The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Pentagon Warns American Psychological Association – Help Us Torture, Or the U.S. Will be Attacked By Andrew Emett, February 03, 2016
Media Disinfo; “Playing Games” with War Deaths. Hyping Death Tolls When Alleged US “Enemies” are Involved By Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 03, 2016
US Military and CIA Use of Shannon Airport. Ireland’s Complicity in War Crimes By Shannonwatch, February 03, 2016
Endless Hollywood Trilogies: Myth and The “Star Wars” Franchise By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 03, 2016
Alaska and Hawaii Ask United Nations to Recognize U.S as “Occupiers” By Ollie Richardson, February 02, 2016
More Than 1 Million in US Face Food Stamps Cutoff By Kate Randall, February 02, 2016
The Viciousness of Global Capitalism. A Long-Term Strategy for the Left By William T. Hathaway, February 02, 2016
Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II Boondoggle. A $2 Trillion Pentagon Waste By Stephen Lendman, February 02, 2016
The Ethics of Exposure: Whistleblower Thomas Tamm, the DOJ and Bush Era Rampant Surveillance By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 02, 2016
Voting Rights Organizer Targeted by the Ku Klux Klan for Liquidation Prompting the Black Power Movement By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 02, 2016
Want Endless War? Love the U.S. Empire? Well, Hillary Clinton Is Your Choice By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 02, 2016
Senator Bernie Sanders
The Bernie Campaign: The Democratic Party’s Biggest Insurrection in Decades By Norman Solomon, February 01, 2016
The West Is Reduced To Looting Itself By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 01, 2016
Hillary Clinton Brags about Getting Her Marching Orders from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) By Brandon Turbeville, February 01, 2016
US Congress Quietly Enables Funding for Ukrainian Neo-Nazi-led Azov Regiment By David Levine, February 01, 2016
The New York Times Endorses Hillary Clinton with a Banner Ad from Citigroup By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, February 01, 2016
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Obama Joins Israel Boycott? Labels West Bank Goods By Jordan Schachtel, January 30, 2016
John Whitaker, executive director of Midwest Food Bank, carries a case of water that was donated to Flint residents on January 27. CREDIT: AP Photo/Darron Cummings
Michigan Officials Quietly Gave Bottled Water To State Employees Months Before Flint Residents By Bryce Covert, January 30, 2016
15,000 Abandoned Uranium Mines. Native American “No-Nukes” Protests in Washington DC By Klee Benally, January 30, 2016
Seven Years of Monetary Quackery; Can the Federal Reserve Admit It Was Wrong? By Mike Whitney, January 30, 2016
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Donald Trump Wins Fox News Debate Without Showing Up By Stephen Lendman, January 29, 2016
Hearings in Secret: Congress, FISA and Warrantless Surveillance By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 29, 2016
While Flint Was Being Poisoned, State Workers “Quietly” Provided Water Coolers By Common Dreams, January 29, 2016
A Crazy US Establishment Demands “Sanity”: “Do Not Elect a Rogue President from the Right or the Left” By Robert Parry, January 29, 2016
The Media War on Donald Trump By Stephen Lendman, January 29, 2016
Media Disinformation and the US Heroin Epidemic By Dr. Meryl Nass, January 29, 2016
America’s “Insider Threat Program and Personnel Security Reform”: 100,000 Military, Civilian and Contractor Personnel under Surveillance By Steven Aftergood, January 29, 2016
Hillary Clinton: The Bride of Frankenfood By Brandon Turbeville, January 28, 2016
Seven Years of Monetary Quackery; Can the Fed Admit it Was Wrong Yet? By Mike Whitney, January 28, 2016
War and the Destruction of Social Infrastructure in America By Andre Damon, January 28, 2016
The Cooptation of Satyrical Media: Hillary Clinton’s Top Financial Supporter Now Controls “The Onion” By Jon Schwarz, January 28, 2016
Rebuilding and Expanding the North American Economic Relationship By Dana Gabriel, January 28, 2016
Why “Real American Leftists” Should Not Vote for Bernie Sanders By Joseph Waters, January 27, 2016
Spin Shift on Bernie: The Escalating Media Assault By Norman Solomon, January 27, 2016
The Clintons: We Came, We Stole, Haitians Died By Glen Ford, January 27, 2016
Common Security – Progressive Alternatives to the New Arms Race By Dr Steven Schofield, January 27, 2016
Did Wall Street Banks Create the Oil Crash? By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, January 27, 2016
