Selected Articles: Another September 11th, “I Wondered Where Dick Cheney Was”. Edward Curtin

Another September 11th, “I Wondered Where Dick Cheney Was”. Edward Curtin

By Edward Curtin, September 15, 2024

The neo-cons who run the Democrats and Republicans alike, and whose document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” most interestingly stated long before COVID-19 that “advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”

Bill Gates Calls for ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ to be Censored in Real-Time by AI

By Frank Bergman, September 17, 2024

Gates argues that critics of official narratives regarding vaccines must be silenced in order to convince skeptical or unwilling members of the public that experimental injections are “safe and effective.”

The War on Gaza: Requiem for the Deeply Held Two-State Delusion. Amir Nour

By Amir Nour, September 16, 2024

Over the last 50 years, achieving peace in the Middle East region through the “two-state solution” – i.e., carving out two sovereign Israeli and Palestinian states living side by side – to the irreconcilable century-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict, has consistently been endorsed by the “international community” as the best, if not the only, option.

Who Is Ryan Routh? The “Ukrainian Trace” in the Trump Assassination Attempt

By Andrew Korybko, September 16, 2024

The authorities detained a man on Sunday who attempted to assassinate presidential frontrunner Donald Trump at his golf course in Florida. He was caught with an AK-47, a scope, and a GoPro camera. It turns out that he’s also fairly well known, being a former construction worker-turned-mercenary by the name of Ryan Routh. The New York Times even reported on him in spring 2023, mentioning that he’d spent some time in Kiev and was actively recruiting Afghan soldiers who fled to Pakistan as refugees.

The Florida State Sunshine Bank: How a State-Owned Bank Can Protect Free Speech and Confront “The Weaponization of the Dollar”

By Ellen Brown, September 16, 2024

Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis has come up with an urgent reason for a state to own its own bank – to avoid bank regulations designed to achieve social or political ends that state officials believe are inappropriate or go too far, including “debanking” vocal opponents of federal policy.

Behind the Harris-Trump Debate. Manlio Dinucci

By Manlio Dinucci, September 16, 2024

The simplistic view that the war could end with a personal agreement between the two presidents ignores the fact that it has been ignited by the strong powers of the US and the West, which are losing the dominance they have hitherto maintained in the world and which they seek to preserve through war.

Why Is Israel Bulldozing Cemeteries in Gaza? Mike Whitney

By Mike Whitney, September 16, 2024

The IDF has produced no evidence of hostages, land mines, tunnels, weapons-caches or Hamas militants. It’s all an excuse to destroy the plots of land where people bury their loved ones. But, why? These graveyards pose no security threat to the IDF or to the Israeli state. They’re just cemeteries.

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