Selected Articles: The COVID-19 Vaccine Applied at the Level of the Entire Planet. It’s a Criminal Undertaking

The COVID-19 Vaccine Applied at the Level of the Entire Planet. It’s a Criminal Undertaking

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 03, 2023

Scientists and medical doctors have documented the tragic circumstances of vaccine related deaths of numerous people in all walks of life and age groups, including children and new born.

India to Host Shangai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit

By Andrew Korybko, July 03, 2023

The SCO should accept the newfound impediments to its effectiveness stemming from rising Sino-Indo tensions and the group’s continued expansion to focus more on aligning everyone’s multipolar worldview than on pursuing other initiatives with less chance of success.

14 Professional Soccer Players Died Suddenly in the Past Six Months. Five Dead in the Month of June 2023!

By Dr. William Makis, July 03, 2023

COVID-19 mRNA vaccine booster uptake is almost down to zero, yet the sudden deaths of athletes continue at a rapid pace. We may now be used to the sudden deaths of soccer players, having watched them collapse on a regular basis since the rollout of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, however, they are still dying at what appears to be an increasing frequency.

Banning Chip Technologies to China. Increasing Sanctions Until Beijing Breaks

By Karsten Riise, July 03, 2023

I have predicted that the US will not be satisfied with banning the new chip technologies to China. The US will also ban China from older technologies. We now see my prediction holds true. Not even a year has passed since the US introduced the chip sanctions on China – and the US is already unhappy that it “allowed” China “too much”.

America Has Just Destroyed a Great Empire

By Prof Michael Hudson, July 03, 2023

Fast-forward to today’s drive by the Biden administration to extend American military power against Russia and, behind it, China. The president asked for advice from today’s analogue to antiquity’s Delphi oracle: the CIA and its allied think tanks.

War and Honesty: The Debate on U.S. Aid to Ukraine. Andrew Napolitano

By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, July 03, 2023

Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional, legal and moral requirements that must first be met before war is waged? Can the president and Congress dupe the public?

Cruel Arrangements: The UK-Rwanda Refugee Deal Falters

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 03, 2023

Since 2022, Rwanda has been very much on the mind of British policy makers, a dark option of retreat from the irritating intrusions of international refugee law. The English Channel has become something of a polemical resource, with those seeking to cross it demonised as undermining Britannia’s sacred sovereignty.

U.S. House Floats Bill to Defund WHO, WEF and ‘Misinformation’ Programs

By Michael Nevradakis, July 03, 2023

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations has proposed cutting government funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) entirely, as part of its budget proposal for fiscal year 2024.

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