Selected Articles: The Covid Outbreak: “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century.”
The Covid Outbreak: “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century.” Report by 1500 Health Professionals
, February 25 2021We are health professionals of the international collective : United Health Professionals, composed of more than 1,500 members (including professors of medicine, intensive care physicians and infectious disease specialists) from different countries of Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania.
The Pine-eyed Boy Escapes from the Belly of the Dark Night in the Fish’s Tale
, February 25 2021We are now living in a world where freedom’s flashing lightning bolts have been replaced by dim grim grimaces of widespread depression and resignation as the shroud of solicitous neofascism descends on much of the world.
Scientists Show COVID Tests Are ‘Useless’, Are Based on ‘Flawed Science’
, February 25 2021The original scientific paper establishing RT-PCR tests as the way to identify COVID-19 in individuals, thus fueling the lockdowns across the globe, has been thoroughly debunked by scientists, who call the tests “useless” and “completely unsuitable” to find COVID-19.
Lets Us Put an End to the Corona Pandemic Hoax: We Are Victims and Perpetrators at the Same Time
, February 25 2021“There exists an unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It is outrageous, this is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting society.” This is what top Canadian pathologist and virologist Dr Roger Hodkinson told Canadian government officials about Corona back in late November 2020.
Democrats Ask Biden to Surrender Keys on Nuclear Weapons Launches
, February 25 2021House Democrats have asked President Joe Biden to give other officials the authority to launch nuclear weapons, an action which he currently has sole authority to do.
Is the Virus “Variant” Being Used to Scare People into Getting Vaccinated?
, February 25 2021Is this new mutation, called the “variant”, really as deadly as it’s cracked up to be or is the media conjuring up another Covid hobgoblin to scare the public into getting vaccinated?
, February 25 2021Today, February 24, 72 organizations and 700 individuals published an open letter calling for the Biden administration to end its illegal and destructive intervention in Haiti.
Synthetic mRNA COVID Vaccines: A Risk-Benefit Analysis
, February 25 2021With a “vaccine” based on untested technology, and safety trials still ongoing, is it safe to take the shot? And does it even work? And does a disease with an IFR of 0.2% even justify that risk?
US Destroys Anti-fascist Forces, Stalin’s Failed Efforts to Align with West
, February 25 2021On 18 March 1938 Stalin proposed that Britain and France join the USSR in a conference to enforce collective security. This offer, a potential forerunner to a Franco-British-Russo alliance aimed at Hitler, was rejected.
Unrelenting, Omnipresent Covid Fear “Short Circuits the Human Brain”
, February 25 2021As we rapidly approach the one year anniversary of Covid madness I’ll freely admit I’ve been shocked by the millions upon millions of American’s who appear so traumatized they are unable to think clearly.
, February 25 2021Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador quietly rocked the agribusiness world with his New Year’s Eve decree to phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate and the cultivation of genetically modified corn.
The Empty Promise of Western-Style “Equality” and “Democracy”
, February 25 2021