The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Relocating the American Embassy to Jerusalem? Trump is “Reevaluating The Implications” By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, February 09, 2017
The Privatization and Defunding of Public Education in America? Trump Appointment of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos By Stephen Lendman, February 09, 2017
Trump Names Industry Lobbyist and Climate Science Denier as Top White House Energy Aide By Steve Horn, February 09, 2017
Xenophobia in American Politics: The “Know Nothing Party” of the 1850s and the Trump-Pence Neo-Fascist Republican Agenda for 2017 By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 09, 2017
The “American Dream” and the “Invisible Empire”: Donald Trump as “Anti-Woodrow Wilson”? By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, February 09, 2017
Castigating Trump for Truth-Telling: “You Think Our Country’s So Innocent?” By Robert Parry, February 08, 2017
PROOF that Russia and Iran Want War! By Washington's Blog, February 08, 2017
The Media is Ignoring Leaked US-Government Documents on Syria By Ian Sinclair, February 08, 2017
The US Secretive Government’s “Kill List”: How About NOBODY Should Be “Authorized To Assassinate US Citizens” By Caitlin Johnstone, February 08, 2017
U.S. Senate Approves Billionaire Enemy of Public Schools as Secretary of Education By Niles Niemuth, February 08, 2017
Things Will Get Worse Until the U.S. Stops Lying About Crimea By Eric Zuesse, February 08, 2017
America: The Dismal Cartography of the Pre-Fascist State By Prof. Richard Falk, February 08, 2017
Trump Scraps The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) for Bilateral “Free Trade” By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 08, 2017
9/11 and the Transporter Jihad By Bonnie Faulkner, Prof Mark Crispin Miller, J. Michael Springmann, and Wayne Madsen, February 08, 2017
Queen Mother Moore (1898-1997): A Legacy of Revolutionary Resistance By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 07, 2017
Trump Team Has Ties to Atlantic Coast Pipeline Now Being Pushed by White House By Steve Horn and Itai Vardi, February 07, 2017
Trump Blurts Out the Truth about US Killings and the Media Goes Wild By Bill Van Auken, February 07, 2017
Executive Orders and Airport Protests: Trump Clashes With The CIA By Caleb Maupin, February 07, 2017
Vaccines: Threads of Corruption By Alan Phillips J.D., February 07, 2017
Trump Foreign Policy in Turmoil By Renee Parsons, February 07, 2017
Is The Trump Administration Already Over? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 07, 2017
Portland in a Storm: A Case Study of Confronting the Human Impacts of Abrupt Climate Change Global Research News Hour Episode 169 By Michael Welch, February 06, 2017
The Courts versus Donald Trump: Travel Ban Suspended By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 06, 2017
Trump: Trumpeting For a War on Iran? By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, February 06, 2017
Meet The Awan Brothers – The (Not-Russian) IT Staff Who Allegedly Hacked Congress’ Computer Systems By Zero Hedge, February 06, 2017
Trump Travel Ban: US Court Rejects Bid to Reinstate Trump Travel Ban #MuslimBan By Middle East Eye, February 06, 2017
Is Trump Making America Safe or Unsafe? A Scorecard By Stephen Lendman, February 06, 2017
The Roots of the Refugee Situation and “Muslim Terrorist Problem”: The Geopolitical U.S. Foreign Policy Landscape By Ghada Chehade, February 05, 2017
U.S. Imperialism in Asia: Trump Administration Set to Expand South China Sea Conflict By Joseph Thomas, February 05, 2017
Trump’s National Security Adviser Puts Iran “On Notice;” Foreshadowing Of War By Brandon Turbeville, February 05, 2017
America’s Global Military Buildup: “They Have No Reason to Consider Us a Threat. We are Not Looking for Conflict with Russia” By William Blum, February 05, 2017
Karl Rove’s Prophecy: “We’re an Empire Now, and When We Act, We Create our Own Reality” By Karel van Wolferen, February 05, 2017
U.S. Should Ship The “Statue of Liberty” Back to France By Eric Zuesse, February 05, 2017
Cold War Redux: The “Fake Information Age” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 05, 2017
Martin Luther King’s Legacy: The Movement against National Oppression and Economic Injustice By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 05, 2017
Trump’s Press Secretary Falsely Accuses Iran of Attacking U.S. Navy Vessel, “an Act of War” By Zaid Jilani and Alex Emmons, February 04, 2017
Trump Threatens Palestinians. Supports “Greater Israel”? By Stephen Lendman, February 04, 2017
Border Battles: Scapegoating Immigrants Isn’t New By Greg Guma, February 04, 2017
US-Russia Confrontation? Moscow Likely to Mull Action If U.S. THAAD Missile Deployment in South Korea Goes Ahead By Yonhap News Agency, February 04, 2017
