The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Dotty Domains: The Pentagon’s Mali Typo Leak Affair By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 26, 2023
Pfizer’s Neurontin: A Drug for All Seasons – A Lesson in Big Pharma Mass Marketing Manipulation By Health Freedom Defense Fund, July 26, 2023
Leading Liberal Zionist Voices Call for Ending U.S. Aid to Israel By Mitchell Plitnick, July 26, 2023
Dangerous Legislation. “Formulating A U.S. Declaration of War”? US Senate Adopts 2024 National Defense Authorization (NDAA) Which Endorses NATO’s Article 5 Principle of “Collective Defense” By Renee Parsons, July 26, 2023
Biden Involved in $10 Million Bribery Scheme with Ukrainian Oligarch: FBI Document Released by Senator Chuck Grassley By Cristina Laila, July 25, 2023
Hypocrisy: The Predicament of Metropolitan Pavel, Distinguished Ecclesiastic Figure in Ukraine By Stephen Karganovic, July 25, 2023
Italy: US Pressure to Exit the Chinese “Belt and Road”. To Stay or Not to Stay in the BRI? By Peter Koenig, July 25, 2023
American Weapons in Ukraine Funneled to Arms Traffickers, Criminals By Kyle Anzalone, July 25, 2023
Storm Clouds Gathering in the Black Sea By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 25, 2023
Israel Judicial Crisis: White House and Jewish Groups Express ‘Profound’ Disappointment By Middle East Eye, July 25, 2023
Oppenheimer Biographer Joins Nobel Laureates, Navajo Nation, and Atomic Veterans to Call for Justice for Communities Hurt by Nuclear Weapons Testing and Mining By Union of Concerned Scientists, July 25, 2023
Alleged Covid-19 Deaths: It’s Evil to Fake Deaths to Panic People… By Dr. Robert Malone, July 25, 2023
It’s Past Time to be Honest About Israel By Philip Giraldi, July 25, 2023
The Final, Splendid Achievement of the Late Theologian, David Ray Griffin: “America on the Brink” By Elizabeth Woodworth, July 25, 2023
Why Russia and the US Will Never Go Back to the Pre-2022 State of Affairs By Ivan Timofeev, July 24, 2023
Kissinger’s ‘Sino-Soviet Split 2.0’ Destined to Fail By Drago Bosnic, July 24, 2023
US Grows Tired of Zelensky, Who Is Burning Bridges with Europe – Former Pentagon Official By Ahmed Adel, July 24, 2023
US Is Losing Culture. We Don’t See Masterworks From Hollywood Anymore By Karsten Riise, July 24, 2023
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Neocons Want War with China By Pepe Escobar, July 23, 2023
The US “Chip War” Takes Aim at all of China By Karsten Riise, July 23, 2023
The Downfall of Blobism. “Joe Biden must go, and as soon as possible?” By James Howard Kunstler, July 23, 2023
Misinformed Westerners and the Demise of Ukraine: “The West Supports the Destruction of Ukraine and its People” By Mark Taliano, July 23, 2023
WHO, CDC and Bill Gates Pushing for Peel-and-Stick Vaccine Patches Mailed Directly to People’s Homes By Ethan Huff, July 23, 2023
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Brzezinski’s Warning. NATO Moves to Asia-Pacific By Mike Whitney, July 21, 2023
Biden’s Tech-War against Beijing Goes into “High Gear”: China and The Battle for Semiconductors By Mike Whitney, July 21, 2023
US Presses Ukraine for “Decisive Breakthrough”: “Ukrainian Forces are being Methodically Neutralised”. Heavy Casualties By Ahmed Adel, July 21, 2023
“The Weaponization of the Federal Government”: The FBI’s Collaboration with a Compromised Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to Censor American Speech By U.S. House of Representatives, July 20, 2023
How COVID Shots Pose National Security Issues. “Warning the Military of what was happening to Army Personnel”. By Neenah Payne, July 20, 2023
U.S. Army Surgeon in Tears: Top Brass Ordered Silence on Vaccine Injuries By Art Moore, July 20, 2023
Fauci, Health Officials Accused of Illegally Approving $26 Billion in Grants Using Taxpayer Dollars By J. J. Brannock, July 20, 2023
John Bolton Accidentally Explains Why US Policy on Russia and China Is Wrong By Caitlin Johnstone, July 20, 2023
How The White House Colluded with Twitter to Censor RFK Jr. and Children’s Health Defense By Michael Nevradakis and Paul D Thacker, July 20, 2023
As NATO Looks for Answers to the Ukraine Conflict, Poland Seeks the Nuclear Option. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, July 20, 2023
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Is Climate Engineering Real? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 20, 2023
US Projected to Spend $117B on Nuke Command and Control in Next Decade By Colin Demarest, July 19, 2023
