The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
US Senate Set to Extend Iran Sanctions By Press TV, November 18, 2016
Largest Bank in Norway Sells its Assets in Dakota Access Pipeline By Perry Wheeler, November 18, 2016
After the Election of Trump: The Realignment of US Politics By Patrick Martin, November 18, 2016
Pointing Fingers Over Trump’s Victory By Nat Parry, November 18, 2016
Google, Corporate Press Launch Attack On Alternative Media By Brandon Turbeville, November 18, 2016
McCain to Trump: Don’t You Dare Make Peace with Russia! By Daniel McAdams, November 18, 2016
Obama just Cancelled Oil and Gas Drilling on sacred Blackfeet Land By Tom Cahil, November 18, 2016
Washington Accuses Russians of Bombing Five Hospitals in Syria. State Department Refuses to Provide Evidence By RT News, November 17, 2016
Donald Trump
Syrian War: Al-Nusra Command Structures in Aleppo Targeted by Russian Air Strikes By South Front, November 17, 2016
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Trump Nomination Report Card: F By Washington's Blog, November 17, 2016
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Could Sanders Have Beaten Trump? By Stephen Lendman, November 17, 2016
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Trump’s Candidate for Homeland Security Chief Calls for Suppression of Anti-Trump Protests By Tom Carter, November 16, 2016
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Fantasies of Impeachment and Protest: Continued Media Misreadings of Donald Trump By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 15, 2016
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After the Election: Don’t Panic, Think! By Diana Johnstone, November 15, 2016
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Obama Tries to Cover Tracks of U.S. Ties to the Terrorists by Ordering a “Mop Up” of Washington’s Al Qaeda Leaders By Grete Mautner, November 15, 2016
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The Trump Administration’s “Alternative Right”: The Swamp Deepens… By Tony Cartalucci, November 15, 2016
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Steve Bannon: A Fascist in the White House By Tom Carter, November 15, 2016
EU Holds Emergency Meeting to Discuss Donald Trump By Eric Zuesse, November 15, 2016
Trump- Putin First Phone Call: Discuss Syria, US-Russia Relations, Trade: “Uniting Efforts in Fighting Terrorism” By RT, November 15, 2016
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Corporate Media Rubbish: The Real Deplorables, The Power of Daily Propaganda By Stephen Lendman, November 14, 2016
Company Behind Dakota Access Pipeline Rounds Up Wild Buffaloes, Keeps Them Without Food Or Water By Whitney Webb, November 14, 2016
Fighting the (Real) Deplorables. Corporate Financiers, Big Agriculture, Big Pharma… What are the Solutions? By LocalOrg, November 14, 2016
You’ll Only Understand Trump and Brexit If You Understand the Failure of Globalization By Washington's Blog, November 14, 2016
Restoring Dialogue with the Kremlin? Donald Trump and Potential US-Russia Break Points By Michael Averko, November 14, 2016
Actually, “Nobody” Won the 2016 Presidential Election — and the “I Voted for Nobody” Group Was a Landslide By Nick Bernabe, November 14, 2016
From “Political Revolution” to Collaboration: Sanders and Warren Pledge to Work with Trump By Joseph Kishore and Patrick Martin, November 14, 2016
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Trump Names Extreme-Right Steve Bannon as Top Adviser, Confirms Plans to Deport 2-3 Million Immigrants By Tom Eley, November 14, 2016
Election Outcomes, War or Peace? Clinton Promotes War, While US Public Opinion Speaks to Anti-Militarist Populism By Prof. James Petras, November 14, 2016
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Trump’s Vice President Mike Pence Wants War against Syria and Russia? By South Front, November 13, 2016
Janet Reno: Bill Clinton’s Attorney General By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 13, 2016
Tumultuous US Electoral Season and Aftermath. Trump v. Hillary was likely Rigged. Powerful Deep State Figures run America By Stephen Lendman, November 13, 2016
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Obama Quietly Signs Executive Order to Advance Global Vaccination Agenda By Vin Armani, November 12, 2016
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Recount in California: Trump’s Popular “Vote Deficit” May Approach Two Million By Patrick Martin and David North, November 12, 2016
Al Qaeda on the Run – Trump Induces First Major Policy Change on Syria By Moon of Alabama, November 12, 2016
Trump’s Worse Than Bush and Obama Because You Think He Isn’t By Land Destroyer, November 12, 2016
Syria Extends Donald Trump an Olive Branch By Adam Garrie, November 12, 2016
From Monster to Mr. President-Elect: Democrats Grovel Before Trump By Andre Damon, November 12, 2016
Donald Trump and the Dangers of Expectation By Larry Chin, November 12, 2016
The TPP is Dead: The People Defeat Transnational Corporate Power By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, November 12, 2016
The Anti-Trump Protesters Are Tools of the Oligarchy. Their Objective: Delegitimize Donald, Install “Madam President” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 11, 2016 Petition to Unseat Donald and Make Hillary President By Stephen Lendman, November 11, 2016
Donald Trump Wins US Presidency: A Blow to the Global Establishment…or Its Latest Iteration? By Ghada Chehade, November 11, 2016
Is it Fact or Fiction? US Media Says that New World Order is in Jeopardy with a Trump Presidency By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 11, 2016
Dow Hits Record High as Wall Street Celebrates Trump Victory By Nick Beams, November 11, 2016
No Soul-Searching by “Liberals” After Clinton’s Defeat. Their Candidate Was the Embodiment of a Totally Corrupt Political System By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, November 11, 2016