Selected Articles: The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic

“Defender Europe 21”: The US Militarization of the Balkans. A Threat Against Russia and Serbia?

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 02 2021

24 March 2021 marks the commemoration of the illegal US-NATO war of aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In a bitter irony, a few days prior to March 24th, reports confirmed that the US army and NATO are once again beating the drums of war near the Russian border as well as in and around Serbia.

The Pending Collapse of the ‘Rules-based International Order’ Is an Existential Threat to the United States

By Scott Ritter, April 01 2021

For decades, America styled itself the ‘indispensable nation’ that led the world & it’s now seeking to sustain that role by emphasizing a new Cold War-style battle against ‘authoritarianism’. But it’s a dangerous fantasy.

By Dr. Mike Yeadon, April 02 2021

In Spring 2020 a novel coronavirus swept across the world: novel, but related to other viruses. In the UK, unknown at the time, around 50% of the population were already immune.

Tanzania’s Late President Magufuli: ‘Science Denier’ or Threat to Empire?

By Jeremy Loffredo and Whitney Webb, April 02 2021

While his COVID-19 policies have dominated media coverage regarding his disappearance and suspicious death, Tanzania’s John Magufuli was hated by the Western elites for much more than his rebuke of lockdowns and mask mandates.

Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

By Doctors for COVID Ethics, April 01 2021

A group of scientists and doctors has today issued an open letter calling on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to answer urgent safety questions regarding COVID-19 vaccines, or withdraw the vaccines’ authorisation.

Belgium Must Lift ‘All COVID-19 Measures’ within 30 Days, Brussels Court Rules

By Maïthé Chini and Lauren Walker, April 02 2021

The Belgian State has been ordered to lift “all coronavirus measures” within 30 days, as the legal basis for them is insufficient, a Brussels court ruled on Wednesday.

Human Rights for Children: Beyond a Crime, Worldwide: The Immoral, Destructive Impacts of the Covid Measures on Our Children

By Peter Koenig, April 02 2021

What the absurd COVID measures do to the world is a crime but what they are doing to children is beyond a crime; it is totally immoral, destructive for our powerless children, and for the future of these children, as well as for society as a whole, as children are our societies’ future.

Syndrome of Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia Occurring after Coronavirus Vaccination

By British Society for Haematology, April 02 2021

An expert team of our peers have recently been involved in diagnosing and managing a rare syndrome of thrombosis associated with low platelets which have been reported in a few cases.

‘What Other Country Would Do this to Its People?’ Cambodian Land Grab Victims Seek International Justice

By Gerald Flynn and Phoung Vantha, April 02 2021

“It started when some people from the government came around the community telling us that we were illegally occupying the land,” Chhae Kimsrour said in June 2020. “I’ve lived here since 1995, but six months later they came back and started filling in my lake. They said it was their land now”

GM Waxy Maize: The Gene-Edited Trojan Horse Is Moving Through the Gates

By Grain, April 02 2021

At least five countries– Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile and the US– have approved a variety of maize genetically modified (GM) with a genome editing technique called CRISPR, without subjecting the crop to the risk assessments and regulations for GM crops. Other countries could soon follow.

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