The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
More People Died in the Key Clinical Trial for Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine than the Company Publicly Reported By Alex Berenson, November 18, 2021
OSHA Suspends Biden’s Employer Vaccine Mandates Following Court Order By 21st Century Wire, November 18, 2021
Diabolical Biden Regime Sanctions War on Nicaragua and Belarus By Stephen Lendman, November 18, 2021
California City Designates Itself ‘Sanctuary City’ Against COVID Mandates By Leslie Eastman, November 18, 2021
Syria’s My Lai? US Massacred 70 Civilians and Covered It Up By Aaron Mate, November 18, 2021
Biden Administration to Lease Out 80 Million Acres in Gulf of Mexico for Oil, Days after Climate Summit By Center For Biological Diversity, November 18, 2021
Vaccine Injury Attorney Suing the FDA: FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data By Brian Shilhavy, November 18, 2021
CDC Twisted the Definition of Vaccine – A Lie to Make Billions of Dollars for Drug Companies By Joel S. Hirschhorn, November 17, 2021
Fully Informed Consent for Dependent Children. The Absence of Which May Make Injecting Vulnerable Children a Form of Medical Malpractice By Dr. Diane Perlman, November 17, 2021
The Road to Fascism: Paved with Vaccine Mandates and Corporate Collusion By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, November 17, 2021
Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class By Whitney Webb, November 17, 2021
U.S. Terrorism 101: The Bert Sacks Story By Edward Curtin, November 17, 2021
Covid Jab Is Far More Dangerous than Advertised. Dr. Peter McCullough By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 17, 2021
CIA Director William Burns Goes to Moscow By Philip Giraldi, November 17, 2021
Covid-19 and the New World Order. Who Owns Planet Earth? By Joachim Hagopian, November 16, 2021
Federal Reserve Failure By Rep. Ron Paul, November 16, 2021
Iraq’s Current Crisis: A Direct Result of US “Humanitarian Assistance” and Military Intervention By Robert Inlakesh, November 16, 2021
America’s Crisis of Democracy Has Emboldened Arab Dictators By Hamid Dabashi, November 16, 2021
Oklahoma National Guard Goes Rogue, Rejects COVID Vaccine Mandate after Sudden Change of Command By Davis Winkie, November 16, 2021
“It Raises Serious Constitutional Concerns” – Appeals Court Re-Affirms Stay on Biden Vaccine Mandate By Zero Hedge, November 16, 2021
Researcher Speaks Out on Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial, Calls It a ‘Crazy Mess’ By Jeremy Loffredo, November 16, 2021
Whistleblowers Expose US-led Coalition Mass Murder of Women, Children in Syria By Alex Lantier, November 16, 2021
U.S. Threatens Regime Change in Nicaragua By Margaret Kimberley, November 16, 2021
Climate Pollution from Plastics to Outpace Coal Emissions in US by 2030, Report Finds By Elizabeth Gribkoff, November 15, 2021
The Real Anthony Fauci. RFK Jr. Discusses His Book By Dr. Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr, November 15, 2021
Technology Patent Suggests Tech Overlords Are Planning to Digitally Surveil People, Grant “Freedoms” Based on Vaccination Status By Ethan Huff, November 15, 2021
Making Another ISIS in Afghanistan. ISIS-K in Khorasan Province By Bradley Devlin, November 15, 2021
Ten States File Lawsuit against Joe Biden’s “Unconstitutional and Unlawful” COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers By Cassie B., November 15, 2021
112 Kids Given Smaller Dose of Wrong COVID Vaccine, Pharmacy Ordered to Stop Administering Shot By Megan Redshaw, November 15, 2021
VAERS COVID Vaccine Data Show Surge in Reports of Serious Injuries, as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots By Megan Redshaw, November 15, 2021
Vietnam War’s Lasting Legacy in Southeast Asia By CGTN, November 15, 2021
Class Warfare and Socialist Resistance: Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela as Existential Threats to the US By Ajamu Baraka, November 15, 2021
Ray McGovern: The Man Who Got Russiagate Right and Tried to Warn the Public—To No Avail By James Bradley and Jeremy Kuzmarov, November 14, 2021
The mRNA COVID Vaccine Is Not a Vaccine By Makia Freeman, November 13, 2021
Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing By John C. A. Manley, November 13, 2021
Video: Covid-19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths: Dr. Elizabeth Eads By Elizabeth Eads, Greg Hunter, and Mark Taliano, November 12, 2021
War Memories NOT Heard on Mainstream Media: Lest We Forget By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, and S. Brian Willson, November 12, 2021
California’s “Stay at Home Order”: Controversial Press Conference by Two Bakersfield Medical Doctors that Was Pulled Down by YouTube By Anthony Wright, November 12, 2021
New VAERS Analysis Reveals Hundreds of Serious Adverse Events that the CDC and FDA Never Told Us About By Steve Kirsch, November 12, 2021
Humanity and Animal Life: World Species Vanishing Before our Eyes. Elegies Lost 23 By Alex Bonk, November 12, 2021
