The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Five Crucial Reasons the US Began Its Decades-long Involvement in Afghanistan By Shane Quinn, September 24, 2021
Pulmonary Nurse of 31 Years Testifies How He Followed the COVID Protocols, Unknowingly that They Could Result in the Deaths of Patients By Brian Shilhavy, September 23, 2021
WildEarth Guardians Scores Groundbreaking Legal Win for the Joshua Tree By WildEarth Guardians, September 23, 2021
30,000+ Women in UK Report Menstrual Problems after COVID Shots, but Menstrual Issues Not Listed as Side Effect By Megan Redshaw, September 23, 2021
Afghanistan: Ex-Bagram Inmates Recount Stories of Abuse, Torture By Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska, September 23, 2021
‘This Cannot Happen’: Biden DHS Seeks Contractor for Migrant Detention Center at Guantánamo Bay By Jessica Corbett, September 23, 2021
Video: ‘Liberal Media Darling’ George W. Bush Confronted by Iraq Veteran By Steve Watson, September 23, 2021
American Medical Association Instructs Doctors to Deceive By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 23, 2021
Pfizer Says COVID Vaccine for 5- to 11-Year-Olds Is Safe and Shows ‘Robust’ Antibody Response, Experts Say Not So Fast By Megan Redshaw, September 23, 2021
New Movement Launched by Physicians, Including Dr. Robert Malone, to Fight Medical Tyranny By Joel S. Hirschhorn, September 23, 2021
The U.S. May Have Lost the Military War in Syria, But Has Won the Propaganda War at Home by Portraying Its Murderous Invasion as a Moral Crusade By Jeremy Kuzmarov, September 23, 2021
U.S. Militarism’s Toxic Impact on Climate Policy By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, September 22, 2021
Indisputable Science. Diabolical Crimes against Humanity: “I Refuse to be Silent”: Stephen Lendman By Stephen Lendman, September 22, 2021
What Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Means for You By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 22, 2021
Thousands of Fetal Deaths and Injuries Now Reported Following COVID-19 Injections of Pregnant Women By Brian Shilhavy, September 22, 2021
Sidelined? Hundreds of Navy SEALS Told They Won’t be Deployed if They Refuse COVID Vaccine By John Solomon, September 22, 2021
New Hampshire House Speaker Files Bill to Block Vaccine Mandate By The Center Square, September 22, 2021
80 Groups, 57 Doctors, 19 Scientists Join CHD in Urging Pennsylvania to Reject ‘Smart Meters’ Mandate By Children’s Health Defense, September 22, 2021
Congress Wants to Put Even More Troops in Russia’s Backyard By Prof. Anatol Lieven, September 22, 2021
Venezuela Denounces Colombia’s Violation of Airspace & Biden Impugns Venezuela, Cuba & Belarus at UN By Orinoco Tribune, September 22, 2021
More Evidence that They Know the COVID Vaccine Is Killing and Maiming People and Yet They Continue Their Death Program By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 22, 2021
Freedom from Fear: Stop Playing the Government’s Mind Games By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, September 22, 2021
The Evils of Big Pharma Exposed By Joachim Hagopian, September 22, 2021
US Will Not Undertake Hasty Withdrawal from Afghanistan: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin By TOLOnews, September 21, 2021
Privately Operated Charter Schools in America: History and Analysis By Dr. Shawgi Tell, September 21, 2021
Samuel Moyn’s Unprincipled Attack on Human Rights Giant Michael Ratner Is Shameful By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 21, 2021
The Significance of the Resignations of FDA Officials Responsible for Vaccine Safety By Jeffrey A. Tucker, September 21, 2021
The Great Reset: Population Control and the Plotting of a “Managerial Revolution” By Cynthia Chung, September 21, 2021
Pfizer Admits Israel Is the Great COVID-19 Vaccine Experiment By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 21, 2021
Capitalism “Has Not Served the American Economy Well” says “Champagne Socialist” Nancy Pelosi By Adeyinka Makinde, September 21, 2021
Perspective on the Covid Pandemic. Somebody is Lying through their Teeth. By Jeff Harris, September 21, 2021
Experts Tell FDA Vaccines ‘Harm More People Than They Save,’ but NIH Director Believes Boosters Will be Approved in Coming Weeks By Megan Redshaw, September 21, 2021
How Did the Perpetrators Do 9/11? By Philip Giraldi, September 21, 2021
Joe Biden: Nuclear Sorcerer Apprentice By Manlio Dinucci, September 21, 2021
Diagnostic Lab Certified Pathologist Reports 20 Times Increase of Cancer in Vaccinated Patients By Great Game India, September 21, 2021
COVID: The Movie, the Sequel to 9/11. “Virus, Virus, Fear, Fear …” By John Shuck, September 21, 2021
Worldwide Blood Trail of “Good Business”: The Trillion Dollar COVID-19 “Vaccine” Market By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, September 21, 2021
14 Military Members Detail Toll Vaccine Mandates Are Taking on Service Members in Amended Motion to CHD Lawsuit Against FDA By Children’s Health Defense, September 21, 2021
