The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Rex Tillerson Rumoured to be on Verge of Quitting as Secretary of State By Adam Garrie, July 25, 2017
Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job? Intelligence Vets Challenge the Forensic “Evidence” By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, July 25, 2017
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Climate Change and the Catastrophe of Trumpism By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, July 25, 2017
Brexit Counter-Revolution Still in Motion By Prof. John McMurtry, July 25, 2017
Death in the Congo, Why Did the US Want to Kill Patrice Lumumba? By Bob A. Feldman, July 25, 2017
A Mystery Investor Has Made a 262 Million Dollar Bet that the Stock Market Will Crash by October By Michael Snyder, July 25, 2017
Imperial Power Centers: Divisions, Indecisions and Civil War By Prof. James Petras, July 25, 2017
Jared Kushner’s Statement Demolishes Russiagate By Alexander Mercouris, July 25, 2017
Democratic Party ‘Better Deal’ Puts Lipstick on Its Pig By Eric Zuesse, July 25, 2017
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The Conspiracy to Remove Trump From the Presidency By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 25, 2017
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Trump’s New Communications Director Just Shot Off His Mouth and May Have Gotten Trump Impeached By Jason Easley, July 24, 2017
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The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 24, 2017
China and Russia: The Bilateral Relationship That Matters By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, July 24, 2017
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Washington’s Global Economic Wars By Prof. James Petras, July 23, 2017
Your Guide to Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci: Trump’s New Commander of Communication By Common Dreams, July 23, 2017
The Extremist Zionist Media Campaign Has Gone Too Far By Prof. Richard Falk, July 23, 2017
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From Spicy to the Mooch: A Farewell to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 23, 2017
The U.S. Senate’s Dirty Energy Bill Must Not See the Light of Day By Christian Detisch and Seth Gladstone, July 22, 2017
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The Reign of Propaganda. Unfettered Lies Turned into Self-evident Truths By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 21, 2017
Hollywood’s Crusade against Muslims, Film Portrayal of Arabs. The Writings of Media Critic Jack Shaheen By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 20, 2017
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The Deep State As Fake News By Douglas Valentine and Bonnie Faulkner, July 19, 2017
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How Russia-gate Met the Magnitsky Myth By Robert Parry, July 17, 2017
As Anti-Trump / Anti-Russia Campaign Fails – The Feeding of New Lies By Moon of Alabama, July 17, 2017
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Alleged Instrument of the Kremlin: Plot to Remove Trump from Office By Stephen Lendman, July 16, 2017
Trump Administration to End Legal Protection for Over One Million Immigrants in US By Genevieve Leigh, July 15, 2017
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Russia Set to Expel 30 US Diplomats. It’s Called Reciprocity By Alex Christoforou, July 14, 2017
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The Trump Jr. Affair: Who Is Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya? By Aaron Kesel, July 14, 2017
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How Trump Can Avoid Impeachment: Order NSA to Declassify All Intel on Democratic Party Email Leaks By Washington's Blog, July 13, 2017
Throwing a Curveball at ‘Intelligence Community Consensus’ on ‘Russia Meddling’ By Scott Ritter, July 13, 2017
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Neonicotinoid Pesticides and Death of the Bees By Chemical Concern, July 13, 2017
Impeachment of President Trump Now Much More Likely By Eric Zuesse, July 12, 2017
The Media Refutes its Own Lies: After 1,379 Days, NYT Corrects Bogus Claim that Iran ‘Sponsored’ 9/11 By Adam Johnson, July 12, 2017
Jared Kushner Tried and Failed to Get a Half-billion-dollar Bailout From Qatar By Ben Walsh, Ryan Grim, and Clayton Swisher, July 12, 2017
Ever More Official Lies and “False Reality” Emanating from the US Government By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 11, 2017
The CIA’s 1951 Document Comparing American and Soviet Cold War Propaganda, “Similarities” and “Resemblances” By Alec Shea, July 11, 2017
Ambassador Nikki Haley vs. President Donald Trump By Daniel McAdams, July 11, 2017
About the Science of Vaccine Neurotoxicity: “Don’t Criticize What You Can’t Understand” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 11, 2017
Tillerson Explodes the Hope for Improved US Relations with Russia By Stephen Lendman, July 11, 2017
Trump Cannot Improve Relations with Russia When Trump’s Government and the US Media Oppose Improved Relations By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 10, 2017
Vladimir and Donald: They Spoke By Israel Shamir, July 10, 2017
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End of the Social Contract. Harshness towards the Vulnerable Defines President Trump’s Agenda By Prof. Vijay Prashad, July 10, 2017