The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Denouncing ‘Wanton Disregard for Congress and the American People,’ Dems Call on Ajit Pai to Come Clean About False FCC Cyberattack By Jessica Corbett, August 15, 2018
Our Dear America: The Long-lasting Cult in our Nation’s History. Isn’t It Time For Americans to “Connect the Dots” By Philip A Farruggio, August 15, 2018
Taking a Meaningful Anti-war Position: Opposing Bipartisan Warmongering Is Defending Human Rights of the Poor and Working Class By Ajamu Baraka, August 15, 2018
Mueller Investigation Seeks to Implicate WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in “Russian Interference” By James Cogan, August 15, 2018
Donald Trump, Gunrunner for Hire By William D. Hartung, August 15, 2018
As America Burns From Climate Change, Trump Officials Attend Denial Conference to Discuss Why Climate Change Is Fake By Andy Rowell, August 15, 2018
Destabilizing Impacts of US Policies. The End of the US Unipolar Moment Is Irreversible By Federico Pieraccini, August 15, 2018
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Eric Swalwell a Major Contender for US Presidency in 2020 By Eric Zuesse, August 15, 2018
187 Organizations Call for Mass Protest Against Trump’s Military Parade By No Trump Military Parade, August 15, 2018
Monsanto Guilty Verdict Is Only The Beginning By F. William Engdahl, August 15, 2018
New York Times
Trump vs. His Own Administration? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 15, 2018
The Rise and Continued Influence of the Neocons. Media Narratives Enabling War, Militarism and the Decline of Civil Liberties Part II. Anthrax Attacks and Control of the Media By Michael Welch, Scott Price, Robbie Martin, and Robert Parry, August 14, 2018
Patriotism Has Been Turned Against Patriots By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 14, 2018
America’s Militarized Economy By Eric Zuesse, August 14, 2018
Why Confronting Israel Is Important By Philip Giraldi, August 14, 2018
U.S. Political Meddling: What Really Happens to Nicaragua, Venezuela and Ecuador By Peter Koenig, August 14, 2018
The Future of NATO By Prof. Richard Falk and Daniel Falcone, August 13, 2018
Gina Haspel CIA Torture Cables Declassified By The National Security Archive, August 13, 2018
The US-Turkey Crisis: The NATO Alliance Forged in 1949 Is Today Largely Irrelevant By Philip Giraldi, August 13, 2018
Our Opponents’ Actions Show We’re Winning By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 13, 2018
The Other Hiroshimas: A Review of Napalm: An American Biography By Robert Barsocchini, August 13, 2018
To Hell with US Jobs, Let’s Get Iran! By Eric Margolis, August 13, 2018
Russia Finance Minister: We May Abandon Dollar in Oil Trade as It Is Becoming “Too Risky” By Zero Hedge, August 13, 2018
US Jury Rules Against Monsanto. Glyphosate Residues Found in Western Foods and Drinks By Stephen Lendman, August 12, 2018
Why Trump Cancelled the Iran Deal By Eric Zuesse, August 12, 2018
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US Declares War in Space By Julian Rose, August 12, 2018
Foreign Power Intrusion in American Democracy? Guess Who? By Frank Scott, August 12, 2018
Yemen: Fake ‘News’ That’s Mixed into America’s Mainstream News — and Why By Eric Zuesse, August 11, 2018
Washington Has Lured the EU into An Anti-China Trade Front By F. William Engdahl, August 11, 2018
Trump’s “Space Force” Is About to Take Off in a Huge Way. Strategic Threat to Russia and China By Andrew Korybko, August 10, 2018
Economic Warfare: New Trump Regime Sanctions on Russia By Stephen Lendman, August 10, 2018
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99-Year-Old Nuremberg Prosecutor Calls Trump’s Detention of Children a ‘Crime Against Humanity’ By Andrea Germanos, August 10, 2018
Before Columbus: How Africans Brought Civilization to America By Garikai Chengu, August 10, 2018
Dancing with the Beast, The Military Industrial Empire By Philip A Farruggio, August 09, 2018
Butina Case: Neo-McCarthyism Engulfs America By Philip Giraldi, August 09, 2018
Layoffs and Closures. Trump’s Trade War Is Killing Jobs in America By Eric Boehm, August 09, 2018
‘Terrifying’: Poll Shows 43% of Republicans Think Trump Should Have Power to Shutter Mainstream News Outlets for ‘Bad Behavior’ By Jessica Corbett, August 09, 2018
