Selected Articles: John Lennon at 80, One Man Against the Deep State ‘Monster’
Trump Needs Accomplices at Every Level of Government to Pull Off a Coup
, October 06 2020The Trump campaign is mobilizing “an army for Trump,” calling on “all able-bodied men and women to stop the election from being stolen by Democrats.” Although it’s unclear just what this army is being recruited to do, a coalition of progressive organizations has mobilized more than 6,000 “election defenders.”
Julian Assange’s Extradition Hearing: The Only Just Outcome Is His Freedom
, October 06 2020Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing
, October 06 2020“A group is suing Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum and Tulsa Health Department Executive Director Bruce Dart, saying the city’s mask mandate is harmful to healthy people,” reports Activist Post. The group includes business owners and two doctors.
Billionaires’ Media: The Smearing of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
, October 06 2020Israel Lobby Will Face Blowback, Eventually
, October 06 2020The ruthlessness of the Israel lobby is remarkable. Recently they’ve convinced Zoom to cancel a university sponsored talk, a prominent law program to rescind a job offer, a public broadcaster to apologize for using the word Palestine and companies to stop delivering for a restaurant.
Towards a New Gold Standard? Or a Currency War with China?
, October 06 2020Rumors have it that the remaining months of 2020 may bring explosive changes in the world’s financial system. But such “doomsday” rumors have been floating around during the last few years. Why? – The US dollar is getting weaker and weaker.
“Material Ecology”: Neri Oxman at the New York Museum of Modern Art
, October 06 2020As Oxman observes, “The group considers all living creatures as equals.” The aim is “to shift human-centric design to a design culture focused on conserving, improving and augmenting the natural environment through novel technological developments.”
Cuba: A Model for Healthcare Reform from a Surprising Place
, October 06 2020Cuba is widely regarded by Americans as an impoverished “Third World” nation. Yet, Fitz’s Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution describes how Cuba’s approach to healthcare during the six decades since the 1959 revolution has produced rather extraordinary results.
Japan’s Economy of the Post-Abe Era. Powerless Fiscal and Monetary Policy
, October 06 2020The huge negative impact of the corona-virus crisis on the Japanese economy is difficult to estimate at this moment. However, it could hurt severely the economy which had barely survived the decades-long stagflation. Thus, Suga is facing very challenging task of saving the economy he has inherited.
John Lennon at 80: One Man Against the Deep State ‘Monster’
, October 06 2020“You gotta remember, establishment, it’s just a name for evil. The monster doesn’t care whether it kills all the students or whether there’s a revolution. It’s not thinking logically, it’s out of control.”—John Lennon (1969). John Lennon was a musical genius and pop cultural icon.