Was Ryan Routh, Trump’s Attempted Assassin, Supported by Someone Other Than His “Fiancée”?

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How was Ryan Routh, “a man with no money for child support,” able to suddenly start living in a pricey house in Hawaii and afford flights to Taiwan, Turkey, Poland, Ukraine?

Why has Routh “never served a day in jail” when he has “100 different counts” to his name?

Why was Routh’s fiancée okay with him flying to Ukraine for months at a time?

How was he able to feed himself in Ukraine when he only had “$68 in [his] bank account.”

“And everywhere he goes, he gets press from the local papers to the New York Times to Newsweek.”

The whole thing stinks, and it suggests that someone other than his “fiancée” was supporting him.


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Articles by: The Vigilant Fox

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