Hopkins and the Gates Foundation in October 2019, has been involved in another strategic exercise entitled Concept 2021.
, December 14, 2021In a miserable travesty of justice which is actually no surprise in our decayed western civilization – or rather non-civilization, Julian Assange is about to be extradited to the United States from the UK’s most notorious Maximum-Security Prison, Belmarsh.
There Comes a Time When There Is No Alternative to Fighting for Your Life and Liberty
, December 14, 2021Fauci’s one man control through NIH, the Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust gives him control over 57 percent of worldwide medical research, thus solidifying his personal control over the Covid narrative.
High-vaxxed Vermont Releases Numbers… and We Have Questions
, December 14, 2021The bottom line from this data: the CFR of fully vaccinated individuals in Vermont is significantly higher than national numbers and the CFR for unvaxxed. This probably should be a warning to reset expectations for vaccination performance but also problems with stats across the country.
A Desperate Cry for Help: Austria’s Plans for Criminalisation of the Unvaccinated
, December 14, 2021I have been sent this video, which is one young Austrian man’s horrifying account of exactly what is planned for the unvaccinated in his country. It is a desperate plea for our help to bring international pressure to bear on his government.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: A Speech to Move Mountains Aimed at Physicians, Lawyers and Anyone with a Soul
, December 14, 2021Physicians who participate in the vaccination program: search for the truth in your souls. Are you acting out of conviction? Have you attempted to weigh out the evidence for and against the administration of the gene-based agents?
Video: The US Is Getting the Public Accustomed to the “Idea” of War with China
, December 14, 2021It is becoming increasingly obvious that US propaganda aimed at demonizing China and poisoning the world against serves to set up a long-discussed limited, conventional conflict waged along China’s shores to cripple its economy and prevent it from surpassing the West irreversibly.
Vaccines Pose 7 Times Higher Death Risk than COVID for Young People, Japanese Experts Warn
, December 14, 2021A review in the most recent issue of Med Check, a bimonthly bulletin published by the Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance (NOPJIP) as a member of the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB), found that the death risk of the jabs may even be as high as 40 times greater for young people.
Unvaxxed in Austria Could be Imprisoned for a Year
, December 14, 2021People in Austria who remain unvaccinated could find themselves imprisoned for a year, according to critics of an amendment to an administrative law. Susanne Fürst of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), which voted against the amendment, warned that it could be used to punish the unjabbed with much harsher sentences.
The Christmas Baby Born in a Police State: Then and Now
, December 14, 2021The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a census be conducted. Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary traveled to the little town of Bethlehem so that they could be counted. There being no room for the couple at any of the inns, they stayed in a stable (a barn), where Mary gave birth to a baby boy, Jesus.
“Every Option Is on the Table”: US Prepping for Libya-Style Intervention in Ethiopia
, December 14, 2021Amid a bloody civil conflict and increasing great-power competition between the United States and China, there are a number of alarming signs that Ethiopia will become the next Libya – an African nation where the U.S. intervenes militarily under the pretext of stopping an impending genocide.