Selected Articles: The History of US and British Support to Mussolini’s Fascism
“What Happened at the Capitol Could Not Happen Unless Police Allowed It to Happen”
, January 14 2021Janine Jackson interviewed the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund’s Mara Verheyden-Hilliard on police responsibility for the January 6 insurrection for the January 8, 2021.
The Pentagon, Corporations and Slave Labor in U.S. Prisons
, January 14 2021It is not only federal prisons that contract out prison labor to top corporations. State prisons that used forced prison labor in plantations, laundries and highway chain gangs increasingly seek to sell prison labor to corporations trolling the globe in search of the cheapest possible labor.
No One Is Listening: A Country Divided Against Itself
, January 14 2021The U.S. may morph into two nations with the increasingly impoverished helot “deplorables” under the heel of the empowered social justice warriors.
The History of US and British Support to Mussolini’s Fascism
, January 14 2021Mussolini’s coup was described by the onlooking US ambassador to Italy, Richard Washburn Child, as “a fine young revolution here. No danger, plenty of enthusiasm and colour. We all enjoy it”.
Trump Impeached Again, Nearly Half the Country Opposed
, January 14 2021There’s no ambiguity about Trump’s legion of supporters. On average, polls show that nearly half of voting-age Americans oppose impeaching Trump and removing him from office.
Can China Lead a World Economic Recovery?
, January 14 2021Predictions that China would once again, as it did in 2008, lead the rest of the world, especially the EU and North America, out of deep recession are common. Yet behind the official Beijing statements there are indications that China’s decades of economic boom are coming into deep problems.
9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail
, January 14 20219/11 opened the gates to the Patriot Act, whose core had already been written way back in 1994 by one Joe Biden. 1/6 opens the gate to the War on Domestic Terror and the Patriot Act from Hell, 2.0, on steroids (here is the 2019 draft ), the full 20,000 pages casually springing up from the sea like Venus, the day after, immediately ready to roll.
, January 14 2021In 1973, Dr. D. L. Rosenhan, a professor of psychology and law at Stanford University, published a ground-breaking psychiatric study in the January 19 issue of Science magazine. The article exposed a serious short-coming in the psychiatric hospital system at the time.
International Support Continues for Protesting Farmers in India
, January 14 2021On 5 January, British MP Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi wrote a letter to Boris Johnson urging him to convey to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi the “heartfelt anxieties” of MPs’ constituents (many emanating from Punjab) regarding the treatment of protesting farmers in India.
, January 14 2021Animal protection campaigners have called for the urgent closure of gaping loopholes in EU wildlife trade regulations that fail to prevent the trafficking of protected wild species.