Selected Articles: Obama’s Second Illegal War on Libya


Obama’s Second Illegal War on Libya. Record of US-NATO War Crimes and Destruction

By Stephen Lendman, August 04 2016

In 2011, he and then secretary of state Hillary Clinton bore full responsibility for the rape and destruction of Libya, transforming Africa’s most developed country into a cauldron of endless violence, instability, turmoil and unspeakable human suffering – the aftermath of all US imperial wars.


U.S. Says New Bombing Campaign Against ISIS in Libya Has No “End Point at this Particular Moment”

By Alex Emmons, August 04 2016

The U.S. launched a major new military campaign against ISIS on Monday when U.S. planes bombed targets in Libya, responding to requests from the U.N.-backed Libyan government. Strikes took place in the coastal town of Sirte, which ISIS took in June of last year. The strikes represent a significant escalation in the U.S. war against ISIS, spreading the conflict thousands of miles from the warzones in Syria and Iraq.


Canada Supports Syria’s “Moderate” Terrorists, Endorses Saudi Arabia

By Mark Taliano, August 04 2016

As Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dances and sways to the music and jubilation of Vancouver’s gay pride parade, many Canadians swell with pride, secure in the knowledge that we represent freedom, generosity of spirit, and cultural/religious pluralism.  Surely, we possess all the attributes of a mature, democratic society. Nothing could be further from the truth.


America’s Oligarchs Support Hillary Clinton Almost Unanimously

By Eric Zuesse, August 04 2016

The results are already in, even before the official campaign-finance final figures will become available after the election. Though a large percentage of the people funding the campaign advertising will never be made public — due to recent Supreme Court decisions allowing “dark money” — data already exist on the final product of the campaigns (including both the above-board and the dark money), which is the booked advertising time for each of the two candidates at the start of their campaigns.


Terrorism, Mental Health and the London Knife Attack

BDr. Binoy Kampmark, August 04 2016

How quick one judges.  The warning about taking the draught of knowledge deeply, as opposed to a shallow sip, before assuming all is clear, should be borne in mind.  A knife attack in London’s Russell Square by a nineteen-year old youth, leaving five injured and one fatality, becomes an instant magnet for terrorist assumptions and a rampant phenomenon.  (True, it was terrifying for those attacked, but an act of terrorism?)

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