Has Trump – Who Ran On an Anti-War Platform – Already Sold Out to the Warmongers … Or Is He Just Playing Unpredictable Madman to Gain Negotiating Leverage? By Washington's Blog, February 04, 2017
Dangerous Crossroads: Trump Bends to Neocon Pressures, No Longer Committed to “De-escalating Tensions with Russia” By Andrew Spannaus, February 04, 2017
America’s Debate on Bias and Subjectivity: There Really Are “Alternative Facts” By Joel S. Hirschhorn, February 04, 2017
A Dangerous Nostalgia for “The Pre-Trump New World Order” By Jonathan Cook, February 04, 2017
Trump Issues Orders to Roll Back Bank Regulations Adopted in the Wake of the 2008 Wall Street Crash By Barry Grey, February 04, 2017
The CIA’s New Deputy Director Ran a Black Site for Torture By Glen Greenwald, February 04, 2017
Pre-Emptive Attack Iran Bill Active in US House By Daniel McAdams, February 04, 2017
President Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Not Disruption, It’s Disgusting. John Zogby By John Zogby, February 04, 2017
Wall street
Financial Devastation? Trump Moves to “Deregulate” Wall Street, Impoverish Main Street By Stephen Lendman, February 04, 2017
The Bigger Picture of Trump’s Muslim Ban. “The Dangerous Countries are Not on The List” By Washington's Blog, February 04, 2017
Trump’s Unconstitutional Muslim Ban By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 04, 2017
Temporary Restraining Order Blocks Trump’s Travel Ban on Designated Muslims Nationwide By Stephen Lendman, February 04, 2017
How Trump Could Truly Stop Terrorism. He Promised To Stop Waging “Stupid Wars” By Eresh Omar Jamal, February 04, 2017
Trump and “The Berkeley Incident”. Who is Threatening Free Speech? By Mike Whitney, February 04, 2017
Donald Trump Is “The Less Effective Evil”. Anti-Trumpism is Grossly Inadequate, the Whole System is Evil By Margaret Kimberley, February 04, 2017
Looking at the “Trump Regime”: Flailing Trumpsters Upset a Hijacked Nation By Ralph Nader, February 03, 2017
International Travel to Banned Muslim Countries: US Immigration Halts Former Prime Minister of Norway at Airport By Nina Berglund, February 03, 2017
Trump Threatens to Punish Palestinians if They Sue Israel in ICC By Palestine News Network, February 03, 2017
How Obama Booby-Trapped Trump By Washington's Blog, February 03, 2017
The U.S. Attack “against Al Qaeda” In Yemen, “They Killed Anyone in Sight” By Moon of Alabama, February 03, 2017
Trumping Australia’s Refugee Deal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 03, 2017
Trump Favors Military Escalation: Washington’s War Threat Against Iran By Bill Van Auken, February 03, 2017
Trump’s Policy on Ukraine, Could Lead to War with Russia? By Stephen Lendman, February 03, 2017
War Drums: Trump’s National Security Advisor Threatens Iran. “Bringing the US on a War Footing” By Daniel McAdams, February 03, 2017
The Obamas Prepare to Cash In By David Walsh, February 03, 2017
Rex Tillerson Backs Aggressive Policy in Disputed South China Sea as Exxon, Russia Eye Region’s Oil and Gas By Steve Horn, February 03, 2017
Trump’s Appointee to the Supreme Court: Meet Neil Gorsuch, the New Antonin Scalia By Bill Blum, February 02, 2017
Replicating Obama: Outrage About Trump Exposes “Librul” Hypocrisy By Moon of Alabama, February 02, 2017
Going After “Bad Hombres”: Trump Threatens to Send U.S. Troops to Mexico By Mike Murphy, February 02, 2017
Fighting Flares in Eastern Ukraine Amid Continued US-NATO Buildup Against Russia By Bill Van Auken, February 02, 2017
Dangers of Democratic Putin-Bashing. “Democratic Party Rebranding”? By Robert Parry, February 02, 2017
America’s Drums of War: White House Issues War Threat Against Iran By Peter Symonds, February 02, 2017
Dangerous Crossroads, America Threatens Russia: US Tanks Fire Salvos in Poland as ‘Message’ to Russia… By Mark Nicholas, February 02, 2017
America’s War, Failure of Democracy: What Happened to “There are No Innocents”? By Prof Susan Babbitt, February 02, 2017
If Americans Truly Cared About Muslims, They Would Stop Killing Them by the Millions By Glen Ford, February 02, 2017
Trump Wants Better Relations with Russia: Is He Being Sabotaged by the Pentagon? US Tanks on Russia’s Border By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 02, 2017
Donald Trump Has a Goldman Sachs Problem: Derivatives By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, February 01, 2017
Guess Who’s Moving Factories to America to Lower Costs… China Seeks A “Made in America” Label By Yizhu Wang, February 01, 2017
Tulsi Gabbard: The US Politician Who Could Become A Second Abraham Lincoln By Eric Zuesse, February 01, 2017
Trump Nominates Ultra-Right Justice Neil Gorsuch to US Supreme Court By Patrick Martin, February 01, 2017
Donald Trump and “Deep Ecology”. Pushing GMOs, Minimizing Environmental Protection By Alena Sharoykina, February 01, 2017