The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
How War Propaganda Keeps on Killing By Robert Parry, December 08, 2016
US to Establish A Military Base in Israel By Middle East Monitor, December 08, 2016
A Cabinet of Generals: Trump appoints John Kelly to lead Department of Homeland Security By Eric London, December 08, 2016
Trump Cabinet Selections: Radical Militarization, A Country to be Governed by Generals and Billionaires By Eric Sommer, December 07, 2016
Northwest Passage: Trump Card for US Arctic Policy? By Jeremy McCoy, December 07, 2016
U.S. First Shields Its Torturers and War Criminals From Prosecution, Now Officially Honors Them By Glenn Greenwald, December 07, 2016
The TPP is Dead. What Happens Next? By Kavaljit Singh, December 07, 2016
Trump’s Promised ‘New Foreign Policy’ Must Abandon Regime Change for Iran By Rep. Ron Paul, December 07, 2016
US Strikes on Syrian Troops: Report Data Contradicts ‘Mistake’ Claims By Gareth Porter, December 07, 2016
US Policymakers Propose Working Closer with the State Sponsors of the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) By Tony Cartalucci, December 07, 2016
In Counterterrorism Speech, Obama Hints at Danger of American Dictatorship By Patrick Martin, December 07, 2016
New York State Governor Cuomo’s Blacklist of Organizations involved in the BDS Campaign in Support of Palestinian Human Rights By Palestine Legal, December 07, 2016
Elections 2016: Continuity of US Imperial Militarism Under the Two Party System By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 07, 2016
‘Shoot at Us First’: Veterans Form Literal ‘Human Shield’ to Protect Standing Rock Dakota Protesters from Cops By Jay Syrmopoulos, December 06, 2016
Dakota Access LLC: Army Corps Denies Final Easement for River Crossing, but the Battle Is Not Over! By Thane Maxwell, December 06, 2016
Publish, Punish, and Pardon: Nine Things Obama Could Do Before Leaving Office By Pratap Chatterjee, December 06, 2016
Housing Crisis in America. Trump Appoints Dr. Ben Carson as Housing Secretary. Bankruptcy of Incoming Administration By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 06, 2016
Troubled Waters: Trump, Taiwan and Beijing By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 06, 2016
Fake News about ‘Fake News’ – The Media Performance Pyramid By Medialens, December 06, 2016
Washington’s Imperial Project in Syria Faces Defeat. Obama’s Criminal Legacy By Stephen Lendman, December 06, 2016
Trump’s Phone Call with Taiwan: A Provocation Against China By Peter Symonds, December 06, 2016
#NoDAPL Scores Major Victory: No Final Permit for Dakota Access Pipeline By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 05, 2016
US Furious at UN Over Differing Afghan War Reports By Jason Ditz, December 05, 2016
Washington Seeks “New Thailand” Regime Change Amid “Asian Pivot” By Joseph Thomas, December 05, 2016
Media Complicity Is Key to Blacklisting Websites By Norman Solomon, December 05, 2016
Trump Picks General “Mad Dog” Mattis for Secretary of Defense By Patrick Martin, December 05, 2016
US Congress Overwhelmingly Backs $619 Billion Pentagon Budget By Bill Van Auken, December 05, 2016
When Truth-Telling Becomes Russian Propaganda By Stephen Lendman, December 04, 2016
Satire By One Plus, December 04, 2016
Is the Donald Trumped? Clinton Scheming to Seize White House Through Backdoor By Robert Bridge, December 04, 2016
Obama TV: Is Obama Planning A “Fake News” Outlet Of His Own? By Zero Hedge, December 04, 2016
Fidel Castro Ruz: Reflections on the Life and Legacy of a Giant By Michael Welch, Eva Golinger, Abayomi Azikiwe, Richard Heinberg, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 04, 2016
Trump Declares Support for Dakota Access Pipeline Ahead of Evacuation Order against Protesters By Joseph Kishore, December 04, 2016
A Bare-Knuckle Fight Over US Election Recounts By Joe Lauria, December 04, 2016
Three Reasons Why Trump will be Good for Israel and Bad for the Palestinians By Timothy Alexander Guzman, December 04, 2016
Russia-US Agreement on Aleppo or Another American Deception? By Stephen Lendman, December 04, 2016
Trump’s Secretary of Defense General Mattis Presided over Slaughter of Civilians in Fallujah By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 04, 2016
Is the US Government Behind the Fake News Media Attacks on President-elect Trump? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 04, 2016
China Is Laughing At Trump’s Twitter Feed By Mitchell Blatt, December 04, 2016
