Selected Articles: Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump. Secret Service Has Some ‘Splainin to Do
Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump. Secret Service Has Some ‘Splainin to Do
By , July 15, 2024
As I have observed in previous columns, our era in the United States is frequently beset with incidents characterized by a catastrophic loss of competence. Decades of procedural knowledge seem to vanish from one day to the next, leaving sensible people wondering how it could possibly happen.
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Barely Escapes an Assassination Attempt
By , July 15, 2024
Trump’s security guards immediately killed the shooter, no attempt whatsoever to arrest him, so he could NOT be put on trial. There is no trace and Thomas can no longer talk about his possible motives, what may have prompted his shooting, whether he acted alone or in a team or whether he was in one way or another prepared for the assault – if so, by whom. He was silenced.
NATO Reinforces Its War Plans During Washington Summit
By , July 15, 2024
NATO held a summit in Washington from July 9 to 11 to celebrate its 75th anniversary and discuss strategies for dealing with the current global issues. Instead of reaching any consensus on making meaningful changes to improve global security and advance diplomacy, Western states focused only on thinking of ways to continue the war, despite the disadvantageous conditions for the alliance.
Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the United States. Dr. Philip Giraldi
By , July 15, 2024
One thing that should be completely clear is that the United States gets absolutely nothing out of the relationship with Israel, which all flows in only one direction to the tune of what probably amounts to more than a billion dollars a month if all the extras and the inevitable fraud are taken into account.
By , July 15, 2024
There is a period of history that the US Secret Service can learn from and that is from the Dirección General de Inteligencia (DGI) or Cuban Intelligence that protected Cuba’s Fidel Castro for many years from the US government, namely, the CIA. You may ask, what can the US Secret Service learn from Cuban Intelligence?
Video: At NATO Summit, Biden Introduces Zelensky as Putin. Gets “His Countries Mixed Up”
By , July 13, 2024
Concluding his opening remarks, Biden handed over to Zelenskiy with the words: “Now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination.” “Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin!”
The Convulsed Republic: The Shooting of Donald Trump
By , July 14, 2024
As a nation, the United States, as if we did not already know, is convulsed. Paranoid and divided, giddy with conspiracy and deranged by a fear of totalitarian seizure, hyper partisan and hostile to debate and any loose definition of facts (this condition afflicts the entire political spectrum), the only thing missing so far was this: an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate.