Selected Articles: The COVID-19 Crisis and “The Seventh Wave”: Our Politicians Are Fraudulent, Complicit and Incompetent

The COVID-19 Crisis and “The Seventh Wave”: Our Politicians Are Fraudulent, Complicit and Incompetent

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, July 18, 2022

The  historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of “economic warfare”: a war against humanity. This diabolical agenda has undermined the sovereignty of nation states. It has contributed  to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. It has led to a spiralling dollar denominated global debt.

US-Israel Joint Declaration. Mossad False Flag on the Way? “Alleged Plan by Iran to Assassinate U.S. Officials”

By Gavin OReilly, July 18, 2022

Wednesday’s report by corporate media outlet Yahoo News, outlining alleged plans by Iran to assassinate senior US officials, including former President Donald Trump, in retaliation for the January 2020 drone strike killing of Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp’s elite Quds Force unit, should come as little surprise to onlookers.

How Pfizer Profited From the Pandemic

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 18, 2022

According to Kaiser Health News (KHN), the COVID-19 pandemic has been a real boon to Pfizer. Not only has it yielded “outsize benefits” in terms of profits, but it has also “given the drugmaker unusual weight in determining U.S. health policy.”

Catastrophic COVID Experience in New Zealand. The Derogation of Human Rights and “The Basic Principles of Medicine”. The Protest Movement

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, July 18, 2022

If there is a silver lining to the catastrophic Covid experience for us here in New Zealand it is the very clear and indisputable exposure of the political establishment.  The green clean smiling benevolent face of the New Zealand government is nothing more than a mask – yes, a mask – behind which is harsh dictatorial mien of a government that feels no need to answer to the needs of the people it purports to govern.

The West Against Russia: The Strategy Is Being Played Out in Ukraine. “Socio-Economic Suicide” in the EU. Peter Koenig

By Peter Koenig and GEOFOR, July 18, 2022

The EU want sanctions on Russia to stop. The sanctions are foremost hurting the EU, but not Russia. On the basis of these sanctions, the planned One World Order (OWO), currently represented by the World Economic Forum (WEF), is using these sanctions, or rather Russia’s reaction to the sanctions, as a justification for causing massive energy and food shortages throughout the west, and to some extent also the Global South.

Ukraine Peace Talks in the Cards?

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 18, 2022

The influential Russian daily Izvestia wrote on Wednesday that the settlement over the “grain corridor” across the Black Sea can create the ambience for resumption of peace talks between Kiev and Moscow.

‘DOD Must End Vaccine Mandate,’ Says Army Doctor Suspended for Writing Exemptions

By Dr. Samuel Sigoloff and Pam Long, July 18, 2022

In an interview with Pam Long, U.S. Army veteran and frequent contributor to The Defender, Dr. Samuel Sigoloff — an osteopath board-certified in family medicine and an active-duty major with the Army suspended for writing COVID-19 vaccine exemptions for service members — explained why he believes the mandates must end.

Does the World Economic Forum Measure Up to Nicaragua?

By Stephen Sefton, July 18, 2022

Few people now doubt that contemporary events worldwide point to a fast accelerating decline of North American and European countries as world leaders in practically any sphere of human activity. The collapse across the world in acceptance of US or European Union moral and political authority is clear from the refusal of most majority world countries to support US-led sanctions attacking the Russian Federation.

Is It Time for Canada to Apologize to Libya?

By Yves Engler, July 18, 2022

Canada said their war in Libya was to defend human rights and enable democracy. But, NATO’s 2011 assault has unleashed a decade of instability and violence as well as deteriorating social and economic indicators. And they still haven’t held presidential elections.

Will the US Supreme Court Make It Illegal to Boycott Israel?

By Azadeh Shahshahani and Dr. Assal Rad, July 18, 2022

With major implications for freedom of speech in the US, it is worth re-examining the historical use of boycott as a tool of resistance by anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist grassroots movements for justice, and the case of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement called for by Palestinians.

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