Selected Articles: Gaza’s Polio Vaccine Project: Bill Gates Comes to the Rescue of Palestinian Children. Can You Trust Him?

Gaza’s Polio Vaccine Project: Bill Gates Comes to the Rescue of Palestinian Children. Can You Trust Him?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 06, 2024

WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus confirms that his mentor Bill Gates generously offered to come to the rescue of Palestinian children. Dr. Tedros  also confirmed that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation –which has played a key role in supporting numerous vaccine projects (including the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine)— will be financing the  Gaza polio vaccine (under the helm of the WHO).

Reformists Returned to Power in the New Government in Iran

By Prof. Akbar E. Torbat, September 06, 2024

Masoud Pezeshkian, who had vowed to form a “national consensus” (vefagh melli) government, could not deliver. Even though a few ministers are from the prior government, the key positions in his administration are given to those who had served in the reformist government of Hassan Rouhani until three years ago.

President Javier Milei Seeks to Recover Argentina’s Submarine Fleet But Will Not Challenge UK

By Ahmed Adel, September 06, 2024

Argentine President Javier Milei has said that he will buy new submarines for the country, which has been left without operational capacity since the ARA San Juan tragedy in 2017 and will probably opt for French or German submarines. Despite this rearmament plan, Milei will unlikely attempt to capture the Falkland Islands from the British.

Alberta, Ontario and Sask Are Destroying All COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

By Dr. William Makis, September 06, 2024

They are destroying all COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine vials so they cannot be tested for DNA contamination (or other types of contamination). The COVID-19 Vaccines are themselves evidence of a crime, and destroying evidence is a violation of the Criminal Code of Canada.

What Hamas Hoped to Achieve on October 7. Mike Whitney

By Mike Whitney, September 06, 2024

Trump’s makeshift “deal of the century”—which rejected 5 decades of official US policy and ignored a myriad of UN Resolutions, was the spark that ignited the October 7 attacks. According to the Financial Times: “Trump’s Israel-Palestine ‘deal’ has always been a fraud”.

Candidates From Djibouti, Kenya, Madagascar and Mauritius Contesting for African Union Chairperson’s Position

By Prof. Maurice Okoli and Dr. Ken Onyeali Ikpe, September 06, 2024

Considered as Africa’s economic engine since its establishment as OAU and later transformed into AU, the head of the AUC, which is an executive body, is elected on rotational basis between the regions of the continent for every four years and the elected chairperson can be re-elected for two terms as incorporated in the constitution.

Gaza’s Children Don’t Need Polio Vaccine, They Need Peace and Clean Water!

By Gérard Delépine, September 05, 2024

Why vaccinate children at all costs whose main risk is to be victims of the ongoing war? Why vaccinate children against a disease that can be completely eradicated by drinking water?

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