Selected Articles: Remote Control of the Human Brain, Crowd Control Technologies. High Risk AI Systems

Remote Control of the Human Brain, Crowd Control Technologies. High Risk AI Systems. Can We Preserve Democracy and Human Rights? Mojmir Babacek

By Mojmir Babacek, September 12, 2024

In the 1990’s, the USA were constructing the radar system HAARP, which according to the book by Nick Begich and Jeanne Maning “Angels Don’t Play this HAARP”, can be used to control the activity of human brains in large areas of the planet.

Why So Much Media Attention for Venezuela? “Elected” vs. “Unelected” Presidents Latin America. Violent Regime Change

By Marc Vandepitte, September 12, 2024

Today, the news reports that opposition leader Edmundo González has fled to Spain after an arrest warrant. A lot is being kept quiet about this. For example, the far-right – another ‘detail’ which the media modestly keep quiet about – González was the only one of the nine opposition candidates who refused in advance to recognize the results of the elections. 

Protecting the Merchants of Death: The Australian Police Effort for Land Forces 2024

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 12, 2024

The area between Spencer Street Bridge and the Batman Park-Spencer Street tram stop. Heavily armed police, with glinting face coverings and shields, had seized and blocked the bridge over the course of the morning, preventing all traffic from transiting through it.  Behind them stood second tier personnel, lightly armed. Then, barricades, followed by horse mounted police. 

EU Complicity in Israel’s Genocidal War on Gaza

By Niamh NÍ Bhriain, September 12, 2024

Following the 7 October attacks, European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen posted an image of the EC headquarters in Brussels lit up in the Israeli flag declaring ‘Israel has a right to defend itself – today and in the days to come. The European Union stands with Israel’. This signalled EU approval for Israel to begin its military campaign in Gaza. In the first 24 hours 400 Palestinians were killed. 

Viktor Orban’s Latest Ceasefire Proposal “Won’t Amount to Anything for Now”. Diplomatic Dialogue Followed by a Ceasefire

By Andrew Korybko, September 11, 2024

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told the press during his trip to Italy that “communication is number one, followed by a ceasefire, and only after that can we start talks about a peace agreement” between Russia and Ukraine.

China-Africa Summit Enhances Relations to the Level of “Strategic Partnership”

By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 11, 2024

Between September 4-6, African heads-of-state, foreign ministers, journalists and members of civil society engaged with their Chinese counterparts in following through on existing programs while creating new ones. A host of bilateral meetings involving Chinese President Xi Jinping and African leaders resulted in pledges of more than $US50 billion in investments.

Ten Bush-Bin Laden Connections That Raised a Few Eyebrows. “Terrorism Is Good for Business”?

By Marcus Lowth, September 11, 2024

The Bush and bin Laden families have a long history of business dealings, while Osama himself apparently did a complete about-face, as he once collected his paycheck from the CIA, working on behalf of the United States and their interests. While some of the following links between the Bushes and the bin Ladens are likely to be mere coincidences, they are intriguing, to say the very least.

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