The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Video: ‘Do Not Trust the Medical or the National Security Establishment!”: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Daniel McAdams, August 16, 2020
Distance Learning Plan (DLP) Destroys Education, Based on Flawed Covid Figures: Letter to Superintendents of Public Schools in Minnesota By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 16, 2020
The United Arab Emirates and Israel Join Hands: Great for Trump but More Bad News for the Middle East By Philip Giraldi, August 16, 2020
Thailand Prime Minister Questions Protest Funding By Tony Cartalucci, August 14, 2020
Trump Targets TikTok Social Media Platform, Escalates Trade War Between the U.S. and China By Paul Antonopoulos, August 14, 2020
Critical Assessment of Kamala Harris for Vice President By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 14, 2020
Don’t be Hoodwinked by Trump’s UAE-Israel “Peace Deal” By Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold, August 14, 2020
Massive Evictions Will Compound the Public Health Crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 14, 2020
Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci Regarding the Use of Hydroxychloroquine for Treating COVID-19 By Dr. George C. Fareed and et al., August 14, 2020
Watching the Watchers: Canadian War Technologies in the Surveillance of US Anti-Racism Protests By Richard Sanders, August 14, 2020
October Surprise: Will War with Iran be Trump’s Election Eve Shocker? By Bob Dreyfuss, August 13, 2020
Is Joe Biden Cognitively Impaired? President Kamala Harris? By Stephen Lendman, August 13, 2020
US Color Revolutions: From Eastern Europe to Egypt, Iran, Now Lebanon By Karsten Riise, August 13, 2020
Belarus – A Color Revolution of a Different Shade? By Peter Koenig, August 13, 2020
Black People Confront Racist Violence By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 13, 2020
Disbelief and Denial in the West as Russia Produces First COVID Vaccine By Johanna Ross, August 13, 2020
US Military Presence: Special Forces Active in 22 African Countries By Alan MacLeod, August 13, 2020
Kamala Harris: Where Does Biden’s Running Mate Stand on Middle East Issues? By Ali Harb, August 13, 2020
Trump: If I Lose to Biden, Get Ready to ‘Have to Learn to Speak Chinese’ By Justin Baragona, August 13, 2020
Making Excuses for Trump: Where Does the Buck Stop? By Philip Giraldi, August 13, 2020
Spying on Journalists By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 13, 2020
Mohammed bin Salman Faces His Biggest Threat to the Throne. US Law Suit against Saudi Crown Prince By Steven Sahiounie, August 12, 2020
Guyana Geopolitics: Washington’s New Game Plan Against Venezuela By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 12, 2020
Mass Looting in Chicago, My Neighborhood Under Siege By Stephen Lendman, August 12, 2020
Joe Biden Picks Kamala Harris as Running Mate. Biden-Harris vs. Trump-Pence. Who is Kamala Harris? By Stephen Lendman, August 12, 2020
This Is America: Where Fascism, Totalitarianism and Militarism Go Hand in Hand By John W. Whitehead, August 12, 2020
The Medical Assessment of Covid: America Desperately Needs a “Second Opinion” By Jeff Harris, August 12, 2020
#WhiteHouseSiege – This Group Plans to “Lay Siege to” and “Occupy” the White House Next Month By Daisy Luther, August 12, 2020
A Courageous Family Needs Your Help to Seek Justice for the Murder of Their Son on 9/11 By Richard Gage, August 12, 2020
Exposing US Color Revolution in Thailand Aimed at China By Tony Cartalucci, August 12, 2020
The U.S. Presidential Election: A Referendum on Donald Trump’s Character or a Campaign on Law-and-Order? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, August 12, 2020
Serbia’s Intention to Buy Chinese Weapons. US Concerns By Paul Antonopoulos, August 12, 2020
Bailing on Boeing: Order Cancellations Exceed New Sales for Sixth Straight Month By Zero Hedge, August 12, 2020
End Torture and Medical Neglect of Julian Assange By Dr. C. Stephen Frost, Dr. Lissa Johnson, Jill Stein, and et al., August 11, 2020
Don’t Stigmatise the Nuke! Opponents of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 11, 2020
U.S. and China Will Not Go to War Before the Presidential Elections as Some Speculate By Paul Antonopoulos, August 11, 2020
Coronavirus Is the New ‘Terrorism’ By Rep. Ron Paul, August 11, 2020
America’s Political Crisis: Organized Riots and the Economic Lockdown By Renee Parsons, August 11, 2020
The Flaw in the US Plan to Rally Democracies Against China By Sholto Byrnes, August 11, 2020
DNC Delegates: Biden Team ‘A Horror Show’ of ‘Disastrous’ Foreign Interventionism By Barbara Boland, August 11, 2020
Tracking Apps Are Unlikely to Help Stop COVID-19 By Jay Stanley and Jon Callas, August 11, 2020
