The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Red Menace # ? Joseph McCarthy 2.0 By Philip A Farruggio, August 06, 2021
20 Years Ago, Prior to 9/11: US Preparations for the Invasion of Afghanistan By Shane Quinn, August 06, 2021
They Killed People for Vaccine Profits By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Greg Hunter, August 06, 2021
Hiroshima at 75. The Doomsday Clock and the Ongoing Threat of “Atomic Horror” By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Greg Mitchell, August 05, 2021
Sen. Rand Paul: Mask Mandates and Lockdowns from Petty Tyrants? No, Not Again. Choose Freedom By Sen. Rand Paul, August 05, 2021
The Enduring Myth of Hiroshima By John LaForge, August 05, 2021
Freedom in the Coming Time of Madness By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 05, 2021
Bayer Heads into Next U.S. Cancer Trial By Carey Gillam, August 05, 2021
Media and the Permanent War State: Top National Security Reporters Linked to US Government By Dan Cohen, August 05, 2021
When Did CDC Know Their Approved COVID-19 Tests, Faulty PCR Testing Would Make Case and Death Data Unreliable? By Frontline Doctors, August 05, 2021
Massive Death Wave Coming Amidst Vaccine Mandates While Truth and Revolution Fill the Air By Joachim Hagopian, August 05, 2021
Black August and the Legacy of Liberation Struggles By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 05, 2021
Video: CDC Says PCR Tests Can’t Differentiate Between Coronaviruses! The Cold & COVID Are Synonymous! By Press For Truth, August 05, 2021
Video: Ted Cruz Introduces Anti-Vaccine Passport Amendment, Slams CDC Mask Mandate for Vaccinated By Senator Ted Cruz, August 05, 2021
CDC, FDA Faked “COVID” Testing Protocol by Using Human Cells Mixed with Common Cold Virus Fragments By Mike Adams, August 04, 2021
Scientist: ‘What We’re Seeing Is Virus Evolution 101’ — Delta Variant More Transmissible, Not More Deadly By Megan Redshaw, August 04, 2021
58% of Infant Deaths Reported to VAERS Occurred Within 3 Days of Vaccination, Research Shows By Prof. Brian S. Hooker, August 04, 2021
World’s Elderly Population Targeted with 3rd COVID-19 Shot for Those Who Survived the First Two By Brian Shilhavy, August 04, 2021
American Medical Association Pushes to Remove Sex from Birth Certificates By Haley Strack, August 04, 2021
The Russia -U.S. Strategic Dialogue and the Putin-Biden Relationship: Diplomacy, Strategic Stability and Cybersecurity By H. E. Anatoly Antonov and Jacob Heilbrunn, August 03, 2021
History: The Truth About the Soviet Gulag, Surprisingly Revealed by the CIA By Saed Teymuri, August 03, 2021
A Fresh Reminder of Russiagate’s Failed Integrity By Aaron Mate, August 03, 2021
George W. Bush Should Shut Up and Go Away By Andrew Mitrovica, August 03, 2021
The Future Trajectory of Iran. JCPOA: A Bridge Too Far? By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 03, 2021
The War on Free Speech Continues By Philip Giraldi, August 03, 2021
US EPA Buried Internal Report Linking Glyphosate to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma By Sustainable Pulse, August 03, 2021
The Illegality of Any University Mandating Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine for Students By Aaron Siri, Elizabeth A. Brehm, and Jessica Wallace, August 03, 2021
A New State of Segregation: Vaccine Cards Are Just the Beginning By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, August 03, 2021
Reckoning and Reparations: U.S. Government Owes Afghan Civilians for Past 20 Years of War and Brutal Impoverishment By Kathy Kelly, August 03, 2021
“Immovable Object: North Korea’s 70 Years at War with American Power.” By Carla Stea, August 03, 2021
Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Technology, Signals the Worst-Case Scenario About COVID-19 Vaccines By Teodrose Fikremariam, August 02, 2021
Video: CDC Admits Vaccinated Can Transmit Delta & Dr McCullough Sued by BSW Health over Media and Meeting Appearances By Dr. Peter McCullough and Laura Ingraham, August 02, 2021
COVID-19 Injection Campaign Violates Bioethics Laws. Dr. Robert Malone By Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Robert Malone, August 02, 2021
CDC: 11,940 Dead 618,648 Injuries and 1,175 Unborn Babies Dead Following COVID-19 Shots By Brian Shilhavy, August 02, 2021
Glen Ford, Veteran Journalist and Founder of Black Agenda Report, Dies at 71. His Legacy Will Live By Bruce C.T. Wright, August 02, 2021
CDC Study, Most People Infected with COVID During Massachusetts Outbreak Were Vaccinated, 74 Percent of Outbreak Within Vaccinated Population By Sundance, August 02, 2021
Moderna Rep: Everyone Taking COVID-19 Vaccine Is “Pretty Much” Part of a Clinical Trial By Mary Villareal, August 02, 2021
Videos: Fauci, CNN, White House, Newsom and Cuomo All Ratchet Up Attacks on Unvaccinated Americans By Steve Watson, August 02, 2021