Wildlife Conservation: Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Trophy Hunting Council By Center For Biological Diversity, August 09, 2018
Cannabis: The Degrees of Decriminalization By Vember, August 09, 2018
Fat Cats Private Club
Hypocrisy not Democracy. Alexis de Tocqueville Was Wrong By Stephen Lendman, August 09, 2018
The Military-Security Industrial Complex: Brainwashed Public. Endless Wars Presented as “The New Normal”? By Richard Galustian, August 09, 2018
Ten Bombshell Revelations From Seymour Hersh’s New Autobiography By Zero Hedge, August 09, 2018
US Senate Calls on Julian Assange to Testify By Zero Hedge, August 08, 2018
Here Are 410 Movies Made Under the Direct Influence and Supervision of the Pentagon By Zero Hedge, August 08, 2018
Fear and Loathing in and of the USA By Christopher Black, August 08, 2018
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14 Lies /Myths That Big Pharma and Their Academic Psychiatrists Teach Medical Students By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 08, 2018
The Geopolitics of Oil: America’s About to Unleash Its “NOPEC Superweapon” Against the Russians and Saudis By Andrew Korybko, August 08, 2018
Neocons Demand ‘Crushing’ Sanctions on Russia By Rep. Ron Paul, August 07, 2018
Silence on US Political Meddling Abroad By Jacob G. Hornberger, August 07, 2018
On Anniversary of Nuclear Attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Black Alliance for Peace Supports Demand for Immediate Global Denuclearization By Black Alliance for Peace, August 07, 2018
Venezuela’s Monetary Revolution Vis-à-vis Economic Sanctions By Nino Pagliccia, August 07, 2018
American Fiction and Russian Realism: ‘The Magnitsky Act. Behind the Scenes’ By Elizabeth Altschull, August 07, 2018
A “Purely Military” Target? Truman’s Changing Language About Hiroshima By Prof. Alex Wellerstein, August 07, 2018
The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Was a “Human Experiment for Developing Nukes” By Fars News Agency, August 07, 2018
The Salt of Our Soils. Increasing Salt Levels Affect Flora, Trees and Plant Life By Clifford Carnicom, August 06, 2018
Washington Increases Funding for Israel’s Killing Machine By Stephen Lendman, August 06, 2018
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“Medical Skepticism” Regarding Alternative and Traditional Medical Systems By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, August 06, 2018
Coffee and the “Shock Doctrine” in Puerto Rico By John Vandermeer and Ivette Perfecto, August 06, 2018
Answering “What Should I Do?” Is Easier When You Know the Roles of Social Movements By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 06, 2018
Internet Wars: U.S. Plans to Overthrow the Cuban Revolution with New Technologies By Iramsy Peraza Forte and Sergio Alejandro Gómez, August 06, 2018
Chinese State Oil Major Suspends U.S. Oil Imports Amid Trade War By Tsvetana Paraskova, August 06, 2018
California’s Burning: The Social and Political Background of the Deadly Infernos By David Brown, August 06, 2018
US Military
US Military Aid to Israel Set to Exceed $3.8B, or $23,000 Per Year for Every Jewish Family Living in Israel By Whitney Webb, August 06, 2018
FBI Records Show Dossier: Author Deemed ‘Not Suitable For Use’ as Source, Show Several FBI Payments in 2016 By Judicial Watch, August 05, 2018
‘Focus’ on the Neo Nazi Revival By Philip A Farruggio, August 05, 2018
The U.S.-Italy “Special Relationship” By Richard Galustian, August 05, 2018
Lawsuit: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Approved Monsanto Herbicide Label Changes After Consulting with Company By Johnathan Hettinger, August 05, 2018
Trillion Dollar Companies: The Apple Empire and Concentrated Markets By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 05, 2018
Dictatorship of the “Free” Market By Mark Taliano, August 05, 2018
The Bizarre Facebook Path to Corporate Fascism By Glen Ford, August 05, 2018
Why West Fears ‘Made in China: 2025’ By F. William Engdahl, August 05, 2018
Earth’s Carbon Concentrations Have Soared to Levels Not Seen in 800,000 Years By Jessica Corbett, August 05, 2018
The Rise and Continued Influence of the Neocons. The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) By Michael Welch, Robbie Martin, Scott Price, and Mark Robinowitz, August 04, 2018
US Senate “Sanctions Bill From Hell” Targeting Russia and Putin By Niels Lesniewski, August 04, 2018