Selected Articles: Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate Has Finally Been Issued

Mandatory Vaccine Agenda Is Step-by-Step Repealing Religious and Philosophical Exemptions

By Makia Freeman, November 07, 2021

The Mandatory Vaccine Agenda is a worldwide plan which has been picking up steam lately. Unfortunately for the causes of individual rights, medical autonomy and sovereignty, natural health and freedom in general, many countries and US states have been accelerating the push to force all children to be vaccinated.

How Vaccine Hysteria Could Spark A Totalitarian Nightmare

By Lee Hieb, M.D., November 07, 2021

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been vilified for making a very simple statement – that parents (and presumably patients themselves) should have the freedom to choose whether to vaccinate their children. I have been asked for years what I thought about vaccination, so let me lay out the issues.

“Herd Stupidity”: The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the Gene-based mRNA “Vaccine” and “The Pinnacles of Wealth and Power”

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, November 07, 2021

The pandemic is contrived for sinister motives. Everything connected with Covid is Junk Science foisted on a fearful and gullible world. The virus, the lock downs, the masks, the abuse of PCR for diagnosis, the temperature checks at commercial entrances, the ubiquitous little bottles of alcohol, the relentless propaganda and most especially the soon-to-be-mandatory lethal injections are all Junk Science.

Fake Mortality Data: Italian Institute of Health Reduces Official Covid Death Toll from 130,000 to 4,000.

By Paul Joseph Watson, November 07, 2021

The Italian Higher Institute of Health has drastically reduced the country’s official COVID death toll number by over 97 per cent after changing the definition of a fatality to someone who died from COVID rather than with COVID.

Video: Covid-19 Criminality

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Ariel Noyola Rodriguez, November 07, 2021

Assuming that 10% of deaths and adverse events are reported (a very conservative assumption according to Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc, p. 6) The mRNA “Vaccine” would have resulted in at least 380,000 deaths and 63 million “adverse events” for a combined population of approximately 830 million (UK, EU, US).

Court Stops Louisiana’s Largest Healthcare System from Imposing COVID Jab Mandate on Employees

By Ashley Sadler, November 07, 2021

The panel of three judges on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Shreveport issued a temporary restraining order on October 28, blocking Ochsner Health System from firing or disciplining any of its 32,000 employees who have refused to comply with the system’s COVID-19 injection requirement.

What Is the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV) to Prevent a Single COVID-19 Fatality in Kids 5 to 11 Based on the Pfizer EUA Application?

By Toby Rogers, November 07, 2021

The Number Needed to Treat (NNT) in order to prevent a single case, hospitalization, ICU admission, or death, is a standard way to measure the effectiveness of any drug. It’s an important tool because it enables policymakers to evaluate tradeoffs between a new drug, a different existing drug, or doing nothing.

Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate Has Finally Been Issued – And It Will Deploy a National Policing Force to Ensure Compliance

By Kyle Becker, November 07, 2021

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will also be policing workplaces nationwide to ensure compliance with the unlawful mandate.

Sandinistas Poised to Win Election in Nicaragua Despite U.S. Sabotage and Smears

By Prof. Yader Lanuza, November 07, 2021

The Nicaraguan elections are on Nov. 7, 2021. The U.S. government, the media that does its bidding, and even some self-described “leftists,” present a Nicaragua in “turmoil” and “crisis”—and the elections as a farce.

Scientists Sue the FDA for Data It Relied Upon to License Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine

By Aaron Siri, November 07, 2021

The FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.

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