The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Obama Deported a Record 438,421 People Last Year By Andre Damon, October 03, 2014
Economic Recovery in America? US Poverty Report Contradicts GDP Claims By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 03, 2014
“US Foreign Policy Triggers the Disintegration of Civil Society, Relying on War Increases Terrorism” By Veterans for Peace, October 03, 2014
During An Ebola Pandemic in America All Of Your Rights Would Essentially Be Meaningless By Michael Snyder, October 03, 2014
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The Federal Reserve Bails Out Wall Street. Since 2008, the Fed has Granted Unlimited Credit to Banks at an Official Rate of 0.25% By Eric Toussaint, October 02, 2014
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Top Doctors: Ebola May Become Airborne … And May Already Be Transmissible Via Aerosols By Washington's Blog, October 02, 2014
“Mumia Abu-Jamal Live From Death Row”: Why Mumia Matters to the Nation and the World By Prison Radio, October 02, 2014
Ebola in the US: “Disaster Teams Were Notified Months Ago They Would Be Activated in October” By Mac Slavo, October 02, 2014
Plunge in Kindergarten-aged Children Vaccination Rates, US Officials Pushing for Herd Immunity By Christina Sarich, October 01, 2014
Police State America: US Department of Justice to Train “Community Leaders” to be Snitches for the Empire By Danny Haiphong, October 01, 2014
Orwellian Nightmare in the UK: A “No Social Media List” For “Extremists” And Potential Terrorists? By Michael Snyder, October 01, 2014
Obedience to Authority? Why do Good People Become Silent When Faced with Facts Which Disprove the Official 9/11 Story? By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 01, 2014
Justice in America. Falling Short of the Mark: The Eric Holder Dossier By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 01, 2014
More White House “Security Breaches”: More Secret Service Bungling By The Day By Global Research News, October 01, 2014
More Washington Lies. Hong Kong, ISIS, Ebola, Afghanistan … By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 01, 2014
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Federal Judge Rules Detroit Residents Have No “Fundamental Right” to Water By Jerry White, September 30, 2014
Respiratory Disease Pandemic: California Hit With First 2014 Wave of Enterovirus D68 By RT, September 30, 2014
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Crushing Dissent in America: New York Fusion Center Declares Oath Keepers, Other Liberty Groups as ‘Extremist Threats’ By Melissa Dykes, September 29, 2014
The CIA Mainstream Media Contra-Cocaine Cover-up By Robert Parry, September 29, 2014
The Model for America: Ruling Elites Dispense with Democracy in Detroit By Jerry White, September 29, 2014
US Military, Obama Administration Plan Massive Military Escalation in Syria and Iraq By Patrick Martin, September 29, 2014
The Curious Case of Ebola Patents The US government appears to have a cure and (almost) a vaccine for the deadly disease By Global Research News, September 29, 2014
“What the US did to Cambodia was an Epic Crime”. Kissinger’s Carpet Bombing of Cambodia By John Pilger, September 29, 2014
Washington’s Secret Agendas By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 29, 2014
Alleged Oklahoma City Beheader Alton Nolan Linked To Pentagon Diner Al-Awlaki By Kurt Nimmo, September 28, 2014
US Strike on Syria is Desperation Incarnate By Tony Cartalucci, September 27, 2014
Raking In On Rents: The US Housing Crisis Begins Anew By Devon Douglas-Bowers, September 27, 2014
U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Liars: “1 Million Ebola Cases by January” By Jon Rappoport, September 27, 2014
Ebola and the “Rapid Vaccine Response”. The U.S. Government Filed for Patent on Ebola in 2009 By WorldTruthTV, September 27, 2014
Monsanto’s Experimental Genetically Modified Wheat Discovered in Montana By RT, September 27, 2014
New Scandal Coming in America? Eric Holder Jumps Ship, Resigns as Attorney General By 21st Century Wire, September 27, 2014
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix: Dangerous and Unnecessary By Paul Fassa, September 27, 2014
The Lesson Hollywood Cannot Teach Us By Jonathan Cook, September 27, 2014
ISIS and the USA: Expansion and Resistance by Decapitation By Prof. James Petras, September 26, 2014
Gallup: 58% of Americans Want a Third Party. Maybe Senator Sanders? By Eric Zuesse, September 26, 2014
The Strikes on Iraq and Syria. Abuse of Executive Powers, What Role for the US Congress? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 26, 2014
​Illegal, but Fit to Serve: Pentagon to Recruit Undocumented Immigrants By RT, September 26, 2014
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to Fully Deregulate Dow Chemical’s GMOs Sprayed with Toxic Herbicide 2,4-D By Christina Sarich, September 26, 2014
The Failure to Prosecute Leading US Banks. The Abuse of Power by Government and Big Business By Kevin Zeese, September 26, 2014
Arab Bank to Appeal Guilty Verdict in US Terror Financing “Show Trial” By Charlotte Silver, September 26, 2014
The Lies and Deceit of President Barack Obama Open Letter to Obama. Stop Preaching Peace to the World By Feroze Mithiborwala, September 25, 2014
