Selected Articles: Can a Former US President be Impeached and Convicted?

Can a Former US President be Impeached and Convicted?

By Stephen Lendman, January 12 2021

Professor of Politics Keith Whittington argued as follows: “(T)he ability to disqualify a former officer who has been demonstrated to have committed grave abuses of office in the past might be valuable.” Not according to Law Professor Ross Garber arguing that constitutional language limits impeachment to current office holders

Hyperbolic COVID Modelling Oracle Predicts Nothing More than Typical Winter Flu Season

By John C. A. Manley, January 12 2021

As an Ontario nurse wrote me yesterday, his hospital’s ER is running at half-capacity (despite “surging cases” of this common cold virus). Seems people are healthier than ever. Maybe they are getting more sleep during lockdown, more home-cooked meals? Or maybe they’re just too darned scared to go to the hospital?

In Search of Enemies. Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy and National Security Team

By Philip Giraldi, January 12 2021

What occurred at the United States Capitol last week was surely reprehensible, but to my mind the real enduring damage that was done to our form of government took place in a basement in Wilmington Delaware where president-designate Joe Biden was putting together some of the final pieces of his foreign policy and national security team.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the “Jobs Reset Summit”- A New Outrage in Disguise

By Peter Koenig, January 12 2021

In my view, the Great Reset, which advances at warp speed, if we don’t stop it, will reduce the world to “modern” feudalism, one ruler and a herd of serfs that are provided with the necessary means to survive — and their brains have been converted (by the injections that go under the absurd name of vaccines), with electromagnetic gels, into “transhumans”.

Twitter’s Ban on Trump Will Deepen the US Tribal Divide

By Jonathan Cook, January 12 2021

Anyone who believes locking President Donald Trump out of his social media accounts will serve as the first step on the path to healing the political divide in the United States is likely to be in for a bitter disappointment.

For Whom the Bell Tolls: The State of Planet Earth at Year’s End 2020

By Robert J. Burrowes, January 12 2021

First, in the hope of generating greater consideration of the human condition and the state of the planet, I have presented in straightforward language and point form, a reasonable summary of the nature and extent of our predicament as well as citing the relevant scientific and/or other evidence that explains each problem in more detail.

Twitter “Nukes Trump”. Accuses POTUS of “Incitement of Violence”

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 12 2021

Is it ever wise for a social media platform to suspend the accounts of political representatives, especially if they are of such character as Donald J. Trump?  The question is a big tangle, though anything to do with the exiting US president encourages hotted up simple binaries, most of it emotive rather than cerebral.

January 6th at Capitol Hill: Blowback and the Ongoing Crisis of Legitimacy

By Black Alliance for Peace, January 12 2021

How ever one might characterize the events of January 6 or the several weeks since the election, one thing is certain: Millions of people in the United States have lost respect for U.S. institutions. Across the political spectrum, people are adopting a common cry that the U.S. government doesn’t represent their interests.

The Main Form of Media Deception: Censorship by Omission

By Rod Driver, January 12 2021

Tyrants in other countries commit serious atrocities, but provided they continue to implement economic policies that the US and Britain like, they receive little criticism. Our politicians regularly criticise governments they want to replace, and the media repeat these criticisms with little challenge. 

Life Today Seems Like a Dream, Surreal

By Edward Curtin, January 12 2021

It’s hard. Life today seems like a dream, doesn’t it?  Surreal to the point where everything seems haunted and betwixt and between, or this against that, or that and this against us.

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