Selected Articles: Nuclear Euromissiles Are Back
, November 20 2020A few days ago, on November 6, Lockheed Martin (the same company that produces the F-35s) signed a first $ 340 million contract with the US Army for the production of medium-range missiles, including those armed with nuclear warheads, designed to be installed in Europe.
A New Era for Nuclear Disarmament
, November 20 2020The treaty outlaws the use or threat to use nuclear arms, and bars signatories from allowing “any stationing, installation or deployment of any nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices” on their territory. The U.S. is putting pressure on its allies not to sign this groundbreaking treaty.
Video: Senate Hearing on COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment
, November 20 2020The media has consistently suppressed the three top experts in early outpatient treatment of Covid. (They each have hundreds of peer-reviewed medical publications in top journals, over time.) Testimony includes the fact that Asia and Africa are on top of the Covid-19 problem. It’s only the West that is dominated by criminal lies from its presstitute media.
Leading COVID Vaccine Candidates Plagued by Safety Concerns
, November 20 2020“It works!” trumpeted the normally stoic Nature journal about Pfizer’s early release results in a Phase III trial of its vaccine for COVID-19. Pfizer stated the vaccine was 90% effective when trial participants were exposed to SARS CoV-2, the virus said to cause COVID-19 symptoms. Not so fast.
Pfizer CEO Sells Stock Same Day Positive Results of COVID-19 Vaccine Announced
, November 20 2020Pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc. announced on Nov. 9, 2020 that ongoing Phase 3 clinical trial of its COVID-19 mRNA vaccine candidate suggests the vaccine may be 90 percent effective in preventing infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The news sent Pfizer’s stock price surging to a high of $41.99 per share and earned CEO Albert Bourla $5.6 million.
Declassify America’s Dirty Secrets in Syria to Stop a Biden War
, November 20 2020How many Syrians did you vote to kill on Election Day? Thanks to our perverse political system, the answer will be revealed over the next four years if the Biden administration drags the U.S. back into the Syrian Civil War. But there are steps that Trump can take in his final months in office to deter such follies.
, November 20 2020The US-led Coalition has released to Airwars the near coordinates of almost all confirmed or ‘Credible’ civilian harm events in Iraq and Syria in the long war against so-called Islamic State, allowing for the first time the accurate locating of 341 confirmed incidents and almost 1,400 civilian deaths since 2014.
“Biden’s America” Will Continue Pressure on Iran
, November 20 2020There is a major misconception that the previous administration of former US President Barack Obama and then Vice President Joe Biden – had somehow sought to resolve US-Iranian tensions and offer Iran an opportunity to escape out from under decades of economic sanctions imposed by one US administration after another.
Ten Foreign Policy Fiascos Biden Can Fix on Day One
, November 20 2020The authors of this article put forth ten important foreign policy objectives. The fundamental question is whether a Biden/ Harris administration will “set the stage for a broader progressive foreign policy”.
, November 20 2020Since Iran ended a generation of US/UK-installed fascist tyranny in 1979, both wings of US duopoly rule waged dirty war on the country and its people by other means. They stopped short of attacking Iranian territory militarily. Will US hardliners reverse this policy ahead? Will they do what no previous regime in Washington did before?
Plastic Entangling, Choking 1,800 Marine Animals in U.S. Waters
, November 20 2020In a report released today, Oceana reveals for the first time the available data on marine mammals and sea turtles swallowing or becoming entangled in plastic in U.S. waters.