The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Biden-Blinken Failed Diplomacy Results in Genocide in Gaza By Steven Sahiounie, November 09, 2023
The Weaponization of “Disinformation” Pseudo-experts and Bureaucrats: How the Federal Government Partnered with Universities to Censor Americans’ Political Speech By Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, November 09, 2023
White House Orders Pentagon Airstrikes on Eastern Syria By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 09, 2023
The Free Speech Exception. Support for Palestinian Rights Is Facing a McCarthyite Backlash. By Radhika Sainath, November 08, 2023
Stop Drinking the “Political Kool-Aid”, America: Voting Will Not Save Us By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, November 08, 2023
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Over Ten Thousand Killed in Gaza as Biden Administration Transfers More Weapons to the IDF By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 08, 2023
Britain’s Special SAS Forces in Gaza. The ICC Must Investigate British Politicians for Gaza War Crimes. By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis, November 07, 2023
106 Years Ago: Russia’s October Revolution: The Legend and the Legacy By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 07, 2023
Australia’s Secret Support for the Israeli Assault on Gaza, Through the U.S. Pine Gap Surveillance By Peter Cronau, November 07, 2023
False Claims that Iran is Developing Nuclear Weapons: US House Quietly Passed Resolution (H. RES. 559) that Allows Using Force Against Iran By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and U.S. House of Representatives, November 06, 2023
Gaza: US and the West Support Israel’s Crimes Against Humanity By Peter Koenig, November 06, 2023
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman (MBS) Refuses to Stand with the US and Israel Against the Palestinians By Steven Sahiounie, November 06, 2023
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The US Was Never About Freedom and Democracy By Jim Miles, November 04, 2023
The United States Has Its Fingerprints All Over the Chaos in Haiti By Branko Marcetic, November 04, 2023
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The US Is Fueling, Not Avoiding, a Regional War By Hasan Illaik, November 03, 2023
The World Say No to US Blockade of Cuba By CODEPINK, November 03, 2023
Ukraine, the Pacific, the Middle East – How Many Wars Can Washington Endure? By Uriel Araujo, November 03, 2023
President Biden, Call a Ceasefire Now. Jewish Voice for Peace By Jewish Voice for Peace, November 02, 2023
“Cop Cities” in America: U.S. Domestic Militarization of Police Departments By Black Alliance for Peace, November 01, 2023
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“V for Vendetta”: Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It’s Time to Recalibrate the Government By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, November 01, 2023
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White House and Pentagon Directing IDF Genocidal War in Gaza By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 01, 2023
Is the U.S. Government the “Cash Cow” for Politicians? “How Did They Get So Rich?” By Philip Giraldi, November 01, 2023
US Congress: Reject Bill to Support Forced Israeli Displacement of Palestinians to Third Countries By Democracy for the Arab World Now, October 31, 2023
US Stands Isolated in Backing Gaza Massacre By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 31, 2023
The New Cold War in the Arctic. U.S. Military Installations in Greenland By Adam Federman, October 31, 2023
Did Russia Really “Steal” American Hypersonic Technology? Or Does the U.S. “Lag Far Behind”? By Drago Bosnic, October 30, 2023
Alleged “Democracies” and Middle East Kingdoms Share Responsibility for Gaza Massacre By Azhar Azam, October 30, 2023
US Secretly Expands Classified Military Base in Occupied Territories: Report By Pars Today, October 30, 2023
March 9, 2022: Biden Signed the Death Warrant on American Freedom. The Digital Takeover of the Financial System By James G. Rickards, October 30, 2023
10 Questions for US Media Covering Gaza War. Ralph Nader By Ralph Nader, October 30, 2023
U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel By Ken Klippenstein and Daniel Boguslaw, October 30, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Israel Plans to Flood Hamas Tunnels with Nerve Gas, Source Says By David Hearst, October 30, 2023
Thou Shalt Not Kill. Dennis Kucinich By Dennis Kucinich, October 30, 2023
Biden’s Bungles Over Gaza By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 29, 2023