Urgent Alert: The “21st Century Cures Act” That Will Expand the Use of Coerced Drug “Treatments” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, December 03, 2016
America’s “Duopoly Party System”, Central to Understanding Power and Domination By Vince Montes, December 03, 2016
US Congress Quietly Passes Bill Targeting “Russian Propaganda” Websites By Zero Hedge, December 03, 2016
Washington Heads Toward “Permitting Military Cooperation” with Russia Only on US Terms By Stephen Lendman, December 03, 2016
The Bush Family Saga – Airbrushed Out of History By William Bowles, December 02, 2016
Selected Articles: What a Trump Presidency Might Look Like By Global Research News, December 02, 2016
U.S. ‘News’ Media and Intel Agencies Blame Moscow for Trump’s Election By Eric Zuesse, December 02, 2016
Trump’s Economic Plan: This Isn’t Going to Work By Mike Whitney, December 02, 2016
Waiting for the Barbarians, “A Sad, Pathetic Period in American History” By Chris Hedges, December 02, 2016
Russia’s “Fake News Psy-Op”: Why Are Media Outlets Still Citing Discredited ‘Fake News’ Blacklist? By Adam Johnson, December 02, 2016
The Orwellian War on Skepticism. Battling “Fake News” By Robert Parry, December 02, 2016
“Taming Trump”, Key Republican Appointments: What a Trump Presidency Might Look Like By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 02, 2016
Rosa Parks. In Memoriam: The Civil Rights Movement in the US By Global Research, December 02, 2016
Seven Reasons Why America’s Corporate Media Is Pro-War By Washington's Blog, December 02, 2016
Trump Outlines Right-Wing Program of Extreme Nationalism at Cincinnati Rally By Joseph Kishore and Jerry White, December 02, 2016
New Conservative ‘Professor Watchlist’ Names ‘Radical’ Professors From NYU, Columbia & John Jay By Gaby Del Valle, December 02, 2016
Trump Ponders General David Petraeus for Senior Job By Ray McGovern, December 02, 2016
Trump Names Hawkish “Mad Dog” Marine Corps General James Mattis As Defense Secretary, “It’s a Lot of Fun to Fight” Said Mattis By Stephen Lendman, December 02, 2016
Saving Face: America’s TPP Disaster By Joseph Thomas, December 02, 2016
Mr. Trump and Europe. How Would Trump Reshape EU Policies? By Peter Koenig, December 01, 2016
Trump Contradicts Some Negative Images of Himself By Michael Averko, December 01, 2016
Donald Trump: What can go Wrong? “Unlikely to Start a War with Russia” By William Blum, December 01, 2016
The Major Purveyor of ‘Fake News’ is the CIA-Corporate Complex By Wayne Madsen, December 01, 2016
Kissinger and Brzezinski to Be Honoured by Nobel Institute and Oslo University By Jan Oberg, December 01, 2016
US Congress Passes Intelligence Bill Aimed at Thwarting Russia’s ‘Influence Over People and Governments’ By RT News, December 01, 2016
The “Fake News” Furor and the Threat of Internet Censorship By Kevin Reed, December 01, 2016
Trump Refuses to Sever Ties with his Business Empire By E.P. Milligan, December 01, 2016
Trump Ponders Gen. David Petraeus for Senior Job. The Iraq “Surge,” which He Oversaw… By Ray McGovern, December 01, 2016
U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda against the American People By Washington's Blog, December 01, 2016
Wall street
Trump Forms a Wall Street Government to Attack Health Care and Workers’ Rights By Patrick Martin, November 30, 2016
Ohio Muslim “Attacker” Shot Dead by Police: What They Really Mean by “Influenced by Islam” By Tony Cartalucci, November 30, 2016
From Bush to Trump: Culture, Economy and War. The Pillars of the New World Order By Federico Pieraccini, November 30, 2016
The Dangerous Deception Called “The Trump Presidency” By F. William Engdahl, November 30, 2016
Fake Catholic Groups and the “Catholic Spring” Emails By Anne Hendershott, November 30, 2016
Jill Stein’s Vote-Recounts Aim for a Hillary Clinton Victory By Eric Zuesse, November 30, 2016
Video: Donald Trump’s USA: Global Empire or Fortress America? By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, November 29, 2016
Jimmy Carter: America Must Recognize Palestine By Jimmy Carter, November 29, 2016
UK Independence Party Leader Nigel Farage, Bombast and the US-British Relationship By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 29, 2016
How a Syrian White Helmets’ Leader Played Western Media. “Funded Heavily by U.S. State Department and British Foreign Office” By Gareth Porter, November 29, 2016
Britain’s GCHQ Virtually A Branch Office Of America’s NSA – Parliament Unable To Hold It To Account By Open Rights Group, November 29, 2016
Frightening: General Michael Flynn’s “Field Of Flight” By Farhang Jahanpour, November 29, 2016