Selected Articles: India, COVID and the Need for Scientific Integrity Not Sensationalism
India, COVID and the Need for Scientific Integrity Not Sensationalism
, May 04, 2021In his report, Tengra offers scientific evidence that strongly indicates asymptomatic transmission is not significant. He asserts that as these cases comprise most of India’s case numbers, we should be questioning the data as well as the PCR tests and the cycles being used to detect the virus instead of accepting the figures at face value.
From Mind Control to Viruses: How the US Government Keeps Experimenting on Its Citizens
, May 04, 2021Fifty years from now, we may well find out the whole sordid truth behind this COVID-19 pandemic. However, this isn’t intended to be a debate over whether COVID-19 is a legitimate health crisis or a manufactured threat. It is merely to acknowledge that such crises can—and are—manipulated by governments in order to expand their powers.
, May 03, 2021The Director of National Intelligence has ostensibly created a new “center” for the sharing and analysis of information and intelligence about foreign interference in US elections. Its real focus is much more nefarious.
Just How Much COVID-19 Vaccine Money (And How Many Doses Per Person) Is on the Table?
, May 03, 2021It is hard for me to fathom what is going on. The article quoted below indicates that the Pharma industry does not think Covid will be going away; instead it will switch from pandemic to endemic, with outbreaks here and there–apparently justifying lots of vaccine boosters.
Two-year-old Baby Dies During Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Experiments on Children
, May 03, 2021The ongoing trials include more than 10,000 children aging in range from five to 11 in one of the groups, and another 10,000 children as young as six months old in the other. These trials have been taking place since mid-March with the soon expectation that the jab will be “authorized” for use in children and babies.
Video: Coronavirus Crisis Wrecking Havoc Worldwide. Dr. Richard Urso with Kristina Borjesson
, May 03, 2021My guest today is a physician from Texas whose medical license was briefly threatened because he prescribed hydroxychloroquine to his COVID patients. Hydroxychloroquine is a cheap drug that’s been around for a long time and is proven to be highly effective as part of the protocol for treating COVID patients.
CDC Officially Recommends COVID Jab for Pregnant Women
, May 03, 2021Giving pregnant women unlicensed COVID-19 gene therapies is reprehensibly irresponsible experimental medicine, and to suggest that safety data are “piling up” is pure propaganda. Everything is still in the experimental stage and all data are preliminary. It’ll take years to get a clearer picture of how these injections are affecting young women and their babies.
19,916 ‘Eye Disorders’ Including Blindness Following COVID Vaccine Reported in Europe
, May 03, 2021More than half of the eye disorders (10, 667) were also reported to the U.K.’s Yellow Card adverse event reporting system. These would have followed injection primarily of AstraZeneca’s and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines but included eight reports of eye disorders among the 228 reports concerning Moderna’s vaccine, of which only 100,000 first doses had been administered by April 21.
Significant Jump this Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine
, May 03, 2021The Defender reached out to the CDC on March 8 with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines, the status of ongoing investigations reported in the media, if autopsies are being done, the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine, and education initiatives to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting.
Kent State, April 4, 1970: Was It about Civil Rights or Murdering Student Protesters?
, May 03, 2021In 2010, compelling forensic evidence emerged showing that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) were the lead agencies in managing Kent State government operations, including the cover-up. At Kent State, lawful protest was pushed into the realm of massacre as the US federal government, the state of Ohio, and the Ohio National Guard (ONG) executed their plans to silence antiwar protest in America.