The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Analysis: Public Overwhelmingly Wants EPA Ban on Wildlife-killing ‘Cyanide Bombs’ By Center For Biological Diversity, May 09, 2019
When We Were the ‘Good Guys’: US Keeps Invoking World War II to Validate New Wars By Helen Buyniski, May 09, 2019
Venezuela – A Risk to Dollar Hegemony – Key Purpose Behind “Regime Change” By Peter Koenig, May 09, 2019
A Chinese Caribbean? Washington Not Happy About “New China Focus” in Cuba, Venezuela and Panama By F. William Engdahl, May 09, 2019
US and NATO Reject the UN Treaty and Deploy New Nuclear Weapons in Europe By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, May 08, 2019
Is the Iran Nuclear Deal Doomed? By Stephen Lendman, May 08, 2019
Full Metal Empire. Ain’t War Hell? By Philip A Farruggio, May 08, 2019
Trump Floats Proposal to Cancel 2020 Elections By Eric London, May 08, 2019
Will Washington be Held Accountable for Its War Crimes? By Jean Périer, May 08, 2019
Senior Trump Adviser Uses Fake Video to Defend Israel’s Attacks on Gaza By The New Arab, May 08, 2019
Does Trump Have Control of His Government, or Is It His Government? Bolton Team is Developing an Excuse to Attack Iran? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 08, 2019
Will the Trump Regime Attack Venezuela and Iran? By Stephen Lendman, May 08, 2019
Mapping the Toxic Fluorinated PFAS Contamination across America: New Data Show 610 Sites in 43 States By Bill Walker, May 08, 2019
US institutions
CIA Dirty Hands All Over the US Coup Plot Against Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, May 08, 2019
Breaking Down Pompeo’s Verbal Assault on Russia and China’s Arctic Interests By Andrew Korybko, May 08, 2019
D Is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy By John W. Whitehead, May 07, 2019
How GMO Seeds and Monsanto /Bayer’s “RoundUp” Are Driving US Policy in Venezuela By Whitney Webb, May 07, 2019
A Nuclear War? Over Venezuela? By Rep. Ron Paul, May 07, 2019
Sloppy Journalism: CNN Falsely Claims Venezuela’s Guaido Was Elected President in January By Jason Ditz, May 07, 2019
Video: The Occupation of the American Mind. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict By Roger Waters, May 07, 2019
Venezuela Is Not Alone – No Esta Sola By Lauren Smith, May 07, 2019
Cuba’ Decree on Culture and the Catch-All American “Freedom of Expression” Mantra By Arnold August, May 07, 2019
Pompeo Claims US Aggression Against Venezuela Would be Lawful By Stephen Lendman, May 07, 2019
Embassy Protection Collective: We’re Still Here and We’re Staying By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 07, 2019
Documents Expose How Hollywood Promotes War on Behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA By Tom Secker and Matthew Alford, May 07, 2019
US State Department Publishes, then Deletes Sadistic Venezuela Hit List Boasting of Economic Ruin By Anya Parampil, May 06, 2019
Trump’s Threatened Tariffs Undermine China’s Trust in Negotiating with America By Andrew Korybko, May 06, 2019
The US Desperately Needs a New Secretary of State. Pompeo Doesn’t Understand Article 2 of the Constitution By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 06, 2019
Caging Children in the ‘Land of the Free’ By Robert Fantina, May 06, 2019
Failed Coup in Venezuela Intensifies Battle at Embassy in Washington By Black Alliance for Peace, May 06, 2019
Trump Puts Ilhan Omar at Risk: “To Protect Ilhan Omar is to Protect Us All” By William Boardman, May 06, 2019
How Accurate Are the April Jobs Numbers? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 06, 2019
19 Facts About Current US Economic Performance: I Dare You to Tell Me the Economy Is “Booming” By Michael Snyder, May 05, 2019
‘Recipe for Disaster’: Trump Guts Offshore Drilling Rules Put in Place after Deepwater Horizon Spill By Jake Johnson, May 05, 2019
Trump’s “Troika of Tyranny” Meddles in Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 05, 2019
EPA Proposes Re-approving Glyphosate, Ignoring Cancer Risk By Center For Biological Diversity, May 05, 2019
Trump Is Twisting Putin’s Arm Through Belarus’ President Lukashenko By Andrew Korybko, May 05, 2019
RussiaGate 2.0 and The Plan to Impeach President Trump By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 05, 2019
Fabricated Media Rumors: “Russian Nukes Deployed”, “Cuban Intelligence Threatening Venezuelan Democracy” By South Front, May 04, 2019