The US Anti-war Movement’s Statement on the U.S. Bombing of Syria By Brian Becker, September 25, 2014
U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) Threatens to Arrest People Who Claim Natural Ebola Cures By Mike Adams, September 25, 2014
Obama the “Reluctant Warrior”: Syria is the 7th Country Bombed by the Nobel Peace Laureate By Peter Hart, September 25, 2014
The JFK Assassination: The CIA’s “Lone Assassin” Propaganda Strategy for the Warren Commission Report By James F. Tracy, September 24, 2014
The Quick Slide From Hope to Despair As War Returns, If It Ever Went Away By Danny Schechter, September 24, 2014
White House Fence Jumpers, 9/11 and “Khorasan”, the Mysterious Al Qaeda Splinter Group By Prof Jason Kissner, September 24, 2014
The CIA’s Invention of the “Conspiracy Theorist”: Smear Campaign to Discredit Dissenters Why do Good People Become Silent About the Documentable Facts That Disprove the Official White House Conspiracy Theory About 9/11? – Part Two By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 24, 2014
Propaganda, Brain-washing, Playing Dumb to Avoid the Truth By Edward Curtin, September 24, 2014
No Boots by Anthony Freda on
Obama’s War against Syria and Iraq: “No Boots on The Ground” By Anthony Freda, September 24, 2014
“Economic Recovery” for the U.S. Middle Class: Significantly Less Purchasing Power than Before the 2008 Financial Crisis By Michael Snyder, September 24, 2014
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The Islamic State and Obama’s Diabolical “Hidden Agenda”: Iraq, Syria and “Superpower Prerogatives” By Jack A. Smith, September 23, 2014
Syria Calls Upon U.S. and Allies to Stop Supporting the Islamic State under a Fake Counter-Terrorism Mandate By Global Research News, September 23, 2014
World Population Alarmism: Twelve Billion People by 2100 By Tony Cartalucci, September 23, 2014
US Police Get “Anti-Terror Training” in Israel on Privately Funded Trips By Global Research News, September 23, 2014
Rigged Gold Price Distorts Perception of Economic Reality By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and David Kranzler, September 23, 2014
Witch-Hunting in America’s Universities: Steven Salaita and the New McCarthyism By Bill Van Auken, September 23, 2014
2,400 Year Old “Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend” Myth has Led to Insanely Stupid U.S. Foreign Policy By Washington's Blog, September 23, 2014
“Train and Equip” the Islamic State: White House Might Still Be Arming ISIL By Henry Kamens, September 22, 2014
Obama Administration Is Paying Monthly Salaries to “Thousands” of ISIS and Al Nusrah Syrian Rebels By Global Research News, September 22, 2014
Ronald Reagan’s Executive Order 12333: End-Running the Fourth Amendment; “Legalizing” Police State Surveillance By Peter Van Buren, September 22, 2014
Private Police State? Blackwater-Like Contractor Seeks to Legalize Private Police in the U.S. By Eric Blair, September 22, 2014
Scam Alert: Hospitals All Over America Are Wildly Inflating Medical Bills By Michael Snyder, September 22, 2014
Multi Billion Dollar Bonanza: Companies which Make Money By Keeping Americans “Terrified of Terror Attacks” A massive industry profits off the government-induced fear of terrorism. By Alex Kane, September 22, 2014
Obama Is Defeated in Ukraine. Status-Quo Truce-Lines Agreed. Donbass Separatists: “We Will Build Our Own Country” Russia's Leader Putin Rejects Ukrainian Separatists' Aim to Become Part of Russia. But Separatists Will Almost Certainly Receive Reconstruction Aid from Russia. By Eric Zuesse, September 22, 2014
“Climate March” Hides Real Culprits and Real Solutions By Tony Cartalucci, September 22, 2014
Climate Change, Manufactured Dissent and “Foundation-funded Doomsayers” By James F. Tracy, September 21, 2014
Drone Vet Speaks Out: Killer Crafts More Deadly Than Government Admits "The psychological pressure of not knowing if strikes were accurate was debilitating at times." By Lauren McCauley, September 21, 2014
House Bans War Powers Resolution Actions By David Swanson, September 20, 2014
How the People’s Climate March Became a Corporate PR Campaign By Arun Gupta, September 20, 2014
Is the U.S. Military Manufacturing Ebola Vaccines to Be Tested on its Soldiers to “Advance US Ability to Wage War”? By Julie Lévesque, September 20, 2014
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Ebola Virus Patented by US Government in October 2009: “Invention Related to Novel Species of Human Ebola (hEbola) virus” By Global Research News, September 20, 2014
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The Ebola Virus Pandemic: “A Weapon of Mass Destruction”? By Joachim Hagopian, September 20, 2014
CIA Whistleblower: “US is a Police State, Obama Consciously Allows Torture” By RT, September 19, 2014
Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket By Global Research News, September 19, 2014
Impacts of Fed’s Monetary Policy: U.S. National Debt Surges $1 Trillion In Just 12 Months By Zero Hedge, September 18, 2014
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Global Capitalism: We Need “System Change” to Stop Climate Change By Chris Williams, September 18, 2014
Did Senator Orrin Hatch Just Censor Testimony on the Retirement Crisis? By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, September 18, 2014