The Populist Revolution: Bernie Sanders and Beyond. Nationalizing the Failed Megabanks By Ellen Brown, January 27, 2016
Sammy Younge, Jr. (1944-1966): Murder of SNCC Activist Prompted Anti-War Position By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 26, 2016
Military Escalation: The US Congress is Writing the President a “Blank Check for War” By Rep. Ron Paul, January 26, 2016
US Wants Russia Transformed into a US Vassal State… Doomsday Clock is Three Minutes to Midnight By Stephen Lendman, January 26, 2016
Former Mayor of NYC and Billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Presidential Bid? By Stephen Lendman, January 25, 2016
Stock Buybacks and the Wall Street Sharktank: “A Whole Lotta Stealin’ Goin’ On” By Mike Whitney, January 25, 2016
A Blueprint for US War with China: Center for International and Strategic Studies (CSIS) Report By Peter Symonds, January 25, 2016
State of Unease: The Return of the X Files By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 25, 2016
Media More Outraged by “Possible Murder” by Putin Than “Definite Murder” by Obama By Matt Peppe, January 25, 2016
How the Supreme Court Could Legalize Direct Bribery: An Innocent Behind Bars, A Guilty Man Free By David Swanson, January 25, 2016
© Lucy Nicholson / Reuters
What’s Really Going on with Oil? By F. William Engdahl, January 24, 2016
State-Sponsored Murders at Guantanamo. Extrajudicial Assassination of Prisoners By Stephen Lendman, January 24, 2016
Donald Trump: Why Bilderberg, World Economic Forum (Davos), and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Have Shingles By Jon Rappoport, January 24, 2016
Free Mumia: Stop the Slow Motion Assassination of a Modern Revolutionary Global Research News Hour Episode 128 By Glen Ford and Michael Welch, January 24, 2016
“Buying Hillary Clinton”: The Courting of Wall Street By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 23, 2016
9/11, Follow the Money; How Big Oil Conquered the World: Crossroads of Corruption and Criminality By James Corbett and Bonnie Faulkner, January 23, 2016
Hillary Clinton: A Deplorable Choice for President. “The Most Dangerous of the Bunch” By Stephen Lendman, January 23, 2016
MH-17: Kerry Pressed for Evidence by Father of Sole American Citizen on Flight By Robert Parry, January 22, 2016
Teaching 9/11 to Conspiracy Theorists By James F. Tracy, January 22, 2016
Anglo-American Merchants of Death and Destruction. Multibillion Dollar Weapons Sales to Saudi Arabia By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2016
Donald Trump Rides His Dad’s Coattails into Manhattan By WhoWhatWhy, January 22, 2016
The Tide Is Turning in 2016. Profound Geopolitical and Economic Changes are Occurring By Joachim Hagopian, January 22, 2016
Left Anticommunism: The Unkindest Cut By Michael Parenti, January 21, 2016
New Hampshire Poll Indicates Bernie Sanders Will Win the Democratic Nomination, then the U.S. Presidency By Eric Zuesse, January 21, 2016
Guantanamo Guard: ‘CIA Killed Prisoners and Made it Look like Suicide’ By Emma Reynolds, January 21, 2016
“The Criminalization of Peace”: American Grandmother Jailed for Peacefully Protesting the US Drone War By Carey Wedler, January 21, 2016
What Obama Really Said About Cuba, Foreign Affairs and the US By Arnold August, January 21, 2016
Fed Official Confesses Federal Reserve has Rigged the Stock Market — Crash Certain By David Haggith, January 21, 2016
Planet of Fear By Pepe Escobar, January 20, 2016
Democrats in ‘Group Think’ Land By Robert Parry, January 20, 2016
The Flint Water Crisis and the Criminality of American Capitalism By Jerry White, January 20, 2016
Obama – My Combat. Rhetoric Versus Reality By Thierry Meyssan, January 20, 2016
Goldman Sachs Makes Oil Prices Drop By Mikhail Leontyev, January 20, 2016
Barring Donald Trump from Entering the UK. The “Ban Trump” Petition Targets “Hate Speech” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 20, 2016
The Federal Reserve’s Insidious Role in the Stock Market Slide By Mike Whitney, January 20, 2016
Political Assassinations: Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 19, 2016
The 21st Century: An Era Of Fraud. “Anyone who still Believes in the Purity of US Foreign Policy is a Lost Soul” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 19, 2016
WebMD — The Latest Shill for Monsanto. What You Need to Know About GMOs By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 19, 2016
USDA Study Confirms GM Contamination Between GM and Non-GM Crops, Exposes Failure of “Coexistence” Policy By Bill Freese, January 19, 2016