The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Exposing the Real Deep State: Unraveling the “Trump Vs Deep State” Narrative By Tony Cartalucci, March 15, 2017
Harvard’s Fake Guide to Fake News Sites. America’s 21st Century “Index Librorum Prohibitorum” By Stephen Lendman, March 14, 2017
The American Media Hide From The Truth, “Servants of the Police State” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 14, 2017
“Stand for the Truth”: Destruction of WTC Towers, A Government Researcher Speaks Out By Peter Ketcham, March 14, 2017
The “Deep State” and the Unspoken Crimes of the U.S. Empire, Operation Gladio By Gary Weglarz, March 14, 2017
Stronger U.S. Economic Growth? Over My Dead Body, Says Janet Yellen By Mike Whitney, March 14, 2017
The Deep State, Donald Trump and Us By John Kiriakou, March 13, 2017
Turkey’s Erdogan Wants Northern Syria and Iraq Annexed By Stephen Lendman, March 13, 2017
Trump’s Presidency Is Already Doomed By Eric Zuesse, March 13, 2017
Depression-Level Unemployment in America. Phony Labor Department Jobs Reports By Stephen Lendman, March 12, 2017
Fukushima Radiation, What Prospects for Humanity By Michael Welch and Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 12, 2017
Syria, Yemen, Iraq,..: Greater US Aggression Under Trump Coming? By Stephen Lendman, March 12, 2017
Wikileaks Vault 7 Highlights Importance of Tech Self-Sufficiency By Ulson Gunnar, March 12, 2017
Trump’s National Heath Plan for a Sicker, More Profitable, America By Eric Zuesse, March 11, 2017
God in Politics or a Godless World: Time to Choose By Phil Butler, March 11, 2017
State Department Urges Coroner to Keep Russian UN Ambassador’s Cause-Of-Death Secret By Zero Hedge, March 11, 2017
Trump Spokesperson: ‘Cuba Hasn’t Made Any Concessions’ By Telesur, March 11, 2017
The Russian Scare By Israel Shamir, March 11, 2017
Snake-Oil Alert – Encryption Does Not Prevent Mass-Snooping By Moon of Alabama, March 11, 2017
Our Age Of Folly. America Abandons its Democracy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 10, 2017
CIA Leak Shows We’re “Sliding Down the Slippery Slope Toward Totalitarianism, Where Private Lives Do Not Exist”: Dennis Kucinich By Washington's Blog, March 10, 2017
WikiLeaks, “Year Zero” and the CIA Hacking Files By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 10, 2017
The WikiLeaks Revelations and the Crimes of US Imperialism By Andre Damon, March 10, 2017
We Need to Talk about Women: The Problem with Western Liberal ‘Feminists’ By Ghada Chehade, March 10, 2017
Judicial Procedures against Trump’s Immigration Executive Orders against Muslims By Dr. Amir A. Amirshekari, March 10, 2017
Venezuela Cash Reserves Reach New Low Amid U.S.- Led Sabotage By Whitney Webb, March 10, 2017
Remembering Lynne Stewart. A People’s Lawyer By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2017
Ten Things the Media Will Get Wrong About Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration By Peter Van Buren, March 09, 2017
Anti-Imperialism, Pan-Africanism and Nkrumah’s Ghana. The Historic Role of Shirley Graham Du Bois By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 09, 2017
Fresh Doubts about Russian ‘Hacking’. “Telltale Signs Planted to Incriminate Moscow” By Robert Parry, March 09, 2017
Big Brother Spying in America. Perilously Close to a “Totalitarian State” By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2017
Obama Awarded JFK Medal of Courage after Eight Years of War and Drone Bombings By Isaac Davis, March 09, 2017
Trump’s Pay or Die Healthcare Plan By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2017
Let’s Give the CIA the Credit It Deserves. “America’s Fantastic Hacking Achievements” By Norman Solomon, March 08, 2017
CIA Leak: “Russian Election Hackers” May Work at Langley (i.e. CIA Headquarters) By Moon of Alabama, March 08, 2017
CIA Documents Reveal Agency Spying On Us Through Our Computers, Phones and TVs By Washington's Blog, March 08, 2017
The United States and the “Russian Devil”: 1917-2017 By William Blum, March 08, 2017
Washington’s Benevolent Mask Is Disintegrating. Humanity at Risk. The Unspoken Dangers of Russophobia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 08, 2017
Trump’s New Travel Ban, Demonization of Muslims By Stephen Lendman, March 08, 2017
Wikileaks Unveils ‘Vault 7’: “The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents”; Another Snowden Emerges By Zero Hedge, March 08, 2017
Donald Trump’s Greatest Allies Are the Liberal Elites By Chris Hedges, March 08, 2017
Top NSA Whistleblower: Intelligence Agencies DID Spy On Trump By Washington's Blog, March 08, 2017