US Expected to Announce New $1.3 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine By Dave DeCamp, July 19, 2023
USAID Chief Samantha Power Announces Hundreds of Million in Aid to Ukraine By Kyle Anzalone, July 19, 2023
US Using Ukraine as Disposal Ground for Banned Cluster Bombs: Colonel By Al Mayadeen, July 19, 2023
China-US Tensions: Kissinger’s Surprise Trip to Beijing By Andrew Korybko, July 19, 2023
Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, July 19, 2023
Villainy in Vilnius By David Stockman, July 19, 2023
SpaceX Satellites Forced to Swerve Every 10 Minutes By Steve Huff, July 19, 2023
Biden Admin Seeks “Mission Accomplished” Moment to Secure Political Exit Route From Ukraine Proxy War By Jordan Schachtel, July 19, 2023
The US-Nazi Connection Since World War II: From Inspiring the Third Reich to Supporting the Neo-Nazis of Ukraine By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 19, 2023
The Story of Pfizer Inc. A Case Study in Pharmaceutical Empire and Corporate Corruption By Health Freedom Defense Fund, July 19, 2023
Guantanamo. “Enhanced interrogation” Techniques: British Intelligence in the Dock for CIA Torture By Kit Klarenberg, July 18, 2023
NATO Summit Serves Up Cringe Nothing-Burger. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, July 18, 2023
Is the United States Pursuing a Permanent Cold War with Russia? By Ted Galen Carpenter, July 18, 2023
Biden Is Calling Up Military Reserves…Are Your Kids Next? By Rep. Ron Paul, July 18, 2023
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A Bit of Political Theater in Vilnius By Philip Giraldi, July 18, 2023
Impoverishing Ukraine: What the US and the EU Have Been Doing to the Country for the Past 30 Years By Andrea Peters, July 18, 2023
The Beneficiaries of U.S. Imperialism By Eric Zuesse, July 18, 2023
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Fear and Loathing on Air Force One. Seymour Hersh By Seymour M. Hersh, July 17, 2023
Judge Rejects Biden Administration Bid to Overturn Injunction in Social Media Censorship Case By Michael Nevradakis, July 17, 2023
Kiev Is Not Any Closer to Joining NATO After Vilnius Summit By Uriel Araujo, July 17, 2023
Hindutva Goes to Washington: Narendra Modi’s US Visit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 17, 2023
Biden’s Presidency Is Sinking Deeper and Deeper Into Failure By Eric Zuesse, July 17, 2023
Loss of US Cultural Power. “The End of Hollywood as We Know It” By Karsten Riise, July 17, 2023
Is Biden Preparing to Take the U.S. to War Against Russia? By Larry Johnson, July 17, 2023
The Federal Debt Trap: Issues and Possible Solutions By Ellen Brown, July 17, 2023
Former Kiev Diplomat: Biden’s Corruption Led to Ukraine’s Destruction By Andrii Telizhenko and Aaron Mate, July 17, 2023
US Wants Neither Peace Nor Dialogue: Some Voices Call for Disintegration of Russia By Uriel Araujo, July 17, 2023
Video: America is at War with Europe By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 16, 2023
Stoltenberg Admits NATO Began Preparing Ukraine for War with Russia Since 2014 By Ahmed Adel, July 16, 2023
Who Owns the Federal Reserve? By Ellen Brown, July 16, 2023
Video: Victoria Nuland Inciting WWIII with Russia By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Helena Glass, July 16, 2023
Is Turkey’s Alliance with Russia in Jeopardy? By Aydin Sezer and Steven Sahiounie, July 14, 2023
Is Washington “Begging” for a Preemptive Nuclear Attack From Russia? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 14, 2023
Not Weaponized? Biden DOJ Indicts Whistleblower Prepared To Testify Against Biden Family By Zero Hedge, July 14, 2023
Cambodian Premier Reminds Ukraine of the Horrors of Cluster Bombs By Al Mayadeen, July 14, 2023
Cuba Rejects Presence of U.S. Nuclear Submarine in Guantanamo Bay. Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs By Cubaminrex, July 14, 2023
Rep. Matt Gaetz Joins Bipartisan Push to Stop Biden From Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine By Alex Miller, July 14, 2023
The Great Chessboard: China’s Economic Rise and the Collapse of America. Mike Whitney By Mike Whitney, July 14, 2023
Screen Actors Poised to Join Writers in Entertainment Industry Strike By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 14, 2023
Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Uncensored By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Piers Morgan, July 13, 2023