The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
The Dangers of Fracking Waste By Dr. Wendell G. Bradley, December 11, 2017
ISIS Toyotas
“The Terrorists-R-US”: Mainstream Media Propaganda Fuels and Fans the Flames of War By Joachim Hagopian, December 10, 2017
Fourth Estate in Peril and the Need for Alternative Voices: Conversations with Robert Parry and Abby Martin By Michael Welch, Robert Parry, and Abby Martin, December 10, 2017
Jerusalem: The Red Line for Muslims By Gulam Asgar Mitha, December 10, 2017
UN General Assembly Votes for Palestinians By J. B. Gerald, December 10, 2017
The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency over What Happened By Glenn Greenwald, December 10, 2017
Pakistan Military Opposes US Drone Warfare: “We Will not Allow Anyone to Violate our Airspace” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 10, 2017
Is the US Intervening in Thailand’s Election Campaign? By Tony Cartalucci, December 10, 2017
Google Hiring 10,000 Reviewers to Censor YouTube Content By Zaida Green, December 10, 2017
Palestinians Paying the Price for US-Israeli Imperial Arrogance By Stephen Lendman, December 09, 2017
United States
Further Signs of Looming US War with North Korea By Peter Symonds, December 09, 2017
What Kind of Nuclear Attack Would be “Legal”? By John LaForge, December 09, 2017
State Department, Meet the New Boss, Same/Worse as the Old Boss? By Peter Van Buren, December 09, 2017
Trump Speech on Jerusalem: “Irresponsible and Reckless” By James M. Wall, December 09, 2017
Christian Zionists in America By Hans Stehling, December 09, 2017
America’s Iatrogenic Over-Vaccination Monster By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, December 09, 2017
Avoiding Nuclear War Is Our First Priority By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 08, 2017
The Geopolitics of Poland’s “Three Seas Initiative” By F. William Engdahl, December 08, 2017
political sanctions
Recognising Jerusalem: Unilateralism, International Law, and the Trump White House By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 08, 2017
Ontario’s Election 2018: The Minimum Wage Hike and the Battle over #Fightfor15 By Quinton Ascah, December 08, 2017
Site Considered for US Embassy in Jerusalem Is Stolen Palestinian Private Property By Institute for Palestine Studies, December 08, 2017
Trump’s “Jerusalem Promise” to AIPAC: Tillerson, Mattis Warned Trump Against Embassy Move By Mark Perry, December 08, 2017
Video: I Believe in 9/11 Miracles By AE911Truth, December 08, 2017
US Military
Trump’s Scheme to Carve Up Palestine By Paul R. Pillar, December 08, 2017
Michael Flynn’s Indictment Exposes Trump Team’s Collusion with Israel, Not Russia By Max Blumenthal, December 08, 2017
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and the Plot Against Cuba By Fabián Escalante Font, December 08, 2017
Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli Capital Sparks Anger, Protests By Bill Van Auken, December 07, 2017
Can the American Left be Resurrected? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 07, 2017
GOP Plan to Destroy Social Justice in America By Stephen Lendman, December 07, 2017
Christian Community Responds: Open Letter to President Trump from Jerusalem’s Thirteen Heads of Churches By Patriarchs and Heads of Local Churches in Jerusalem, December 07, 2017
Muslim World Outrage While Trump Gloats over Jerusalem Decision By Stephen Lendman, December 07, 2017
U.S. Military Planned First Strike Nuclear Attack on Every City in Russia and China … and Gave Many Low-Level Field Commanders the Power to Push the Button By Daniel Ellsberg and Washington's Blog, December 07, 2017
Confirmed: Trump to Declare Jerusalem Israel’s Capital By Stephen Lendman, December 07, 2017
Trump Expected to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital By Stephen Lendman, December 06, 2017
Walking into Armageddon By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 06, 2017
Impeach Trump For Treason?? How Unusual Is It for An Incoming U.S. Administration to Talk to Russian Leaders? By Washington's Blog, December 06, 2017
Russia vs. America: The Doping Double Standard In America’s “Big Money Sports”. “In Your Face Washington” By Sami Aziz, December 06, 2017
Cold War Number One: 70 Years of Daily National Stupidity; Cold War Number Two: Still in Its Youth, but Just as Stupid By William Blum, December 06, 2017
The Qatar Crisis in an Age of Alternative Facts By Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, December 06, 2017
Strained Turkish-US Relations. Will Ankara Cut Diplomatic Ties with Israel? By Stephen Lendman, December 06, 2017
