Selected Articles: 20 Facts About Vaccination Your Doctor Forgot to Tell You
, January 09, 2022Former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul correctly identified President Putin’s fears of NATO’s ongoing encroachment in a December 21 tweet, but was McFaul correct to dismiss these concerns as the crazy ravings of a paranoid Russian dictator with no bearing in reality? Or is there something to Putin’s fears?
, January 09, 2022Trump was intent upon “normalizing” relations with Russia. That initiative was shunted by RussiaGate, the objective of which from the very outset of the 2016 election campaign was to discredit Donald Trump: “….presenting him as a Manchurian candidate serving the interests of the Kremlin. The end game was Regime Change in America”.
Video: The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide Turning? Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0
, January 09, 2022Dr. Fuellmich expressed so much hope, and with his explanations on how far the work of his Corona Investigative Committee has come, he expects that about 30% of the population are already awake, can no longer be fooled, and another 40% are in the process of waking up – demonstrating throughout Europe, what has so far been mostly hidden by the mainstream media, but cannot much longer be silenced.
Pills Equipped with Sensors to Digitally Track When and If You Took the Drug Approved by FDA in 2017
, January 09, 2022Pills with digital sensors are now the latest controversial technology that has seen itself gain approval from the FDA. The alarming new devices would employ a set of sensors within the chips to track data regarding each patients.
Evidence: No Vials Are Safe, Full Stop: Terminate COVID Injection Program Now
, January 09, 2022Recently on this show Dr. Jane Ruby came on and gave us the remarkable information that a huge percentage of side effects tracked in the CDC’s VAERS database are linked to just a small percentage of the vaccine batches produced by Pfizer and Moderna. This data came from a group calling itself Team Enigma.
Kazakhstan and Europe’s Anti-lockdown Protests — A Contrast in Reactions
, January 09, 2022On the 2nd of January, the same day as the current disturbances in Kazakhstan began, Dutch police used baton charges and attack dogs against participants of a prohibited anti-lockdown march in Amsterdam, less than seven weeks after police opened fire on anti-lockdown protesters in Rotterdam.
, January 09, 2022The upshot of both Blinken’s and Stoltenberg’s statements are that Russia has the choice of capitulating to NATO’s terms and demands regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine (and implicitly the return of Crimea) and NATO’s absorption of any former Soviet republics not already in the bloc or NATO will revert to its role as the military alliance it has been for 73 years: it will employ the military expedient against Russia.
A Look Back at 2021: The Good, the Bad and the Censored.
, January 08, 2022This is the first broadcast of the Global Research News Hour. And therefore the topic to discuss will obviously be the BIG stories of the previous year. It seems that by and large it was a turbulent year for stories. Donald Trump’s non-acceptance of defeat in the U.S. election resulting in the ULTIMATE “hell no” event on January 6.
20 Facts about Vaccination Your Doctor Forgot To Tell You
, January 08, 2022In the US a group of paediatricians with 30,000 young patients do not vaccinate at all. They have no cases of autism in their practice.
, January 08, 2022In this brilliant interview, lawyer Anna de Buisseret explains clearly and eloquently how those responsible for causing harm will be held liable under the law in relation to the experimental injections currently being rolled out, especially to young children.