Selected Articles: How Can You be Content with a Counterfactual Explanation of an Orchestrated “Pandemic”?

Pulmonary Nurse of 31 Years Testifies How He Followed the COVID Protocols, Unknowingly that They Could Result in the Deaths of Patients

By Brian Shilhavy, September 23, 2021

In this public testimony, Mr. Spence relates how he followed all the advice in the beginning of how the medical system wanted him to treat COVID patients, even though so much of it went against his 30+ years of experience in treating patients with respiratory illnesses.

30,000+ Women in UK Report Menstrual Problems after COVID Shots, but Menstrual Issues Not Listed as Side Effect

By Megan Redshaw, September 23, 2021

Reports of adverse reactions include heavier-than-usual periods, delayed periods and unexpected vaginal bleeding. Most women who reported a change to their period after vaccination found it returned to normal the following cycle, according to the author of the editorial, Dr. Victoria Male, a reproductive specialist at Imperial College in London.

The Revenge of White Colonialism Motivates the AUKUS Alliance Against China

By Danny Haiphong, September 23, 2021

AUKUS is primarily a military relationship but is said to include broad economic measures that undoubtedly seek to counter China’s rise in all spheres of development.

‘This Cannot Happen’: Biden DHS Seeks Contractor for Migrant Detention Center at Guantánamo Bay

By Jessica Corbett, September 23, 2021

The solicitation for bids—which requires some guards who speak Spanish and Haitian Creole—comes as the administration is under fire for mass deportations of migrants, including thousands of Haitians.

Video: ‘Liberal Media Darling’ George W. Bush Confronted by Iraq Veteran

By Steve Watson, September 23, 2021

An Iraq veteran gave George W. Bush a stark reminder this past weekend that although he’s now a liberal media darling, there are plenty of Americans who remember the lies that led to millions of deaths.

American Medical Association Instructs Doctors to Deceive

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 23, 2021

The Winter 2021 “AMA COVID-19 Guide: Background/Messaging on Vaccines, Vaccine Clinical Trials & Combatting Vaccine Misinformation,” issued by the American Medical Association (AMA) raises serious questions about the AMA’s adherence to transparency, honesty, ethics and the moral standards to which it will hold its members.

Eurasia Takes Shape: How the SCO Just Flipped the World Order

By Pepe Escobar, September 23, 2021

As a rudderless West watched on, the 20th anniversary meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was laser-focused on two key deliverables: shaping up Afghanistan and kicking off a full-spectrum Eurasian integration.

How Can You be Content with a Counterfactual Explanation of an Orchestrated “Pandemic”?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 23, 2021

The mRNA vaccines in effect train the virus to escape immune response, thus creating variants that are not controlled by immune responses. Alternatively, adverse vaccine reactions are called “variants.”

New Movement Launched by Physicians, Including Dr. Robert Malone, to Fight Medical Tyranny

By Joel S. Hirschhorn, September 23, 2021

When Americans see the data on COVID deaths of over 600,000, who or what should they blame?  The truth is this: Better than blaming the virus they should blame hospitals and the vast majority of physicians.

Welcome to the CO2 Monitoring Credit Card that Cuts You Off at Your Carbon Max

By Makia Freeman, September 23, 2021

Doconomy is a CO2 monitoring credit card backed by the UN (United Nations), WEF (World Economic Forum) and Mastercard which promises to track your carbon spending – and cut you off once you reach your permitted carbon maximum.

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