Aggressive Interrogation of Artists and Writers at U.S. Border By Pen America, March 08, 2017
Ihre Papiere, Bitte! (Your Papers, Please): Are We Being Set Up for a National ID System? By John W. Whitehead, March 06, 2017
Genocide and the Philippines-American War. President Rodrigo Duterte and Neocolonialism By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 06, 2017
As Attack on Jobs Escalates, AFL-CIO Chief Pledges to “Partner” with Trump Administration By Jerry White, March 06, 2017
Trump Abandons Cooperation with Russia By Stephen Lendman, March 06, 2017
Trump’s Wiretapping Accusation: Part of a Coup Plot? By Stephen Lendman, March 06, 2017
The Politics Behind ‘Russia-gate’ By Robert Parry, March 06, 2017
Clinton Crushed Trump among Big Election Donors: The Final Numbers By Eric Zuesse, March 05, 2017
“This Is Watergate”: Trump Accuses Obama of Wiretapping the Trump Tower By Zero Hedge, March 05, 2017
Requiem for a Martyr: The “Blind Sheik”, Omar Abdel Rahman, Innocent Victim of Seditious Conspiracy Trial By Karin Brothers, March 05, 2017
Megabank Caught Laundering for Terrorists and Drug Cartels and the Feds Are Keeping It Secret By Jack Burns, March 05, 2017
Obama Ordered Abuse of Intelligence to Sabotage Trump’s Policy of Seeking Better Relations with Russia By Moon of Alabama, March 05, 2017
Electoral Interference as Reality: A Long History of Manipulation, Bribery and Covert Ops By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 05, 2017
Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration Barring Muslims: Interview with Civil Rights Leader Hatem Abudayyeh By Hatem Abudayyeh and Edu Montesanti, March 04, 2017
Forget Oscar: Give The White Helmets the Leni Riefenstahl Award for Best War Propaganda Film By Patrick Henningsen, March 04, 2017
Did Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Approve Sending Sarin Gas to Syrian Rebels? By Patricia Ramirez, March 04, 2017
Global Environmental Pollutants: Is Anthropogenic Activity Despoiling the Planet? By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 04, 2017
1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan To Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis By Brandon Turbeville, March 04, 2017
Trump and the Deep State: Investigating Russia, Détente with Canada, Speech to US Congress By Michael Welch, Roger Annis, Prof. James Petras, and Barrie Zwicker, March 04, 2017
Can Truth Prevail in America? The Rise of Real GDP is an Illusion By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 03, 2017
Trump -The Enigma By Peter Koenig, March 03, 2017
The Crisis of Student Debt in America By Devon Douglas-Bowers, March 03, 2017
Geopolitics of the Balkans: NATO’s Strange Addition of Montenegro By Jonathan Marshall, March 03, 2017
One Nation Train. “Make Australia Great Again”, US-Australian Relations By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 03, 2017
Nikki Haley Watch: Trump’s Disaster UN Ambassador Loses it Over Syria Sanctions Vote By Daniel McAdams, March 03, 2017
Is There More to the Flynn Story? The Anglo-American Intelligence Nexus By Philip Giraldi, March 03, 2017
Syria – Erdogan’s Lost Bet – Trump Likely To Follow A Cautious Strategy By Moon of Alabama, March 03, 2017
Resisting Donald Trump’s Violence Strategically By Robert J. Burrowes, March 02, 2017
Trump in Historical Perspective–From Nixon to Bannon-Breitbart and the Alt Right Fringe By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 02, 2017
NED logo
Continuity in “Regime Change” Agenda: Trump Adviser Now Chairs the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) By Joseph Thomas, March 02, 2017
Trump’s Address to the US Congress: Making America Safe for Wall Street and War Profiteers By Stephen Lendman, March 02, 2017
Trump’s Joint Address: The Reality Show Comes to US Congress By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 02, 2017
Trump Administration, Neocon or Isolationist? The Future Is All About Russia, Iran and China By Federico Pieraccini, March 01, 2017
Downplaying US Contribution to Potential Yemen Famine. Unreported War Crimes By Adam Johnson, March 01, 2017
Democrats, Media Step Up Right-Wing Campaign on Alleged Trump-Russia Ties By Patrick Martin, March 01, 2017
Colombian Drug King Worked for CIA, Says His Son By Washington's Blog, March 01, 2017
Deep State War? Seven Russian Officials Murdered or Found Dead Since US Election Day By Claire Bernish, March 01, 2017
The Assault on Immigrants and the Specter of a US Police State By Bill Van Auken, March 01, 2017