To Advance the Climate Agenda: Never Waste Bad Weather By Steve Milloy, August 02, 2021
The Perilous Censoring of Dr. Peter McCullough By Starkman Approved, August 02, 2021
Biden Isn’t Withdrawing Troops from Iraq, He’s Relabeling Their Mission By Annelle Sheline, August 02, 2021
The Falling of Democracy Worldwide By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, August 02, 2021
CDC Says Vaccinated May be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed, as Reports of Serious Injuries after Vaccines Surge By Megan Redshaw, August 02, 2021
Pilots May Hold Key to Mobilizing Against Military COVID Vaccine Mandate By Pam Long, August 02, 2021
Twitter Suspends Science Writer after He Posts Results of Pfizer Clinical Test By Jonathan Turley, August 02, 2021
The CDC Is a Threat to Science By Jeffrey A. Tucker, August 02, 2021
Syrian Insurgents Guilty of ‘Red Line’ 2013 Sarin Chemical Attack, Study Finds By Aaron Mate, August 02, 2021
US State Department Lectures Cuba About Human Rights and Living Conditions By Bill Hackwell and Alicia Jrapko, August 02, 2021
With New Guaranteed Income Bill, Omar Proposes Sending Most People in US $1,200 Per Month By Kenny Stancil, August 02, 2021
The US War on Cuba: From Economic Embargoes, Biological Warfare to US-Backed Terrorism By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 01, 2021
Video: Urgent Warning About Poisonous Jabs – “An Agonizing Situation” By Dr. Peter McCullough and Stew Peters, July 31, 2021
The Assassination of Malcolm X By Michael Welch and James DiEugenio, July 31, 2021
And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry? By F. William Engdahl, July 31, 2021
Tensions Escalating in East Asia with US Freedom of Navigation Operations By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 30, 2021
Mother of 21-Year-Old Who Died after HPV Vaccine: Merck Filed False Report, CDC Failed to Investigate By Children’s Health Defense, July 30, 2021
New Roundup Cancer Trial Starting in California By Carey Gillam, July 30, 2021
Requiem for an Empire: A Prequel By Pepe Escobar, July 30, 2021
US Military “Interventions” and “Withdrawals” By Bouthaina Shaaban, July 30, 2021
Video: Graphene Oxide, A Toxic Substance in the Vaccine Jabs: Karen Kingston, Former Consultant to Pfizer, with Stew Peters By Karen Kingston and Stew Peters, July 29, 2021
Drone Whistleblower Gets 45 Months in Prison for Revealing Ongoing US War Crimes By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 29, 2021
More CDC Insanity: Fully Vaccinated Spreading Delta Variant – So Everyone Needs to Get Vaccinated and Wear Masks By Brian Shilhavy, July 29, 2021
Biden Expected to Announce Vaccine Mandates for All Federal Employees, DOJ Declares Mandates Legal By Children’s Health Defense, July 29, 2021
The CDC’s Hysterical Delta Flip-Flop Might be Its Final Undoing By Jeffrey A. Tucker, July 29, 2021
UNESCO Urges End to Border Wall Threatening World Heritage Site, Wildlife in Mexico By Center For Biological Diversity, July 29, 2021
The 1960s Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC): Gloria Richardson Dandridge and Bob Moses’ Monumental Contributions to Civil Rights By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 29, 2021
California to Require Vaccine or Testing for State Workers By Kathleen Ronayne and Janie Har, July 29, 2021
The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 29, 2021
At FDA Urging, Pfizer and Moderna to Include Thousands More Children in Clinical Trials By Children’s Health Defense, July 28, 2021
“Learning to Loath GMOs”: Genetic Engineering, Genetic Modified Plants, Biotechnology and Big Agriculture By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, July 28, 2021
The Corona “War on Reality”. School Closures and the Hardships of Our Children By Alex Gutentag, July 28, 2021
What if America Delists Chinese Firms? By Prof. Shang-Jin Wei, July 28, 2021
Pentagon Chief Calls for Southeast Asian, Asia-Pacific Military Alliance Against China By Rick Rozoff, July 28, 2021
Why Germany Has Won and Italy Has Lost By Manlio Dinucci, July 28, 2021
Majority of US Physicians Decline COVID Shots, According to Survey By Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, July 27, 2021
Israel’s War Crimes: Is the Tide Finally Turning? By Philip Giraldi, July 27, 2021
US Attempting to Prevent China’s Technological Rise By Paul Antonopoulos, July 27, 2021
Politics over Science: Biden Admin Signals Intent to Force FDA Approval of COVID Vaccines By Jordan Schachtel, July 27, 2021
Florida COVID-19 Fatalities Data Included Man who Died in Motorcycle Accident By Laura Dyrda, July 27, 2021
Chevron’s Devastating Pollution of Ecuadorian Amazon: Donziger Slams Criminal Contempt Ruling as ‘Message of Intimidation’ to Human Rights Lawyers By Jake Johnson, July 27, 2021
What’s Actually Going On in Cuba? By Helen Yaffe, July 27, 2021