Assange’s Unjust Sentence, Will Fight Extradition to US By Stephen Lendman, May 04, 2019
China’s Belt and Road Initiative: A Tectonic Shift in the Geopolitical Balance of Power By Mike Whitney, May 04, 2019
Stopping 5G Microwave Radiation: The May 15th National Day of Action By Patti and Doug, May 04, 2019
Media Lies in Service of War for Regime Change in Venezuela By Bill Van Auken, May 04, 2019
Disproportionate Sentences: Julian Assange, Bail, and Extradition By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 04, 2019
FDA: Big Pharma Drugs Are Making People Kill Themselves While They Sleep By Mac Slavo, May 03, 2019
Are the US and Israel Preparing for War in the Middle East? Lebanon is Next? By Elijah J. Magnier, May 03, 2019
What If Iran Retaliates and Shuts Down the Strait of Hormuz? By Scott Ritter, May 03, 2019
Venezuela: Lopez Arrest Warrant Issued as Military Show Strength for Maduro By Paul Dobson, May 03, 2019
U.S. Lies to Justify Further Attacks on Cuba By Bertha Mojena Milián, May 03, 2019
“Psychopath Capitalism”: US Economic Terrorism and Genocide Against the People of Venezuela By Carla Stea, May 03, 2019
US Imposes Illegal and Deadly Sanctions on Venezuela in David vs. Goliath Battle By Edward B. Winslow, May 03, 2019
U.S. Government Plan, Dated 23 February 2018, for Coup in Venezuela, Now Leaks Out By Eric Zuesse, May 03, 2019
Iran Designates as “Terrorists” All US Troops in the Middle East By Middle East Monitor, May 03, 2019
US Presidential Elections: Ants at a Picnic By Philip A Farruggio, May 03, 2019
Extradition of Julian Assange Threatens Us All. Veteran Intelligence Professionals By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, May 03, 2019
Jordan on Edge Ahead of Unveiling of Trump’s “Peace Plan” for Palestine By Osama Al Sharif, May 03, 2019
Does America Have an Economy or Any Sense of Reality? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 03, 2019
Pompeo Lies, Cheats and Steals (But He’s Still a Good Christian) By Philip Giraldi, May 03, 2019
May Day 2019: Unite Against War in Venezuela! By Massoud Nayeri, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Craig Murray, Stephen Lendman, Peter Koenig, Jon Queally, and Kurt Nimmo, May 02, 2019
Failed US Regime Change Plots Against Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, May 02, 2019
American Imperialism and China’s May 4th Movement By Christopher Black, May 02, 2019
US Terror Attack on Venezuela Imminent By Kurt Nimmo, May 02, 2019
US Global Power: The Trump Period, The End of Unipolarity By Prof. James Petras, May 02, 2019
The Trumpian Style of “Regime Change”. John Bolton By Massoud Nayeri, May 02, 2019
The New York Times Apologizes for “Anti-Semitic” Cartoon While Enabling Racist Israeli Regime By Helen Buyniski, May 02, 2019
Joe Biden Sides with Trump, Bolton, and Pompeo in Backing Venezuela Coup Effort By Jon Queally, May 02, 2019
Venezuela: It’s Only a Coup if the US Government Says So By Alan MacLeod, May 02, 2019
Assange or Khashoggi: Whither Journalistic Standards? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 02, 2019
Video: America’s War on Venezuela Has Entered A “Hot Phase”? By South Front, May 02, 2019
Venezuela – Another Failed Coup Attempt – What’s Next? By Peter Koenig, May 02, 2019
Venezuelan Military Putsch Defeated as Leopoldo Lopez Takes Refuge in Spanish Embassy By Ricardo Vaz, May 01, 2019
Video: “Clinton Foundation and IS Funded from the Same Sources”: Julian Assange interview with John Pilger By Julian Assange and John Pilger, May 01, 2019
How Trump Policies Exacerbate Income Inequality in America By Dr. Jack Rasmus and Fars News Agency, May 01, 2019
Predator Cops, Guilty of Sex Crimes Against Women and Children, Are a Menace to Society By John W. Whitehead, May 01, 2019
Zero Percent of US Corporate Media Commentators Oppose Regime Change in Venezuela By Teddy Ostrow, May 01, 2019
Trump EPA Sides with Bayer/Monsanto over Science, Claims Cancer-Causing Glyphosate Weedkiller ‘Safe’ By EWG, May 01, 2019
Venezuela and Binary Choice: Juan Guaido’s Coup Attempt By Craig Murray, May 01, 2019
Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Trump Administration’s Attempt to Impose U.S. Puppet Government on People of Venezuela By Black Alliance for Peace, May 01, 2019
Venezuela: Failed Military Coup in Caracas. Leopold Lopez Seeks Refuge at Spanish Embassy By, May 01, 2019
Just Another Spring in Progress? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 30, 2019