Trump Appoints Disgraced Iran-Contra Hawk Elliott Abrams as Iran Envoy By Alan MacLeod, August 10, 2020
Elliott Abrams’ Appointment as the Next U.S. Special Representative for Iran. Spells Disaster By Medea Benjamin, August 10, 2020
COVID as a Pretext to Prevent the Reopening of Schools: Deceit and Demagoguery in Montgomery County, Maryland By James Bovard, August 10, 2020
Brent Scowcroft: Could He Have Stopped the 2003 Invasion Of Iraq? By Ray McGovern, August 10, 2020
US Crimes Against Humanity at Home and Abroad By Bill Hackwell and Alicia Jrapko, August 10, 2020
Era of US Domination of Latin America Coming to an End: Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 10, 2020
6 Questions an Honest, Intelligent Reporter Would Ask Dr. Fauci About COVID-19 By Stacey Lennox, August 10, 2020
Unending “9/11s”, “A Sad Kind of Freedom.”: “Dear USA, Your 9/11 is our 24/7.” “False Flag Atrocities” By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 10, 2020
The Jakarta Method: How the U.S. Used Mass Murder to Beat Communism By Daniel Larison, August 10, 2020
Nicaragua – Singing in the Rain. The USAID Project to Destroy the Sandinista Movement By Stephen Sefton, August 10, 2020
Trump’s Payroll Tax Deferral Aims to Weaken and Kill Social Security and Medicare By Stephen Lendman, August 10, 2020
Trump Usurps Congressional Appropriations Authority By Stephen Lendman, August 10, 2020
Don’t Delay Military Withdrawal from the Middle East By Gareth Porter, August 10, 2020
War Crimes in Afghanistan Covered up by UK Ministry of Defence By Jean Shaoul, August 10, 2020
Hiroshima and the Glorification of American Militarism By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 10, 2020
Covid-19 and the “Greater Economic Depression” Exceeding the 1930s: Unemployment Armageddon By Stephen Lendman, August 09, 2020
Australia: Willing Pawn in US Conflict with China By Tony Cartalucci, August 09, 2020
Video: Dr. Judy Mikovits and the Real Plague Infecting Humanity By Mark Taliano, Dr. Judy Mikovits, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr, August 09, 2020
Selective Maritime Rules: The United States, Diego Garcia and International Law By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 09, 2020
Academia Stoops to Defamation over Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Groundless Accusations against 2 World-class Scientists By Elizabeth Woodworth, August 09, 2020
Trump Scuttles Economic Stimulus Negotiations. What Next? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 09, 2020
Covid-19: Questionable Policies, Manipulated Rules of Data Collection and Reporting. Is It Safe for Students to Return to School? By H. Ealy, M. McEvoy, and et al., August 09, 2020
Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook: The Big Four High Tech Oligarchs Appear Before the US Congress By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 07, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), A Cure for COVID-19: Smear Campaign against US Doctors. Promotion of Hazardous Mass-Vaxxing By Stephen Lendman, August 07, 2020
Intimidation and Censorship Campaign against Online Independent Media By Andrew Korybko, August 07, 2020
Death From the Sky: Hiroshima and Normalised Atrocities By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 07, 2020
The Heart of the Matter in the South China Sea By Pepe Escobar, August 07, 2020
Impacts of 5G Wireless Radiation on Children’s Health: CHD Law Suit against FCC By Children’s Health Defense, August 07, 2020
“Conspiracy Theory” – What Is It? By Peter Koenig, August 06, 2020
Voting Fraud Is Real: The U.S. Electoral System Is Vulnerable By Philip Giraldi, August 06, 2020
On the Enduring Significance of Hiroshima after 75 Years By Canadian Peace Congress, August 06, 2020
Can Trump Legally Suspend Payroll Taxes by Executive Order? By Stephen Lendman, August 06, 2020
“Weapons of Mass Radiation”: Hundreds of 5G Spy Satellites Launched into the Ionosphere By Julian Rose, August 06, 2020
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS): To Nancy Pelosi — Did Russia Hack the DNC Emails? By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, August 06, 2020
Huawei and 5G Technology. US-China Confrontation By Azhar Azam, August 06, 2020
The Lessons We Haven’t Learned By Dr. Helen Caldicott, August 06, 2020
Trump Administration Approves the “Stealing” of Syria’s Oil By TRT World, August 06, 2020
Covid Aid, Relief and Economic Security. The CARES Act: Is the Money is Going the More Prosperous Neighbourhoods? By Bart Naylor and Ann Garrison, August 06, 2020
Legacies of African American Struggle: Rev. C.T. Vivian and Rep. John Lewis Efforts to Dismantle “Legalized Segregation” By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 06, 2020