The Smoking Syringe: Was Evidence Withheld When The CDC Recommended the Pfizer Vaccine? By Dr. David Wiseman, September 21, 2021
Video: Vaccine Injuries and Deaths: Whistleblower Exposes VAERS Corruption By Deborah Conrad, September 21, 2021
Study: Government’s Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably Dead in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines By Brian Shilhavy and Jessica Rose, September 21, 2021
Ruckus over AUKUS Isn’t an Edifying Sight By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 21, 2021
‘Justice for J6 Rally’: A Set-Up or a Psy-Op? By Rep. Ron Paul, September 21, 2021
“It Wasn’t IS-K”: US Military Admits that Hellfire Missile Strike on Kabul Was a “Mistake” – But US Often Does Not Know Whom It Is Droning By Prof. Juan Cole, September 20, 2021
COVID Vaccines Bloody Travesty: From Shots to Clots By Joel S. Hirschhorn, September 20, 2021
9/11 and Afghanistan Post-Mortems: Lessons in Safe Logic By Edward Curtin, September 20, 2021
Conquered by a Fake Pandemic, We Can Kiss America Good-bye By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 20, 2021
Bombshell: FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People! By Brian Shilhavy, September 20, 2021
Somewhere Over the Afghan Horizon, U.S. Drones Still Fly By Dr. Edward Hunt, September 20, 2021
The European Union’s New Security Policy By Andrew Korybko, September 19, 2021
US Law Authorizes Secretive, National ’Exercises’ Against Public Health ‘Threats’ By Robert L. Kinney III, September 19, 2021
From 9/11 Truth to Covid Truth. Victories and Failures Twenty Years Later By Michael Welch and James Corbett, September 18, 2021
Oregon Senators File Formal Grand Jury Petition Calling for Investigation into CDC’s Willful Misconduct to Hyperinflate COVID-19 Data Following Federal Law Violations By Stand for Health Freedom, September 17, 2021
Experts Accuse CDC of ‘Cherry-Picking’ Data on Vaccine Immunity to Support Political Narrative By Megan Redshaw, September 17, 2021
Are These Findings the Death Blow for Vaccine Passports? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 17, 2021
Judge in New York Temporarily Halts State’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate By Arsenio Toledo, September 17, 2021
Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Really Apply to Everyone: Members of Congress, Staff, Postal Workers Are Exempt By J. D. Heyes, September 17, 2021
‘AUKUS’ Military Alliance Is Another Western Attempt to Isolate China By Sarang Shidore, September 17, 2021
The Winner in Afghanistan: China By Prof Alfred McCoy, September 17, 2021
Video: Gulag Fencing Goes Back Up Around Capitol; Trump Warns ‘It’s a Setup’ By Steve Watson, September 17, 2021
Canadian Philosophy Professor Julie Ponesse Fired for Refusing to Get Vaccinated By Bright Light News, September 17, 2021
Another Look at 9/11: Ask Not ‘What Happened?’ but ‘Who Did It?’ By Philip Giraldi, September 16, 2021
Why the Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Is Unconstitutional By Techno Fog, September 16, 2021
Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead By Brian Shilhavy, September 16, 2021
An American General Has Suggested that His Country Could Attack China By Tom Clifford, September 16, 2021
Twilight’s Last Gleaming. Biden’s So-called Vaccine Mandates. Judge Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, September 16, 2021
How States and Communities Can Fight Back Against Biden’s COVID Tyranny By Brandon Smith, September 16, 2021
US Plans to Support and Finance the Afghan Mujahideen from Early 1979 By Shane Quinn, September 16, 2021
Global Economic Depression, Biden’s Tyrannical Statements: More Mandated Covid-19 Vaccinations Will Not Solve Economic Failures By Dr. Shawgi Tell, September 16, 2021
Fake US Covid-19 Statistics: CDC Counts Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated Deaths By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 16, 2021
Post-occupation Afghanistan Seeks to Build International Relations By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 16, 2021
The War on Cash, Is It a Real Thing? The Answer Is Yes. By Bruce Wilds, September 16, 2021
Video: Permanent Banishment of Vaccine Passport. A Nationwide Movement against Joe Biden’s Tyrannical Approach: Senator Scott Jensen By Sen. Scott Jensen, September 16, 2021
Guantánamo Must Close By Miriam Pensack, September 16, 2021
Montana Puts Yellowstone Wolves in the Crosshairs By WildEarth Guardians, September 16, 2021
Racist Stereotypes About Africa in the U.S. Media Have Long Driven the Rape and Plunder of the Continent—But Where Is the Outcry? By Jeremy Kuzmarov, September 16, 2021
“Infringement Upon Individual Liberties”: Arizona Attorney General Suing Biden Administration over COVID Vaccine Mandate By Mary Chastain, September 15, 2021
Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 15, 2021
Vaccine Mandates ‘Potentially Harmful, Damaging Act,’ Physician Says By Children’s Health Defense, September 15, 2021
The Seekers of World Domination. “The Neocons” By Karsten Riise, September 15, 2021