Selected Articles: How the COVID Scam Is Perpetrated

Politics over Science: Biden Admin Signals Intent to Force FDA Approval of COVID Vaccines

By Jordan Schachtel, July 27, 2021

The Biden Administration has signaled its next move as part of the White House’s full court press to pressure Americans into taking COVID-19 vaccines.

How the COVID Scam Is Perpetrated: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 26, 2021

I have provided numerous documented detailed accounts demonstrating the lack of evidence supporting the official Covid narrative.  The next time you hear Big Pharma’s propagandists say “believe the science,” ask them what science.

After the Apocalypse – America’s Role in a World Transformed

By Jim Miles, July 27, 2021

The contemporary apocalypse as seen by Andrew Bacevich in his latest book, “After the Apocalypse”, consists of four different horsemen: first mentioned are the severe climate effects of global warming; Trump “toxic and divisive” presidency is mentioned next;  followed by the Covid-19 pandemic and its subsequent economic effects; and finally, “a mass movement demanding a reckoning with the nation’s legacy of racism”.

Israel’s War Crimes: Is the Tide Finally Turning?

By Philip Giraldi, July 27, 2021

The Unilever decision greatly boosted the morale of the perpetually under siege non-violent Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS), which has been calling on companies and investors to support Palestinian human rights by isolating Israel economically.

Florida COVID-19 Fatalities Data Included Man who Died in Motorcycle Accident

By Laura Dyrda, July 27, 2021

A man who died in a motorcycle accident was counted among the COVID-19 related deaths in the state, leading to questions about whether the state’s reported coronavirus death rates are accurate, according to Fox 35 Orlando.

Crimes against First Nations, Colonial Dispossession. Forcibly Separated from Their Families and Placed in Church-run Schools

By Kim Petersen, July 27, 2021

Imagine that your childhood experience was being forcibly separated from your family and placed in church-run schools. Imagine hearing that you were a savage; being forbidden to speak in your savage tongue.

Video: UK Official Admits Lockdowns for “Social Control”

By Del Bigtree and Jefferey Jaxen, July 27, 2021

Part whistleblower, part human rights activist, Graham Brady is calling out his own government’s ill-advised Covid mitigation policies, originating from fear, rather than sound public health science.

Health Freedom Is the Hottest Political Issue on the Entire Globe, and Our World Will Never be the Same after this

By Michael Snyder, July 27, 2021

We are witnessing an epic global struggle for freedom, and the outcome of that struggle is going to greatly shape what our world is going to look like in the years ahead.

Nicaragua’s Sandinistas Battle ‘Diabolical’ US Empire and Poverty on 42nd Anniversary of Revolution

By Ben Norton, July 27, 2021

42 years after the victory of the Sandinista revolution, Nicaraguans are still celebrating the gains of the leftist movement, and hoping to take the transformative process to another stage.

What’s Actually Going On in Cuba?

By Helen Yaffe, July 27, 2021

The international media has exaggerated and manipulated these events to depict mass opposition to the Cuban government, police repression of peaceful protests and a regime in crisis.

Belt and Road vs. New Quad for Afghanistan’s Coming Boom

By Pepe Escobar, July 27, 2021

While facts on the ground spell out balkanization, the Taliban, even on the offensive, know they cannot possibly pull off a military takeover of Afghanistan. And when the Americans say they will continue to “support Afghan government forces,” that means still bombing, but from over the horizon and now under new Centcom management in Qatar.

Exploitative Trade Rules: The World Trade Organisation

By Rod Driver, July 27, 2021

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) makes the rules that govern global trade. Its stated purpose is “expanding…trade in goods and services.” Its guiding principle is that governments should not have laws that ‘distort’ trade.

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