Selected Articles: Bilderberg Meets in Washington: Bilderberg Does China. An Economic Hurricane Is Coming

Bilderberg Meets in Washington: Bilderberg Does China. An Economic Hurricane is Coming

By Pepe Escobar, June 07, 2022

As Bilderberg follows Chatham House Rules, mere mortals won’t have a clue of what they actually “proposed” or approved, and none of the participants will be allowed to talk about it with anyone else. One of my top New York sources, with direct access to most of the Masters of the Universe, loves to quip that Davos and Bilderberg are just for the messenger boys: the guys who really run the show don’t even bother to show up, ensconced in their uber-private meetings in uber-private clubs, where the real decisions are made.

The Links Between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates Explained

By The Week, June 07, 2022

Discussing the role that his relationship with Epstein played in his divorce from Melinda Gates, the Microsoft billionaire told The Sunday Times that “at the time” he “didn’t realise that by having those meetings it would be seen as giving [Epstein] credibility”.

Day 100 of the Russia-Ukraine War

By William Walter Kay, June 07, 2022

Historians will agonize over when the Russia-Ukrainin War actually started; but as Russia’s February 24 breach of Ukraine’s borders has been deemed by our media as Day One, let’s run with that. This makes June 4, Day 100.

“US Imperialism is the Greatest Threat to Life on Our Planet”: Mapping US Imperialism

By Mapping Project, June 07, 2022

This article is a snapshot from the Mapping Project: a project created by activists and organizers in eastern Massachusetts, investigating local links between entities responsible for the colonization of Palestine, for colonialism and dispossession here where we live, and for the economy of imperialism and war.

Credit Unions and Banking Groups Warn of “Devastating Consequences” of a US Central Bank Digital Currency

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, June 07, 2022

Credit union and banking trade groups have released a joint letter to the chair and ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, warning of “devastating consequences” if the Federal Reserve moves forward with a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

Kiev’s Forces Attack Civilians in Donbass Using Long-range Artillery

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 07, 2022

In a statement on June 6 the Russian ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, reported that Western long-range weapons in Ukraine have been used in recent days to attack civilian targets in the Donbass.

Gina Haspel Watched the Waterboarding at CIA ‘Black Site’: Ray MCGovern

By Ray McGovern, June 07, 2022

It still makes me sick to my stomach — this time the sworn testimony of CIA contract psychologist/torturer James Mitchell that Gina Haspel was watching as he and psychologist/torturer colleague John Bruce Jessen waterboarded Saudi captive Ab al-Rahim al-Nashiri in Thailand.

Biden Rocks the Middle East. Partitioning Syria May be on the Way

By Philip Giraldi, June 07, 2022

Last week the Pentagon announced that it had completed its investigation into an attack in Syria on March 18, 2019 that killed some presumed ISIS guerrillas as well as four civilians while wounding fifteen others. The Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said the Defense Department had determined that that the airstrike “did not violate the laws of warfare or the rules of engagement.

US Wants to Surround China with Missiles – But Can’t Find Asian Country to Host Them

By Ben Norton, June 07, 2022

The United States plans to spend billions of dollars to surround China with missiles. But a US military-sponsored study concluded its Pacific allies South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, and Australia are unlikely to host the offensive weapons.

The Death of the Ministry of Truth — What Will They Do Next?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 07, 2022

The Biden administration’s “Ministry of Truth” has, for the time being, been put on hold, and its chief, Nina Jankowicz, has resigned.

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