Widening the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Yellow Journalism Stoking Potential War on Iran By Jeremy Kuzmarov, October 29, 2023
Large Scale U.S. Military Buildup in the Middle East: Is America Preparing to Launch World War III? By Asad Ismi and Nick Allen, October 28, 2023
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Jolly Little Wars. US President Joe Biden Has Declared Himself a ‘War President’ By Eric Margolis, October 27, 2023
Western Militaries’ Growing Role in Israel’s Gaza Campaign: U.S. Marine Generals and Special Ops. on the Ground as France Advocates Coalition Involvement By Military Watch Magazine, October 27, 2023
Joe Biden’s Armageddon, from Gaza to Ukraine By Aaron Mate, October 27, 2023
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New House Speaker Mike Johnson, an Evangelical Christian, Holds Ties to Israel’s Far Right By Ben Samuels, October 26, 2023
The US Has Betrayed Egypt Again By Steven Sahiounie, October 26, 2023
In Solidarity with Palestine: A Surge in Suppression. How The Guardian Applies Censorship By Dylan Saba, October 25, 2023
Israel a ‘Nuclear Wildcard’ on ‘Dangerous Road to Armageddon’: Col. Douglas Macgregor By Zero Hedge, Douglas Macgregor, and Tucker Carlson, October 25, 2023
Scorched Earth Campaign: Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza, The Cruelest Weapon of War — Starvation. “Let Them Eat Cement”. Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, October 25, 2023
Jews Say Ceasefire Now: Calls for Ceasefire Are Growing Rapidly, and the Mainstream Media Has Noticed. By Jewish Voice for Peace, October 25, 2023
NewsGuard and US Government Sued by Consortium News. Musk Slams ‘Scam’ By Zero Hedge, October 25, 2023
Assange Freedom May be Pivotal in Australia’s Support for US Cold War with China By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, October 25, 2023
Biden Claims CIA and Pentagon Determined Gaza Hospital Strike Originated in Gaza—But Where’s the Proof? By John Kiriakou, October 25, 2023
United Nations Resolutions for a Ceasefire in Gaza Blocked by Washington and Its Allies By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 25, 2023
Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, October 25, 2023
Bobby Kennedy, Israel, and the Hypocrisy of Peace and Diplomacy By Scott Ritter, October 25, 2023
Video: How Fruitless Is Collective Punishment? “Does the US support the Unbridled Invasion of Gaza by the Israeli Military?” Judge Andrew Napolitano with Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 24, 2023
Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’ By Rep. Ron Paul, October 24, 2023
Biden Gives Booster Dose to the Faltering Ukraine War By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 24, 2023
US Sending More Weapons to the Middle East By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 24, 2023
Wiping Palestinians Off the Map Is Prepping for Armageddon: Netanyahu’s False Flag Exposed By Joachim Hagopian, October 23, 2023
Is America Preparing for Nuclear War? Explosion at Nevada Nuclear Test Site By Jack Phillips, October 23, 2023
Biden Will Not Escape History’s Judgement for Failure to Stop Gaza Assault. Ralph Nader By Ralph Nader, October 23, 2023
A “McCarthyite Backlash” Against Pro-Palestine Speech By Alex Kane, October 23, 2023
Going All-in for Israel May Make Biden Complicit in Genocide By Alice Speri, October 23, 2023
What Is Biden Telling Bibi? Seymour Hersh By Seymour M. Hersh, October 23, 2023
The Damage Israel Does. Constitutional Rights and Genuine National Interests Are Ignored as Governments Surrender to Jewish Power. Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi, October 23, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Is the US Complicit in Israel’s Alleged Use of White Phosphorous in Gaza? By Umar A Farooq, October 23, 2023
Israel’s 9/11: Fighting Terror through NAKBA 2.0 By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Ken Stone, Robert Inlakesh, and Philip Giraldi, October 21, 2023
Robo-Takeover: Amazon Tests Humanoid Robot in Fulfillment Center By Zero Hedge, October 20, 2023
Echoes of Dr. Strangelove: “Volatile Security Environment”, The last Thing we Need is “a Superpower Nuclear Arms Race” By William D. Hartung, October 20, 2023
500 Arrested at Capitol as Jewish Activists Demand Gaza Ceasefire By Michael Arria, October 20, 2023
We Need to Disarm the Discourse against China By Cale Holmes and Lawson Adams, October 20, 2023
Biden’s Speech Inflames Republicans. “Asks for no less handout than $100 billion” By Karsten Riise, October 20, 2023