Selected Articles: Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable
Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable
, October 10, 2021By now – October 2021 – it’s more than evident that the Big Pharma-Great Reset globalist elite are currently committing human genocide, carrying out their eugenics depopulation agenda.
, October 10, 2021If they wanted to save you, they would have told you a long time ago to move more, to eat better (really, not diet products that poison you as much as “heavy” products, Reassessing the risks of aspartame. New experimental and epidemiological data), to manage your stress on a daily basis, to take care of your microbiota, to take food supplements, some of them all year round in a country like Belgium (vitamin D).
The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine”
, October 08, 2021Several months ago, we expressed at least “theoretical reservations” about vaccinating cancer patients or former patients who had been cured, because of the underlying mechanism of the gene injection on immunity.
The Dangers of Human Gene Editing
, October 10, 2021While the process of synthesizing and arranging genetic code has many processes, perhaps none has been as promising as the CRISPR-Cas system. From laboratory experiments to emerging software used to create code genetically almost as easily as code for a computer, gene editing has never been easier, opening the door to never-before-possible applications.
Monsanto/Bayer Giant Moving to “Genome Edit” Fruits and More
, October 10, 2021Not surprising, Monsanto, today hidden behind the Bayer logo, as the world leader in patented GMO seeds and the probable carcinogenic Roundup herbicide with glyphosate, is attempting to quietly patent genetically modified or GMO varieties of fruits using controversial gene-editing.
Billions in Offshore Bank Accounts. Saving for a Very Rainy Day.
, October 10, 202An investigation by an international consortium of journalists just examined a massive leak of 11.9 million records of offshore financial firms that have been evading taxes and financial disclosure for their many clients. The result of what is known as The Pandora Papers has been a cascade of scandals.
Video: Censorship and the “Smoking Guns” of a Manufactured Pandemic
, October 10, 2021Economics professor Michel Chossudovsky describes the “smoking guns” indicating that the Covid-19 pandemic is a fraud and details the devastation that already has occurred as well as what is to come with the so-called “second wave,” which he says is also based on flawed statistics and testing.
Global Totalitarianism: “You are Being Colonized”. Analysis by Patrick Henningsen
, October 10, 2021We will be posting the full presentation by renowned author and geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen when it becomes available.
‘We’re in the Middle of a Major Biological Catastrophe’: COVID Expert Dr. Peter McCullough
, October 08, 2021In a recent lecture, Dr. Peter McCullough presented alarming data related to COVID vaccines, the fraud of national health authorities, the ‘Therapeutic Nihilism’ being exercised in hospitals, and the urgent necessity of active resistance.
, October 08, 2021Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent vaccine rollout, pharmaceutical giants including Pfizer and Moderna have substantially increased their lobbying efforts, a National Pulse investigation has revealed.