Selected Articles: Assassination of Iranian Scientist Brings US-Israel Closer to War with Iran
Scary Scenarios: State Surveillance Expanding Exponentially Using Advanced Wireless Technologies
, November 30 2020If you’re worried about the capability of government to conduct surveillance of citizens engaged in political assembly and protest, or even just personal activity, then you should be aware the technological capability of government surveillance is about to expand exponentially.
The War Crimes of Obama and Hillary Clinton: Libya, Syria and Yemen
, November 30 2020Many people thought that US President Obama, who was in power from 2009 – 2017, would be a huge improvement over President Bush when it came to foreign policy. They believed that he would be far less militaristic. However, this view was somewhat naïve.
Nuremberg Trial – 75 Years Ago – and What It Means Today: In the Midst of a World Tyranny
, November 30 2020On Saturday 21 November 2020 Russia celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the beginning of the Nuremberg Trials which started on 20 November 1945 and lasted almost a year, until 1 October 1946. The Tribunal was given the task of trying and judging 24 of the most atrocious political and military leaders of the Third Reich.
The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy to Divide and Conquer
, November 30 2020The truth is that both the Trump voters and the Biden voters have been taken for a ride. It is a game, a show, a movie, a spectacle. It hasn’t changed much since 1969; the rich have gotten richer and the poor, working, and middle classes have gotten poorer and more desperate. Those who have profited have embraced the fraud.
Assassination of Iranian Scientist Brings US-Israel Closer to War with Iran
, November 30 2020Reports on the death of senior Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh signals another dangerous turn in Washington’s systematic attempts to undermine and overthrow the current government of Iran.
Election 2020: The US Constitution Goes to Court. Or, … “Vaccinating America’s Political Virus”.
, November 30 2020“Petitioners appear to have a viable claim that the mail-in ballot procedures set forth in Act 77 contravene Pa. Const. Article VII Section 14 as the plain language of that constitutional provision is at odds with the mail-in provisions of Act 77.”- PA Judge Patricia McCullough. In one ruling, a bombshell.
Ethiopian Government Says Mekelle Has Been Retaken by Federal Forces
, November 30 2020On November 4, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) came under attack by the provincial government in the northern Tigray region. Reports indicate that numerous ENDF personnel were killed while the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) local leadership declared the administration of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali in Addis Ababa as being illegitimate.
The Planet Cannot Heal Until We Rip the Mask Off the West’s War Machine
, November 30 2020Making political sense of the world can be tricky unless one understands the role of the state in capitalist societies. The state is not primarily there to represent voters or uphold democratic rights and values; it is a vehicle for facilitating and legitimating the concentration of wealth and power into fewer and fewer hands.
Land Dispossession and Imperialism Repackaged as ‘Feeding the World’
, November 30 2020The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of rich and powerful land speculators and agribusiness corporations. Smallholder farmers are being criminalised and even made to disappear when it comes to the struggle for land. They are constantly exposed to systematic expulsion.
Iran Assassination: Tail Wags the Dog, and Makes Biden a Chump
, November 30 2020The public does not know yet how it came to pass that the top Iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated in Tehran Friday, but experts say that Israel did it. What we do know is that Israel has a hidden motive: It wants to destroy any chance of Joe Biden reentering the nuclear deal by envenoming relations between the U.S. and Iran and empowering hardliners in Iran.
British Chicken Driving Deforestation in Brazil’s “Second Amazon”
, November 30 2020Britain’s leading supermarkets and fast food outlets are selling chicken fed on soya that has been linked to vast deforestation and thousands of fires across a vital region of tropical woodland in Brazil, an investigation has revealed.