Russian Intelligence: US Forces Handed Over Missiles with Poisonous Substances to Daesh in al-Tanf

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US occupation forces positioned in al-Tanf region on the Syrian-Iraqi border handed missiles with warheads filled with poisonous substances to Daesh “ISIS” terrorist organization, with the aim of carrying out chemical provocations and accusing the Syrian government of them, said Sergei Naryshkin, Head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

Naryshkin’s comments came in a report on Monday quoted by Novosti news agency.

“Deputy Commander of the U.S Army Central Command, James Malloy, is leading the activities of Daesh “ISIS” terrorist organization in Syria, as he is delivering missiles with warheads filled with toxic materials in an area near the illegal US military base at al-Tanf,” Naryshkin added.

Naryshkin noted that the site surrounding al-Tanf base has become a launching pad for terrorist gangs, as a joint US-British intelligence committee was established, and it is in fact the main headquarters to direct the activities of the “ISIS” terrorist organization in the vicinity of Damascus and southern Syria.

According to Naryshkin

“The Anglo-Saxons, as they usually do, are preparing to support their machinations with a powerful media campaign, aimed at showing the countries of the Arab world that their choice of resuming dialogue and relations with Syria was a strategic mistake, and that those who do not agree with this approach are directly threatened with Western sanctions.”


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Articles by: Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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