Video: Kiev’s Confidence Boosted after Spike in NATO Activity in the Black Sea By South Front, November 12, 2021
Today’s Scientism is “Medical Tyranny” and Political Regimentation: Faux Science Dictates CDC COVID Directives By Renee Parsons, November 11, 2021
A “Deadly Attack” on the Capitol? By Jacob G. Hornberger, November 11, 2021
FDA Recommends COVID Vaccine for Children; Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Urges Caution By Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, November 11, 2021
Texas Church Injects Young Children with COVID Shot in Halloween Celebration – Christian Churches Now Working with the CDC By Brian Shilhavy, November 11, 2021
Pfizer “Secretly” Added Heart Attack Drug Tromethamine (Tris) to Children’s COVID Vaccines … But Why? By Ethan Huff, November 11, 2021
“Global Financial Governance”: UN-backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System By Whitney Webb, November 11, 2021
City of Garland (Texas): Children Mistakenly Given Adult Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine By Nicole Nielsen, November 11, 2021
Afghanistan: Between Pipelines and ISIS-K, the Americans Are Still in Play By Pepe Escobar, November 11, 2021
Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed: CDC Hits New Lows with Two Manipulated Studies By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 10, 2021
California Governor Gavin Newsom Injured by Moderna Booster Shot. Source By Children’s Health Defense, November 10, 2021
There Is a Direct Link Between JFK, 9/11 and COVID-19: Edward Curtin By Edward Curtin and Geopolitics and Empire, November 10, 2021
Inside Cuban Dissidents’ Planned “November 15 Plot”: Unpacking the Archipiélago Facebook Group By Arnold August, November 10, 2021
US Continues to Challenge Russia’s Sovereignty in the Black Sea By Paul Antonopoulos, November 10, 2021
Big Bird, CNN Push Vaccine Propaganda on Kids By Jeremy Loffredo, November 10, 2021
Marine Corps Commandant Blames Vaccine Disinformation for Possibility of Losing 12,500 Troops from Marine Corp Ranks By Sundance, November 10, 2021
State of American Drinking Water By EWG, November 10, 2021
China’s PLA Navy By Karsten Riise, November 10, 2021
Sandinistas Win by a Landslide! U.S. Dirty Tricks Fail in Derailing Nicaraguan Democracy By Nan McCurdy, November 10, 2021
The Elites “Are Coming to the Rescue” of Our Children? FDA and CDC Approving Pfizer Death Jab for 5 to 11-Year Olds By Joachim Hagopian, November 09, 2021
The New Financial Weapons of the West By Manlio Dinucci, November 09, 2021
Myocarditis and Pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination. CDC Report By Center for Disease Control and Prevention, November 09, 2021
Great News: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is Falling Apart! By Rep. Ron Paul, November 09, 2021
Refocus on Iran’s Behaviour By James J. Zogby, November 09, 2021
BMJ Whistleblower Investigation Reveals Evidence of Falsifying Data in Pivotal Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial By Dr Aseem Malhotra FRCP, November 09, 2021
The FDA’s “Intentional Malfeasance”: Vaccine Injuries include “Deadly Strokes, Bizarre Rashes, Cardiac Arrest, Blood Clots, Neurological Symptoms By Edmond B. Paré, November 09, 2021
Why’s the US Manufacturing Another Crisis in Nicaragua? By Andrew Korybko, November 08, 2021
Does Repeatedly Calling China a Threat Reify It? By Kim Petersen, November 08, 2021
Health Is Personal and Medicine Must be Personal Too By Joel S. Hirschhorn, November 08, 2021
2,433 Dead Babies in VAERS as Another Study Shows mRNA Shots Not Safe for Pregnant Women By Brian Shilhavy, November 08, 2021
What You Need to Know About Pfizer’s Comirnaty Vaccine By Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Meryl Nass, November 08, 2021
San Francisco Will Require Children 5 to 11 to Show Proof of COVID Injection for Indoor Activities By Jean Lee, November 08, 2021
COP26: Wall Street Rolls Out Climate Finance By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 08, 2021
How Vaccine Hysteria Could Spark A Totalitarian Nightmare By Lee Hieb, M.D., November 07, 2021
CDC Emails: Our Definition of Vaccine Is “Problematic” By Techno Fog, November 07, 2021
Court Stops Louisiana’s Largest Healthcare System from Imposing COVID Jab Mandate on Employees By Ashley Sadler, November 07, 2021
What Is the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV) to Prevent a Single COVID-19 Fatality in Kids 5 to 11 Based on the Pfizer EUA Application? By Toby Rogers, November 07, 2021
Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate Has Finally Been Issued – And It Will Deploy a National Policing Force to Ensure Compliance By Kyle Becker, November 07, 2021
The Kids Are Dropping from the Murder Vaccine By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 07, 2021
Sandinistas Poised to Win Election in Nicaragua Despite U.S. Sabotage and Smears By Prof. Yader Lanuza, November 07, 2021