Selected Articles: Anti-Muslim Bigotry Is Now US Law
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Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban
, June 27, 2018His policy has nothing to do with protecting national security, nothing about screening out “radical Islamic terrorists” Washington created and supports – everything to do with hyping fear, justifying endless wars, keeping unwanted Muslims out of America, along with Venezuelan officials and North Koreans.
Anti-Muslim Bigotry Is Now US Law
, June 27, 2018Another cause for genuine alarm is the fact that the Supreme Court vindicated Trump’s Muslim ban based on concerns for “national security”. You don’t need to be a historian to know that a great majority of the world’s worst atrocities have been carried out in the name of “national security”, including the Soviet purges, the Holocaust, the US Japanese civilian internment camps and the campaigns of ethnic cleansing taking place in Myanmar, Palestine, Syria and elsewhere today.
The Supreme Court Ignores the Reality of President Trump’s Discriminatory Muslim Ban
, June 27, 2018The Supreme Court today rejected the challenge to President Trump’s Muslim Ban. In its 5-to-4 decision, the court failed to make good on principles at the heart of our constitutional system — including the absolute prohibition on official disfavor of a particular religion. The fight against the ban will continue, but the court’s decision is devastating. History will not be kind to the court’s approval of an unfounded and blatantly anti-Muslim order.
A Children’s Gitmo on the Border
, June 27, 2018Just such separations, of course, became the well-publicized essence of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy at the border and, until the president’s executive order issued last week, the numbers of children affected were mounting exponentially — more than 2,000 of them in the previous six weeks, some still in diapers. (And keep in mind that there already were 11,000 migrant children in U.S. custody at that point.)
, June 27, 2018Those in the US generally opposed to immigration make it a point to declare or imply that the United States does not have any legal or moral obligation to take in these Latinos. This is not true. The United States does indeed have the obligation because many of the immigrants, in addition to fleeing from drug violence, are escaping an economic situation in their homeland directly made hopeless by American interventionist policy.
Immigration: Western Wars and Imperial Exploitation Uproot Millions
, June 27, 2018The US invasions and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq uprooted several million people, destroying their lives, families, livelihood, housing and communities and undermining there security.
As a result, most victims faced the choice of resistance or flight. Millions chose to flee to the West since the NATO countries would not bomb their residence in the US or Europe.