Abbas Urges UN to Stop Trump from Recognizing Jerusalem as Israeli Capital By Maan News Agency, December 06, 2017
Bald Eagles Keep Dying Because of Lead Poisoning and No One’s Talking About It By The Indigenous American, December 06, 2017
Trump Tax Cut Plan Will Devastate Public Education By Patrick Martin, December 06, 2017
The Tangled Threads of Russia-gate By Robert Parry, December 06, 2017
Russiagate Becomes Israelgate By Philip Giraldi, December 06, 2017
Trump Gives Away Jerusalem to Settle $100m Campaign Debt By Hans Stehling, December 06, 2017
The Silence of the Empire’s Lambs: Half of our Tax Money Goes down the Rabbit Hole of Military Spending By Philip A Farruggio, December 05, 2017
Protests Planned Nationwide as Vote on FCC’s ‘Catastrophic’ Plan to Kill Net Neutrality Looms By Jake Johnson, December 05, 2017
Warnings of Financial Crash as Stock Markets Continue to Surge By Nick Beams, December 05, 2017
Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Islamphobic Travel Ban By Stephen Lendman, December 05, 2017
US Military Invests in ‘Doomsday Genetics’ Technology: ‘My Main Worry Is that We Do Something Irreversible’ By Mac Slavo, December 05, 2017
No Money for Needy Children’s Healthcare in America By Stephen Lendman, December 05, 2017
Trump’s Biggest Donor Pushed For Jerusalem Embassy Move By Eli Clifton, December 05, 2017
America’s Military-Industrial Addiction By JP Sottile, December 05, 2017
Trump and Netanyahu Conspire to Make Jerusalem Israel’s Capital as They Make Preparations to Attack Iran By Hans Stehling, December 05, 2017
The Real Causes of Deficits and the US Debt. Next Phases in Trump Fiscal Strategy By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 05, 2017
Dangerous Crossroads: In Response to US Nuclear Blackmail, North Korea is ‘Begging for Peace’: Expert By Edu Montesanti, December 05, 2017
Israel and US Hide Names of Companies Supporting Israeli Settlements By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 05, 2017
Plunder Capitalism: “A Looting Machine” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 04, 2017
CIA Director Pompeo Threatens Iran: Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani Refused to Read His Letter By South Front, December 04, 2017
Global Research Remembers Edward Herman (1925-2017) By Michael Welch, Prof. Mickey Huff, Stephen Lendman, Ann Garrison, and Jeff Cohen, December 04, 2017
China, Saudi Arabia and the US: Shake Up and Shake Down. By Prof. James Petras, December 04, 2017
In Wake of Flynn Guilty Plea, Anti-Russia Campaign Intensifies Against Trump By Patrick Martin, December 04, 2017
The US and the Global “Artificial Intelligence” Arms Race By Ulson Gunnar, December 04, 2017
The Fatcats Launch a “Red Scare” Every 20 to 30 Years By Washington's Blog, December 04, 2017
Trump’s National Security Strategy (NSS) By Stephen Lendman, December 04, 2017
Trump Administration Allegedly Considering Plan to Privatise CIA Operations By Joseph Fitsanakis, December 04, 2017
Jordan, Palestinians Urge Emergency Meetings Ahead of Trump’s Expected Jerusalem Decision – Reports By RT News, December 04, 2017
The Colossal GOP Tax Cut Scam Boosted by Overnight Senate Passage By Stephen Lendman, December 03, 2017
The Hollywood Accusations of Sexual Harassment: A City on a Hill, or The Weinstein Effect By John Steppling, December 03, 2017
Flynn’s Devastating Confessions: Trump Colluded with Israel, Tried to Fulfill Campaign Promises By Moon of Alabama, December 03, 2017
Will Trump Launch a Nuclear Holocaust? US Hysteria Blooms in Wake of North Korean Missile Splashdown By William Boardman, December 03, 2017
Trump May Recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital Next Week By Middle East Eye, December 03, 2017
Video: “Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”; Planned US Nuclear Attack Against USSR By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and South Front, December 03, 2017
Holding Uber Accountable: Litigating over Data Hacks By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 03, 2017
The US-North Korean Crisis and Japan’s Responsibility By Prof. Wada Haruki, December 03, 2017
Is the Honduran Election Being Stolen Eight Years after U.S.-Backed Coup? By Sonali Kolhatkar, December 03, 2017
Netanyahu and CIA Director Pompeo Threaten Iran By Stephen Lendman, December 03, 2017
Neocolonial Kleptocrats with Clinton Connections. Rwanda’s Links to Wall Street Billionaires By Ann Garrison, December 03, 2017
Trump’s Unmoored Behavior Must Not be Ignored. Unhinged, Angry and Frequently Incoherent… By The Republican Editorials, December 02, 2017